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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An incredibly beautiful, enjoyable and challenging hiking experience!
Classic Tour du Mont Blanc
This hiking trip was wonderful! It was a good challenge with stunning scenery everyday. The trails were remarkable and our guide, Jonny, was helpful, knowledgeable, fun and flexible. He was an excellent guide. The accommodations and food were well organized and I was satisfied with both. It was a pleasure to focus on the hiking, scenery and the conversations as KE took care of everything else. This was a perfect vacation for me and I would recommend the Classic Tour de Mont Blanc and KE Adventur es to anyone!! I am hoping to try other KE adventures:).
By Margaret from LACOMBE | 14 September 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great Trip to Macedonia
Tastes and Trails of North Macedonia
I have just returned from a 7 day guided tour walking in Macedonia with 5 other friends. We were guided by Metodi Chilimanov who was excellent and added a huge amount to a very rewarding experience. His knowledge of the Balkans - their history, culture and politics - made the trip particularly interesting. He was professional in every sense - in leading the walks in the mountains and in organising each day, responding to changing weather conditions, and flexible with the itinerary. The combinati on of walks + sightseeing (museums, mosques, churches, castles etc made the trip very enjoyable. The hotels were either excellent, good or passable. The food is plentiful and delicious and the local Macedonian wine is a must. We ate in a variety of restaurants, all were good or excellent and the best (sitting by the lake in Ohrid) truly memorable experiences. Would highly recommend this country as a walking destination.
By Philip from SHREWSBURY | 14 September 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brilliant scenery & benefited from good weather, a classic trek.
Classic Tour du Mont Blanc

An excellent holiday in which you trek most of the sections of the 'Tour'. For the pedantic some sections are travelled by bus or cable car although with a little planning and a flexible & accommodating leader this minor dissappointment can be overcome e.g you can go back & walk the route from Les Houches to Col de Voza to finish with! Overall a trip thoroughly recommended with the proviso mentioned.

By Ernest from HEREFORD | 14 September 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ultimate Tour du Mont Blanc
This was an outstanding trip. Emma, our guide, was brilliant, and judged the group's abilities perfectly; it was challenging (with Dean's 'Strava' app showing 227 km walked, with 13,018 metres ascended in total), but took us on many less-trodden paths. Emma also inspired confidence as a very experienced mountain guide, and she took the right decisions regarding safety (for example, where the risk of rock-falls was too great to take us through the Fenetre d'Arpette). It&# 039;s difficult to identify 'highlights', because every day was brilliant, but it has to be said that Rifugio Bonatti (in Italy) and Cabane d'Orny (in Switzerland) are both in fantastic, imposing, locations. The group was also awesome; One couldn't have wished for better. Upbeat, fun, and easy to get along with: I would definitely love to hike with the same group again. As for practical arrangements; everything ran without a hitch, and the start/finish location (Yeti Lodge in Argentiere) was comfortable and welcoming. Overall; I would seriously consider doing this trip again, although I'm not sure how it could be bettered. I would like to thank the leader, Emma, the staff at Yeti Lodge, and KE Adventure, for making this a special trip, and my 9 fellow hikers for being such great company.
By Philip from EDINBURGH | 12 September 2015
★ ★ ★ ★
Great holiday with good company
The Pyrenees on Foot Walking Holiday
I had a wonderful time in a group of French speakers where I was the only English person. The guide was very professional and translated everything that I didn't quite get. The other members of the group were also very hospitable. Beautiful walks every day, even in the rain. The hotel was plain but clean. Food was amazing and they were able to cater for a varied range of diets.
I could have done all the walks unguided as there was nothing at a level I needed a guide for, however the
guide made all the difference in terms of explanations about the history and culture of the Pyrenees.
By Jak from HALIFAX | 12 September 2015
★ ★ ★ ★
Tatra mountains - a hidden gem.
High Tatras Trekking - The Carpathian Mountains

Excellent and fit group who gelled well together. Hubert was a knowledgeable, friendly and reliable guide who looked after us very well. Weather co-operated which always helps. Scenery wonderful and locals friendly. A successful trip I would happily recommend to others and which represents very good value for money.

By Peter from SHREWSBURY | 11 September 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An incredible and beautiful jam packed holiday!
Rysy Weekend in the Polish High Tatras
This trip was the first time I had done a KE holiday, or any holiday trekking abroad so I wasn't sure what to expect. From the initial booking through to flying home I was hugely impressed with how easy everything was and how everything just worked! Usually being a solo traveller, it was so nice to not have to worry about how I was going to get from A to B and I was able to relax and concentrate on the amazing scenery! Our guide, Anthony, was fantastic and really looked after us and really made the holiday for the 6 of us in my group. He was also incredibly knowledgeable and told us a lot about the botany and wildlife of the forests and mountains that we were walking through. On Day 1, after all meeting in Krakow and changing money, we got transport to near to the hut where we would be staying. It was a gentle hours walk through the forest to our hut, giving us the first glimpses of the Tatra mountains. The hut, nestled in the forest, looked like something out of a fairytale, and inside we were greeted with delicious warm food, cosy rooms and showers with underfloor heating! After a delicious meal we all headed to bed for an early night before our big climb the following day. When we were there, the weather forecast was predicting quite a lot of rain, and Anthony made the decision that to climb from the Polish side in these conditions would be difficult and unsafe. We all agreed that our goal was to reach the summit of Rysy, so he advised us that it would be best to climb from the Slovakian side, which would be better in the wet conditions. So, after an impressive breakfast and an hours walk from our hut to the road, we popped in a minibus and drove round to Slovakia! The walk up to Rysy was amazing. The clouds kept going up and down, sometimes covering the tops of the mountains, giving dramatic views where-ever you turned. It started off with gentle slight uphills through the forest, which took us to a hut by a beautiful lake for our first stop. From their the gradient got slightly steeper, as we started climbing a bit more, admiring the incredible views. The next stop was by the frog lake, where the cloud lifted and we got our first glimpse of Rysy and our goal. At that point it looked a long way away, but with a zigzagging steep path up, it began to get nearer and nearer. We had a short chain section, and as so far we'd managed to avoid the rain (which was all in the next valley on the Polish side!), it was a good fun scramble and before too long we were at the highest hut in the Tatras. We were almost in cloud here, and the temperature was noticeable cooler, so we didn't stop long before the last push to the summit. We were in cloud, but getting to the summit was a great feeling! We had the obligatory photos at the top, before making our descent. We were greeted by incredible views as we came out of the cloud and aimed again for the little hut an hour below us. A celebratory Kofola (coca-cola mixed with maple syrup!) at the hut fuelled us for the rest of the descent and when we got back to our hut that evening food had never tasted so good or sleep come so easily! I had been worried about keeping up with the group or how I would find the pace having not done this before, but the pace was really good, and Anthony looked after us really well. The whole group made it with no problem, and still back in time for tea! On the third day, and with slight aches (!), we had a much gentler walk through the forest, gradually ascending to a beautiful meadow which suddenly appears and when you turn around there is an amazing panoramic view of the Tatra mountians. Even though there was a bit of rain around, the view was sensational. Walking back down to the road, we got a bus to Zakopane, where we had almost two hours to look around, do a bit of shopping and grab some food. Then it was back to Krakow on a bus (where we all slept!) and a quick tram ride to our hotel. The hotel was great - clean rooms, comfy beds, very helpful staff and a quick tram ride from the centre. We had a few hours to relax here before meeting Anthony who gave us a quick guided tour of the city and then we went for our final dinner. This was in a beautifully decorated restaurant in the style of a highlanders cottage and was complete with Polish live music and traditional dancing! The food was delicious and we enjoyed sampling some excellent local cuisine! On the final day most people left to get flights in the morning. Three of us had later flights, so with the help of the very helpful hotel staff, we organised a day trip to Auschwitz, before returning to fly home. An amazing holiday - I can't wait to travel with KE again!
By Emma from LONDON | 11 September 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Extremely Memorable & Enjoyable
Ultimate Tour du Mont Blanc
This was an awesome trek for a number of reasons: - The scenery was fabulous every day - We were extremely fortunate that: * We had Emma Jack as our guide. Emma knew exactly the best routes to chose to suit the ability of the group (which was pretty fit!), the weather conditions and to give us the best opportunity to get the most we could out of the opportunity. Emma was very knowledgeable, had a great sense of humour and got on extremely well with everyone in the group. * The fitness level of t he group was pretty similar so that everyone could go reasonably close to their ideal pace - this was a pure fluke! * The weather was absoluterly perfect for the most critical 7 days of the trek when the scenery and views were at their best * We had a great group most of whom arrived not knowing the others - such a friendly and diverse bunch we blended and bonded really well together - The accommodation was generally very good and ideal for a group of trekkers - The quality of food ranged from good to very good and occcasionally excellent! - The whole trek was according to all members of the group very well organised abd represented excellent value for money. Well done Emma, KE and fellow trekkers!
By Peter from BIRMINGHAM | 10 September 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tremendously varied walking conditions, three day altitude acclimatisation
Cordillera Huayhuash Circuit

Excellent leader with a good attitude and lots of patience (needed with some of us). The three day acclimatisation could sound excessive but is not. Good quality tents and equipment. Food good and plentiful (where did those live chickens disappear to?). One of my best ever trips, Thanks Val

By David from GUISBOROUGH | 08 September 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing walking holiday, with fantastic views, food and guide
Classic Tour du Mont Blanc

This was an amazing trip - we had great weather, although 2 days slightly overcast. Our guide, Jonny, was awesome, he really knew his stuff, and made the experience better by giving us alternatives and add ons. The views were amazing.

By Mary from IPSWICH | 07 September 2015
KRS review from Brian Biddlecombe
Kilimanjaro and Safari
mountain was fantastic but strenuous, as you would expect, however it was the quality of the accommodation in the safari park and Arusha that made such a difference because it was so unexpected and compared to camping, luxurious.

Onex(our guide) was superb; he coaxed me up the mountain, was incredibly patient and always had a smile for us. Also I did not imagine the safari would be so good. Thought we might see a couple of animals but our guide in the park, Kes, was so
good at spotting the different species that he made the trip for us.

By Adventure from United Kingdom | 01 January 1984
WTI review from Elizabeth Norton
Walking Wild Tuscany
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I usually go for more 'hardcore' treks but on this occasion I was looking for a more relaxing experience. The whole week (hiking, scenery, accommodation, food, company) all met and far exceeded my expectations. I can't recommend this trip enough. A relaxing change for seasoned Trekkers or a great introduction for the uninitiated. I enjoyed everything - amazing accommodation, great food, good walking, great guide. The trip met and exceeded my expectations ! Our guide Lindsay was fabulous. Very, very personable. Great fun and a true outdoor professional. Always totally aware of the needs of each member of the group. She made the trip a real success! Fabulous accommodation at Lavacchio. A real gem. Luxurious, but homely. Ailsa and Jamie were extremely good hosts and made us feel like personal guests without being over-bearing. The quality of food was amazing! Delicious, healthy, homemade and homegrown where possible.
By Adventure from United Kingdom | 01 January 1984
DRMB review from Laurie Cohen
Bike Jordan Dead 2 Red
The itinerary was wonderful - it was extremely challenging, but this is how it was advertised. The support was absolutely outstanding - on every level - practical, psychological, emotional, social. Azif was an incredibly motivation and inspiring guy who made a huge contribution to the whole experience.

Raslan (our guide) was fantastic - hugely competent and knowledgeable. His skill and experience as a cyclist together with his great interpersonal skills meant that we always felt
that we were in extremely safe hands. At the same time he was extremely fun to be with.
By Adventure from United Kingdom | 01 January 1984
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