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1806 Total Reviews

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A brilliant snow shoe holiday with good accommodation.
Snowshoeing in Canada and Yellowstone National Park
This two- centred holiday gave the opportunity to explore the alpine nature of the Canadian Rockies as well as the awesome geology of Yellowstone National Park. The guides were competent, confident, well informed and did all they could to ensure everyone had a positive experience. I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to do some 'back country' walking. The accommodation arrangements enabled us to have some personal space and was probably the most luxurious we have stayed in while on a snow shoe holiday.
By Pauline from WOKING | 16 February 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Exellent adventure
Italian High Level Route
I went on this trip to with my son and his mate to selebrate his 40th birthday. I didn't know what to expect. The guides were great friendly and helpful but very professional, safety being very high on the agenda. Glazier walking is a unique experience. The weather was exeptionally warm which meant the top surfaces were soft making it very difficult to walk on and increased the possibility of cerac collapse it certainly concerned the guides who were cautious resulting in us only summiting twice. We had two drop into crevasses up to their waist, roped up and not a proplem as they were immediately extracted. Apparently it's only an issue if you go in over your head. The views were spectacular. I coped well enough with the altitude which before the trip I was concerned about, only one person struggled the first couple of days but seemed to get better as the trip went on. The huts were good, sleeping accommodation was basic and the food was put on the table and you eat it but on the whole tasty and filling. I found staff at the huts friendly and helpful . All in all a great adventure.
By Stuart from Kenilworth | 15 February 2016
★ ★ ★
My Ecuador Experiences
Ecuador's Triple Crown
Firstly, as a country I would gladly recommend to anyone to visit and experience the mix of old and new, poor and well off, the traditional way off life v the more modern. I enjoyed the different accommodations we stayed in, especially the Tumbabiro hosteria and the home stay in the San Clemente area. I loved the food/meals we were served during our stays and when making our own choices of restaurants in the evenings. Also to the catering staff during our trekking, for making our breakfast, even ing meals and packed lunches, they did a fantastic job. our beginning and ending trip stays at the Casa Hebling in Quito was great the staff there were very helpful at all times. Our two main tour guides, Miguel and Joaquin, driver and main guide respectively were both great guys. Both friendly and helpful during the trip. So with all the good experiences mind from this trip, still the main reason for coming to Ecuador was to climb : _ Cayambe, Cotopaxi and Chimborazo. I firstly chose this trip because of my desire to climb Cotopaxi firstly and hopefully achieve other peaks. Now because Cotopaxi has been erupting and was out of bounds other travellers pulled out of the trip and when I arrived in Quito only 2 other people were on the trip and this would later impact myself later in the trip. I had prepared myself pretty well prior to this trip and knew from previous experiences that I normally acclimatised well but just a bit slower than others. so disappointment No.1 - Cotopaxi was out of bounds due to recent eruptions, obviously out of anyone's control but a big disappointment to myself. Disappointment No. 2 - Cayambe ascent, we failed to reach the top by about 200 metres due to glacier conditions and the amount of open crevasses. But during the ascent we were split into myself and another guy with one guide and the other person with the other guide. As we were ascending the did not stay close together and were doing there own thing. So when the guy who was roped with myself decided he could not carry on the two guides were no where near each others and Joaquin was not answering his radio. So then a lot of shouting took place to get his attention and in order for me to join the other guide we left the person who wanted return down on his own on the glacier whilst I crossed to the other guide. He must have been on his own for at least 20minutes if not longer, which I don't think is an appropriate action. The two guides should have been closer together for this very possibility. Major disappointment No.3 - Chimborazo ascent - prior to our ascent night from the refuge we climbed a separate section to the normal route and ascended to about 5500 -5600 metres, Now as the night ascent involved traversing along a ridge I don't understand why we did not climb close to this to get a understanding and feel for the route for the next day. On ascent night, I was paired with the same guy who was left with me on Cayambe and the other guy who struggled was with a separate guide. This is where the too small a group came into play and hindered my ascent. About 3 hours into the ascent traversing the ridge the guy I was ascending with slipped a number of times and became scared of falling plus to my mind there seemed to be a bit of confusion about the route by the guide. Also unbeknown to us the other guy had decided to return down with the other guide. So as soon as my climbing partner decided he wanted to descend, I was feeling fit and strong at this time, wanting to carry on and never got to attempt the summit. My heart sank as I never got the chance to climb Chimborazo. This I blame on the small group size and only having two guides. I will never get the chance to come back and do this trip again, all my prep and training went to waste which I believe with a group size of just three people impacted greatly on this trip.
By David from Calgary | 14 February 2016

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. We are pleased that you enjoyed your experience of Ecuador and that you thought our local staff, accommodations and meals were all excellent. Naturally, we share your disappointment at being unable to reach the three summits. Although KE has an excellent success rate on these peaks, they provide a real mountaineering challenge and can never be guaranteed. Your guide has informed us that conditions were particularly icy during your attempt on Cayambe and Chimborazo and that you did very well to almost reach the summits of these two volcanoes. We have a guide to client ratio of 1:2 for all the summits of the 'Triple Crown' irrespective of the size of the group. Clients are paired according to ability and each rope of 2 clients plus guide operates independently. This gives everyone taking part the optimum chance of success.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beyond expectations
Guatemala's Magnificent Seven
This was my first KE experience and I was very impressed with all aspects of it. The three guides were a delight, a major factor in the quality of the trip. The small group (6 in all) was a bonus - very friendly, compatible group. The variety of experiences gave us a good feel for the country. The terrain was more challenging than I expected with many of the trails steep, rocky and narrow. No real problems however. I enjoyed the food - great on the trail- one or two more up-scale experienc es in town might have been fun. I had a wonderful time - highly recommended. Richard
By Richard from Calgary | 14 February 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A challenging, beautiful walk
Patagonia - The Classic Paine Circuit
This is a magical area to walk. We were blessed with good weather, only a little rain at night and a distinct lack of the expected Patagonian wind! The views, mountains and glaciers were amazing. You do need to be fit, and some days were more challenging than others, with a lot of up and down. The camping is also a test. When you reach the busier W section of the walk the camp sites are busy, noisy, and the facilities are stretched beyond the limit. In spite of this, the holiday was excell ent - just take some ear plugs and a good sense of humour! The leaders, porters and cooks all took really good care of us. The camping also made me appreciate the calm and tranquillity of the Eco camp even more.
By Frances from Kendal | 13 February 2016
★ ★ ★ ★
Good way to get up Kilimanjaro with limited time available
Kilimanjaro Rongai Route
A well organised trip with good leaders and support crew, and a good schedule which made good use of the time available whilst giving the best chance of acclimatization to altitude. On a more negative point the tents were well worn and 'past there best'. Ground sheets seeped water and the underside of my thermarest was often wet. Also in heavy rain most tent fly sheets leaked on the seams allowing drips onto the inner tent and through to anything touching the inside. The trek notes also need rev ising. Tanzania shillings are not really required on this trip. There is nowhere on the mountain to spend any money, and any pre spending on drink/food items for the trek and post trek spending (including tips) can be made in US Dollars. A yellow fever certificate was demanded at Kilimanjaro airport immigration. Fortunately I had one, but the trek notes indicate that this is not required unless transiting through a risk area for more than 12 hours.
By Michael from LEEDS | 09 February 2016

KE Adventure reply

Thank you Michael for your review and for your detailed feedback. We are sorry you experienced some heavy rain on your trip and that your flysheet leaked at the seams. Our tent stock for Kilimanjaro is inspected and replaced on a regular basis and each year our ground agent acquires a substantial amount of Mountain Hardware Trango 3 tents. Your group should have had access to the newest tents and we are investigating this issue following your feedback. It is possible to spend US dollars on this holiday but we recommend that you obtain some Tanzanian Shillings on arrival at the airport. This is especially useful if you are making small purchases such as snacks or drinks from the supermarket. We are unsure why you were asked to produce a Yellow Fever certificate on arrival and this is a departure from the norm. The current advice of the 'International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers' is that "a Yellow Fever vaccination certificate is only required for travellers coming from – or who are in airport transit for more than 12 hours within – a country with risk of Yellow Fever transmission". It is good to know that the trip was well organised with good leaders and support crew and that the trekking schedule gave the best chance of acclimatisation - the secret of success on Kilimanjaro! Feedback such as yours plays a vital part in this as it enables us to chase up any problems and is much appreciated.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fascinating and insightful, with a challenging mountain trek
Camino Cubano
Cuba is not a trekking destination in the classic sense, but this trip offers walkers the chance to get out into a couple of mountainous areas as well as to visit some of the most significant cities and locations in Cuba's turbulent history. Be under no illusion, you are on a tourist circuit and it is becoming very popular, so you will be with many other groups in most hotels. The only unique part is the trek up Pico Turquino. This is muddy, steep and relentless, you need to be fit. But it's wel l worth the effort, even though the hoped-for view from the top is currently obscured by tree tops. El Salton is also small and quiet, with a well led eco-walk. Everywhere the coffee is to die for, and it's fun to compare cocktails in each location. Cuba is a big island and transfers are long - but the journeys are worth it as you become more and more immersed in the history and start to develop a better perspective on the revolution and the regime that has been in place for nearly sixty years. For all of us, this was the biggest takeaway - a depth of interest and understanding that you can only gain by visiting Cuba. Advice: 1. Costs mount up quickly with things like drinks more expensive than you might expect; it's better to exchange a bit more money and be generous with your tips. 2. Learn some Spanish, it will make a big difference. Download a Spanish dictionary on your smartphone (one that doesn't require wifi) to help you read the info in museums. 3. Read up on the history to link it all together in the right order (even if only the relevant section of your guidebook). 4. Take at least one set of medium-weight clothes - it was wetter and chillier than I expected to start with (January) and much hotter in the Caribbean south than the Atlantic north. 5. It's a hotel based holiday and you have to lug your bags around a lot; pack light and take a wheelie rather than a trek bag. 6. Take a big dose of patience with you and be prepared to go with the flow.
By Alison from WINDERMERE | 08 February 2016
★ ★ ★ ★
Corsica - French but Friendlier
Road Cycling Tour of Corsica
Booked originally as a replacement for a Raid tour which did not happen, this was a great choice. Some challenging but manageable climbs, and some stunning and twisty descents run on mostly good roads and in ideal weather conditions. Daily picnic lunches were excellent. Accommodation was great, with evening meals often in beautiful locations, including a beach and a city square. Several early punctures on the way from the airport, caused by insufficient inflation. Make sure you pump up the vo lume on day 1. Overall a great trip.
By Stephen from COVENTRY | 06 February 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An amazing way to explore Oman
Oman Adventure Trekking

Although there is less walking than anticipated and the walking is easier than advertised, this is an amazing trip in a beautiful country. We also had the chance to swap a day of walking in the mountains against a day in the desert with sunrise and sunset walks. It would be a shame to go to Oman and not to see the awesome sand dunes. KE should change the itinerary definitively. Overall incredible landscapes, stunning mountains, great culture and above all great people.

By Thierry from LONDON | 01 February 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The trip delivered as promised
Guatemala's Magnificent Seven
We were very fortunate to witness an eruption of Fuego from less that half a mile away. We were camping at the usual campsite on the side of Acatenango while Fuego performed spectacularly for 30 hours.. The remaining volcanos were less exciting, but excellent tough climbs (and descents). The country is lovely - much of it forested and also with extensive small-scale farming which is done with little mechanical assistance on well-tended and often steep ground. The guides (Luis, Mario & Alehan dro) were very good and very helpful. All the meals in town were in good quality restaurants and the hotels were fine better than I expected) - one was a bit 'tired' but the showers worked and everything was clean. Mario's camp-site cooking was a marvel and Luis passed on stacks of information about the country's history, politics and culture. The campsites were quite high up and got quite cold in the evenings - and more so in the early morning for the climbs to watch the sun rise on the summits. . The zero degree warning did not exaggerate (our breath settled as ice on the inside of the tents) I would suggest take a full down jacket and good gloves for these few hours. Some of the summits are made less pleasant by extensive litter - our group was well-organised and did not contribute to the problem, but its clear that not everyone is so disciplined. Antigua seems the nicest town in the country - I would suggest a 2-3 hour walking tour early in the trip would add to the overall trip - the places to go for food, drink, souvenirs etc. are not very obvious or easy to find.
By Anthony from MACCLESFIELD | 31 January 2016
A Pan-American Adventure; Part 2.2 – The Trek
Ausangate Circuit and Machu Picchu

Having finally got my images back from the photolab, I have written separate blog posts following our KE itinerary for the Ausangate Circuit Trek. These include scanned analogue photographic images and some brief musings.

You can find the current posts at the following links, I will be posting more about the subsequent components of the itinerary:


Subsequent posts will follow at my blog and other social media outlets.

By Sidhartha from SHEFFIELD | 29 January 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Can't recommend enough - fantastic!
Edge of the Sahara Trek
I did this Trek holiday in January 2016 and had an absolutely fantastic time - it exceeded all my expectations. The organisation was fantastic and everything was thought through and provided for. Amazing fixed camps; delicious and healthy, fresh food at every meal; authentic Moroccan tea on tap; super helpful support team; the best guide ever! Hassan was a dream and I can't praise him highly enough - he was the highlight of my trip with his enthusiasm, knowledge and genuine care. He helped the g roup gel, kept us all on track, told jokes, kept us informed of plans each day and was happy to help with anything we needed. I also loved the elements of the organised trip that I wouldn't have got had I gone independently; the trip to a local spices shop with a short talk on different spices and their uses/health benefits; horse and carriage ride around Marrakesh after the final group meal; seeing the largest palm grove in Morocco etc. I would recommend this trip (and any with KE) to anyone, regardless of ability or previous experience and will definitely look to book another adventure with KE in the very near future!
By Georgina from LONDON | 24 January 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Golden Hills of Burma
Golden Hills of Burma
This was an excellent trip combining walking, sights and culture. The itinerary gets the balance rights and was just what we were hoping for. Our guide Sai was superb. His energy, enthusiasm and knowledge were undimmed throughout the trip. The country is coming out of a long period of military rule and is not tarnished by the kind of tourism that has affected more "developed" parts of SE Asia. The people are friendly, open and interested in visitors. However, it was Sai who brought this to life; we would not have had such a rich experience without him.
By Stuart from San Diego | 20 January 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yallah ( lets go) - Oman, a Trekker's paradise
Oman Adventure Trekking
Jagged Mountains, Wadis and the desert are all part of a magical geological landscape in Oman. I watched beautiful sunrises, sunsets and of course, amazing stars. I am very thankful to Wafa, our guide and her support team. Wafa took me under her wings, and within one week thanks to her, I became an experienced Trekker and Scrambler 'thank you Wafa', it is an unforgettable holiday for me. Swimming in stunning Wadis and an incredible (not on the original itinerary) but an experience not be missed, a trip in the desert. We had wonderful food and packed lunches produced nightly by Wafa and her support team, especially the trail mix which Wafa made up for everyone in the group. The group was very supportive and really, thank you everyone who was part of this trip.
By Edith from SCHAFFHAUSEN | 17 January 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holiday of a lifetime!
Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
I went on this holiday at the end of September, and I can honestly say it was one of the best experiences of my life. Walking through the Sungate and seeing Machu Picchu for the first time made all those steps worth it! The trek is tough in places but not impossible, and you see some amazing views on the way! The guide and porters were amazing, not forgetting the Chef, who cooked some amazing food! Cusco is also an amazing city, and I am so glad I had a day at the start of the holiday to exp lore it for myself! I would recommend getting a full pass for various attractions, although only if you're prepared to have a pretty none stop day! The guide also recommended visiting the market in Cusco. which is an authentic market where people from Cusco buy their food. Worth a visit! All in all an amazing holiday, and would recommend it to anyone looking for a mix of city and outdoors and needs a break from the norm! x
By Christina from LONDON | 16 January 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bhutan Thunder Dragon Ride

Great trip!

By Charles from LONDON | 15 January 2016
★ ★ ★
Great location but room for improvement
From the Pacific to the Caribbean
There are few holidays which enable you to swim in two great oceans in one holiday. This is a verdant and beautiful part of the world where the warm weather was reflected in the warmth of local people. The itinerary was packed with some amazing experiences but perhaps too much time in the minibus...particularly for a multi-activity based holiday. The kayaking experiences were great and the visit to the Mayan site in Copan, Honduras was magical although rushed. We had a spectacular transit from N icaragua into El Salvador, by boat, with a fantastic seafood lunch, en route - this was a highlight. The accommodation did not always reflect what was advertised. A beach front hotel did not always transpire as such. The guide's level of English resulted in poor communication and was often incomprehensible so we missed out or could not comprehend important and interesting information about the locations and places of interest on our itinerary. I think this holiday could be improved and I would like to see more activity, more walking to explore the stunning subtropical forests, with more opportunity to view wildlife.
By Ruth from Bristol | 13 January 2016

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review and we share your enthusiasm for this part of the world. There is always room for improvement, especially in a new and exciting adventure travel destination and we value your feedback as part of this process. We had looked into what happened on your December trip following the review from your fellow group member and we will contact you directly with a full response.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bucket list holiday which didn't disappoint!
Arctic Wilderness Week Finland
This is a trip which my wife and I always wanted to go on. We've recently returned and i have to say it was first class. The hotel was in a great location and was really lovely. The staff were very helpful and the food and service in their restaurant was first rate. My wife is a veggie but they made some excellent meals for her and i ate a lot of the meat on offer. What made this holiday special was the trips. The snowmobiling is good fun and the snowshoeing is ok. The hotel is also at the top of a ski slope but you will have done all the slopes in a morning even if you are a beginner but its a nice break on your day off. The best thing is the huskies. You get taken out to a farm where there are about 80 huskies. we shared a sledge for the first two days and on the third day we were in control of our own sledge with our own dogs. I can't explain how much fun it was being with the digs and then stopping for a picnic which was sausages, soup and toasties over a camp fire in the middle of a snowy forest. It's amazing. We stayed out in a lodge which was a really nice idea. We cut out an ice hole and retrieved our own water so that the group of us could cook and fire up the sauna! It was a bucket list holiday which didn't disappoint. We even saw the northern lights on the last night. No special kit is required because they give you everything but we would recommend packing walking and skiing kit (especially base layers) to keep you warm. Ideal for couples or families - it's a wonderful trip!
By Nigel from SWINDON | 12 January 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful, well-orgainsed trip to a stunning location
Trails of the Amalfi Coast
We arrived in a village near Amalfi and we were treated to a wonderfully authentic time. Great food and friendly atmosphere and a lovely location. Amalfi itself was quite touristy and busy so we were pleased to be just outside. The guide (Rosa) was excellent. We walked most days except for the day when we went around Vesuvius and Pompeii. The walking was not difficult and the days were relatively short. This is a trip for almost all abilities. We has a lovely walk in the morning, then a f resh picnic and then finished off in a touristy location such as Ravello, Positano or Amalfi. The day trip was well organised and allowed us plenty of time to explore. We actually tagged on a couple of days in Naples which is worthwhile because its a pretty city and allows you time to see their old town, port area and Herculaneum. All in all, a great holiday and excellent value.
By Nigel from SWINDON | 12 January 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent in all aspects
Mount Khuiten Ascent

Wonderful! Thoroughly enjoyable and fascinating trip.

By Mark from DUNBLANE | 10 January 2016
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