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Safaris in Tanzania

Tanzania, a nation of unrivalled beauty, unveils some of the planet's most astonishing wildlife within its famous reserve areas – the majestic Ngorongoro Crater, the endless Serengeti, and the captivating Tarangire National Park.

Safaris in Tanzania are guaranteed to leave a huge impact on travellers, with the vast expanse of Serengeti grasslands serving as a backdrop for graceful giraffes and other captivating wildlife. Venture to Manyara, a realm where lions ascend Umbrella Thorn trees or enter the timeless Ngorongoro Crater, teeming with elephants, lions, buffalo and black rhino.

Highlight of Tanzania

Ngorongoro Crater stands as an awe-inspiring marvel, within Tanzania's dramatic landscape. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is an ancient volcanic crater that spans almost 20 kilometers in diameter, hosting a thriving ecosystem of diverse wildlife. Home to lions, elephants, buffalo, and even the elusive black rhino, the Ngorongoro creates a unique opportunity for wildlife enthusiasts to witness these creatures in their natural habitat.

What to do in Tanzania

Family Adventures in Tanzania

Tailored for families, a Tanzania safari holiday offers a precious experience that will leave a lasting impact on people of all ages. Witness the majestic gatherings of elephants, zebra, and wildebeest in the remarkable national parks alongside the people you love. With expert, child friendly guides, search the planes for iconic rhino, lion, leopard, buffalo, and elephant. Engage in a walking safari within Arusha National Park and discover the art of Tinga Tinga painting, creating family stories that will be shared for years to come.

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Safari with Indigenous Tribes

What better way to see Tanzania’s breathtaking national parks and wildlife than accompanied by members of indigenous tribes who know this natural landscape better than anyone? Local Maasai guides lead captivating walks in the shadow of the awe-inspiring Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano, and tell tales and insights into life along Lake Eyasi's shores. The Hadzabe, Tanzania's last hunter-gatherer community, grant a rare opportunity to delve into their traditional way of life. Participate in activities ranging from crafting arrows to attempting archery or even joining a hunt for sustenance.

More Information About Tanzania

The optimal time to for a Tanzanian Safari is during the extended dry season, spanning from July to September. These months are renowned for exceptional safari experiences, witnessing the Great Migration, and embarking on treks.

Best Places for a Safari in Tanzania


Embark on an unforgettable adventure in Tanzania, where the Serengeti National Park awaits to captivate your senses. Here, you'll immerse yourself in the raw and untamed beauty of the African plains, where the horizon seems endless, and every moment is a testament to the wild's enduring spirit. Picture zebra, lion, and giraffe gracefully walking against the backdrop of the African skyline, a sight that etches itself into your memory forever.


On a safari in Tanzania’s Tarangire National Park, prepare to be awestruck by the sheer magnitude of the elephant herds that roam its sprawling landscapes. Witnessing these gentle giants in their natural habitat, with their families in tow, is a humbling and heartwarming experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.

Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro Crater, often dubbed the "Garden of Eden," beckons to those in search of the Big Five - the rhino, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and lion. Descend into the world's largest inactive, intact volcanic caldera, and prepare to be mesmerized as these majestic creatures roam freely in their picturesque sanctuary. The perfect place for a safari in Tanzania.

Lake Manyara

Be sure to visit Lake Manyara National Park on your Tanzania safari and be introduced to a unique spectacle: lions that have developed the unusual habit of climbing trees and lounging in their leafy canopies. This rare behavior is a testament to the adaptability of Tanzania's wildlife and offers a truly unique safari experience.

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