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Balkan Trilogy Road Cycle Tour

Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia
3 reviews
Available Departures: May, Sep, Oct

8 days from


without flights
Guided Group

A road cycling holiday in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro

Trip Code: BAMB
Holiday Grades

Our Holiday Grades Explained

To show the relative difficulty of our holidays, each trip is graded on a scale of 1 to 12, with 12 being the most challenging. Although we have tried to make our grading system as clear as possible, it cannot take into account your personal interests, abilities or experience. If you have any questions about the nature of a particular trip or its suitability for you, please read the 'Is this holiday for you?' section or contact us.


Suitable for most people in good health, holidays at this grade include only limited amounts of activity.

View leisurely holidays

Suitable for reasonably fit individuals, such as weekend walkers and cyclists. There can be the occasional more difficult day.

View moderate holidays

Physically challenging holidays, where you need to be prepared before you go.

View challenging holidays
10 - 12 TOUGH
10 - 12 TOUGH

Our toughest holidays, involving many long days, often in isolated areas. A high level of fitness and previous wilderness and mountain experience is essential.

View Tough holidays

Balkan Trilogy Road Cycle Tour

  • The best road cycling in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro

  • Cycle across Montenegro’s beautiful Lovcen National Park to Cetinje

  • Ride Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast and the Island of Korcula

  • Visit medieval towns such as Kotor and Dubrovnik, the jewel of the Adriatic

At a Glance
  • Group Size 4 to 16
  • 6 days cycling
  • 470 kilometres
  • 100% road
  • 100% vehicle support
  • Max. altitude - 1445m
  • Join In Dubrovnik

Accommodation & Meals
  • 7 Breakfasts
  • 6 Lunches
  • 2 Dinners
  • 6 nights Hotel
  • 1 nights Guesthouse

Adjacent to the Adriatic Sea and with a real flavour of the Mediterranean, the Balkan countries of Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro provide the backdrop for this spectacular week of road cycling. Starting and finishing our tour in the stunning coastal town of Dubrovnik means we have easy access to some of the best road rides in the region, taking us from the pretty villages and vineyards of the coastal strip up into the limestone massif of the Dinaric Alps.

The location of this tour also means that we will cross between these three adjoining countries on several occasions and have the opportunity to experience something of the variety of this beautiful and historically fascinating corner of Europe. We get a taste of what is to come on the very first day, with a hilly route through Bosnia-Herzegovina to the border with Montenegro, followed by a long descent and a picturesque coast road ride around the inner part of the Bay of Kotor. We then have a day of cycling in the rugged Lovcen National Park, with an amazing descent back to Kotor, followed on the next day with a great coastal ride up to Cavtat and some free time in the afternoon to check out one of the Adriatic’s prettiest seaside locations. Then it’s back up into Bosnia-Herzegovina, cycling for part of the day on a single track road that used to be a railway line, before returning through the Dinaric foothills to the Croatian coast at Ston. As a fitting finale, we spend two days on the sun-kissed Dalmatian Coast, cycling on the Peljesac Peninsula and the Island of Korcula. With a choice of low-cost flights to Dubrovnik, good hotels, all of the usual logistic support and six varied days of cycling, this is a new and exciting European holiday for road cyclists.

Is this holiday for you?

ROAD CYCLING. This holiday has 6 days of cycling, averaging around 80 kilometres and 1150 metres of ascent on each of those days. Whilst reasonably challenging, this is a holiday that should suit any regular weekend road cyclist. None of the days has more than 5 hours of actual cycling and there should be plenty of time for reflection and relaxation. Most of the riding is on quiet country roads, w …

ROAD CYCLING. This holiday has 6 days of cycling, averaging around 80 kilometres and 1150 metres of ascent on each of those days. Whilst reasonably challenging, this is a holiday that should suit any regular weekend road cyclist. None of the days has more than 5 hours of actual cycling and there should be plenty of time for reflection and relaxation. Most of the riding is on quiet country roads, with a just a few link-up sections on slightly busier roads. Throughout the holiday the group is totally supported - at the start of the day your kit will be loaded into the support vehicle and transported to the next overnight halt. Apart from the spare tube, multi-tool and pump that you would take on any day-ride, you will not be required to carry anything. A great mix of inland and coastal cycling, three different countries and good hotel accommodation makes this holiday a great choice for any keen road cyclist looking for a new and very different European destination early and late in the year. BIKE HIRE AVAILABLE LOCALLY.

Why KE?

Pioneering cycling holidays
With our long experience of working in the Balkans and of running road cycling holidays in other parts of Europe, we have put together a week-long holiday that should appeal both to keen road cyclists and to those with a sense of adventure looking for somewhere different. No-one else is offering a 1-week road cycling holiday in this beautiful and welcoming corner of Europe.



Meet at the group accommodation in Dubrovnik. A single group transfer from Dubrovnik Airport is provided. Depending on your flight time, you may have the opportunity to do some independent exploration in this famously beautiful city beside the Adriatic. If you are taking your own bike, you should find the time to reassemble it today.





After breakfast at the hotel, we will meet our guide at around 08.30, load our baggage onto the support vehicle and pick up our hire bikes. After checking these out, they will be reloaded onto the support vehicle and we will transfer out of the city, a distance of just 4 or 5 kilometres southwards along the coast road to Dubac. Here, we unload our bikes again and set off inland on a road that climbs away from the coast. After around 4 kilometres of cycling, we reach the border with Bosnia-Herzogovina where we will have to show our passports. The next 20 kilometres are undulating as we approach the town of Trebinje, which we bi-pass to the south. Then, turning right within sight of Trebinje, we begin the climb up into the hilly ranges that separate Bosnia-Herzogovina from Montenegro. We gain around 350 metres of elevation in the next 5 or 6 kilometres and this is followed by a level section on a quiet road which offers us stunning views to the coastal area of southern Croatia. We then climb again up to a high point a little under 900 metres where we reach the border with Montenegro. We will find a suitable place in this area to stop for our picnic lunch, possibly even between the Bosnia-Herzogovina and Montenegro checkposts. Over the course of the next 20 kilometres we descend to Herceg Novi on the Bay of Kotor and then ride right around the bay on a spectacular road squeezed between the sea and the mountains. There are numerous small medieval towns such as Risan and Perast where we can consider stopping for a coffee or cold drink. We reach Kotor, the main town on the bay, after a stunning first day's ride. Overnight at a hotel in the vicinity of Kotor.






1280 M


1420 M


5 - 6 hrs cycling


100 KM

High up, to the south-west of the Bay of Kotor, is the mountain massif and national park of Lovcen, one of the most beautiful parts of Montenegro. After breakfast at the hotel, we transfer to the start of our ride, close to the village Njegusi and 900 metres above our hotel. From here, we will ride a clockwise circuit of the national park, following a route that passes between limestone peaks and includes a couple of high points at around 1400 metres elevation before dropping down to Cetinje. This town was once the Montenegran capital and has an unusual mix of brightly painted townhouses and stately mansions which were formerly the embassies of several European states. Cetinje makes the perfect place for a coffee stop before beginning the ride back up to Njegusi. Returning from Cetinje, we will cycle for 40 minutes or so before finding a suitable scenic place to stop for our picnic lunch. We will then continue through a stunning landscape up to the high point of the road. From Cetinje, this involves a total of 750 metres of ascent over 18 kilometres, never too steep and always absorbing. Close to the high point, we drop down to a junction beneath the limestone peak of Jezerski Vrh (1657m) on the top of which is the tomb of Montenegro's greatest hero, Petar Petrovic Njegos. Then, after descending to a junction just above Njegusi, we set off on the superb 900 metre descent to Kotor which in its middle section includes 15 continuous hairpins in the space of 10 kilometres. This exciting mountain road dates back to Austro Hungarian times and there are plenty of places to stop off on the descent for overviews of Kotor Bay. We get back to our hotel in the afternoon and can then spend some time sightseeing in the old part of Kotor. We spend a second night at our hotel in the vicinity of Kotor.






1500 M


2400 M


5 - 6 hrs cycling


80 KM

We have a slightly easier day today and should have the opportunity for some free time in the afternoon at the very pleasant coastal town of Cavtat. Cycling directly from the hotel, we follow the coast road along the south side of the innermost part of Kotor Bay. After 15 kilometres of particularly scenic and pan flat cycling, we reach the ferry port of Lepetane and take the 15-minute ferry ride across the narrow entrance to the bay. We then ride along the coast from Kamenari to a roundabout on the outskirts of Herceg Novi (we rode this relatively busy section of road in the other direction on the first day). At the roundabout, we divert onto a minor road that takes us along the seafront for several kilometres, between beach umbrellas and resort hotels. Still cycling beside the protected waters of Kotor Bay, we climb to cross the promontory at the mouth of the bay and here reach the border with Croatia. From here, our ride takes us along the Croatian coast, avoiding the main road and involving quite a lot of up and down and a high point at around 250 metres, as we pass through the quiet agricultural region of Konavle. This is excellent cycling and a favourite area for our local team who are members of the Konavle Cycling Club. Again, we will find a suitable place for our picnic lunch, before continuing our ride to our hotel in Cavtat. Arriving mid afternoon at the latest, we can check in, clean up and enjoy some free time. Go for a dip, or take a stroll along the seafront, with its shops, bars, restaurants and pretty harbour areas. The ice-cream here is legendary. Dinner at a harbour-side restaurant and overnight at our Cavtat hotel.






965 M


965 M


4 - 5 hrs cycling


75 KM

Our route today takes us back into Bosnia-Herzegovina into a scenic agricultural region that has many traditional villages. To avoid a section of busy road, we start out with a short transfer to the same place that we started from on the first day. Once again, we cycle easily up to the border and cross into Bosnia-Herzegovina, but this time we turn to follow the dismantled railway of the 'Ciro' which has been tarmaced and now provides a great cycle route. This is in effect a narrow single track road, 3 metres wide and well surfaced, with almost no vehicular traffic. We follow this very level track for around 40 kilometres, through the valley of Poljice Popova to Zavala with the impressive limestone mountains of the Dinaric Alps rising above us. This part of Bosnia was a war zone in the early 90's and the area remains quite poor and underpopulated, with signs of the recent hostilities including bullet-pocked buildings and bunkers. Look out for the 'Mines' signs beside the track in some place. We reach Zavala after around 3 hours and this is a good place to take a break and a coffee stop (some of the best coffee of the trip). We then leave the railway track and begin the section which will take us back across the coastal ranges and into Croatia. We will stop off for lunch a short distance above Zavala with good views back down the valley, with its vineyards and orchards. The ride becomes more undulating from here and beyond Ravno we have a 5 kilometre, average 5% climb up to the day's high point at 570 metres. From here, we are faced with an excellent end to the day's ride which takes us through another rural backwater. We recross into Croatia and drop down towards the coast with fantastic views of some of the many offshore islands including Mljet. Crossing the coast road near to Doli, there's a final easy spin to the Bay of Ston with its oyster and mussel farms. Overnight at a hotel in the vicinity of Ston with the opportunity in the late afternoon to do some exploration. Extending to 7 kilometres, the 14th and 15th century fortified walls of Ston are some of the longest in Europe.






1000 M


1100 M


5 hrs cycling


85 KM

Today we get a taste of the special landscape of Croatias's Dalmatian Coast, as we cycle along the Peljesac Peninsula. We follow a mix of quiet backroads and sections of the rather busier 'main' peninsula road, passing through Mediterranean villages and vineyards, with spectacular views of the Adriatic and numerous islands, big and small. This is a great day of cycling and not without its challenges. We climb from the start and gain 250 metres in the first 10 kilometres, then follow the crest of the peninsula, with a super view toward the island of Mljet on our left hand side. Then, after around 30 kilometres, we find ourselves back at sea level at the pretty seaside village of Trstenik and this is a great place to stop for a coffee, before tackling the day's hilliest section. Over the course of the next 15 kilometres, we will climb again to just over 400 metres elevation in 2 stages with a couple of short sections that could be as steep as 10 percent. Sections of this part of the route are particularly spectacular with views ahead to Korcula Island. Cutting inland through a tunnel, we rejoin the main road and have a brilliant descent into the small port town of Orebic, which we reach after around 60 kilometres. This is the perfect place to eat our picnic lunch beside the sea, with the chance of a dip. From here we will take the ferry across to Korcula Island, which takes just 15-minutes, followed by a final 5 or 6 kilometre ride to our hotel in the small coastal town of Lumbarda. Reaching our accommodation by mid afternoon, we have couple of hours to chill out before dinner.






1150 M


1150 M


4 hrs cycling


70 KM

We will try to make reasonably early start today, to allow us some free time at the end of the day when we return to Dubrovnik. This final day of cycling takes us right across Korcula Island from end to end. The roads are good and quiet and we divert onto the most scenic option wherever possible. Heading generally west, we cycle back to the town of Korcula and then up into the centre of the island, gaining around 350 metres of ascent in 10 kilometres once we leave Korcula. Our route takes us via traditional towns, pine forest and farmed areas (vineyards and olive groves) and then down to the island's scenic south coast between Brna and Prizba. We then climb again to the crest of the island and turn west to make the final descent to Vela Luka, which we should reach before midday. We will have some free time here for lunch and a quick look around while the support vehicle driver loads our bikes onto the truck. Then, driving back to the ferry port at Korcula takes less than an hour, followed by the ferry to Orebic and a further 2-hour drive to the hotel in Dubrovnik. If all goes well, we should be back at the hotel in the late afternoon and have a bit of free time before dinner.






950 M


950 M


3 hrs cycling


60 KM

Your holiday ends after breakfast. An early morning group transfer to Dubrovnik Airport is provided. Dubrovnik, of course, is a really interesting town and if you wish to spend further time exploring it, we would be happy to book extra nights for you at the group hotel.


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Airport Airport
Point Point
Direction Direction

Essential Information

We've compiled some of our Frequently Asked Questions to help you learn more about this amazing trip.

  • Professional English-speaking cycling leader
  • Single timed Dubrovnik Airport group transfers on Day 1 and Day 8
  • All accommodation as described in the trip dossier
  • Meals as detailed in the Meal Plan
  • All land and boat transport involved in the itinerary
  • One support vehicle
  • Baggage transfer

  • Travel insurance
  • Airport transfers (other than group transfers on Day 1 and Day 8
  • Some meals as detailed in the Meal Plan
  • Tips for support staff and guide
  • Miscellaneous expenses drinks souvenirs etc
  • Local bike hire
  • Bike Carriage on the flights - please check with your carrier for charges


In some cases you may choose to take a ferry and/or train to your holiday start and end destination. Please see further information on Travelling by Train.

If flying from the UK there are low cost airlines available to the start and from the end of your holiday.

To benefit from full financial protection, ease your holiday planning, and avoid dealing with airlines, we can book scheduled flights from the UK as part of a flight inclusive package. Scheduled flights are usually more expensive that low cost alternatives, however potentially less stressful if your flight is cancelled or delayed. If you book flights through KE Adventure Travel we will offset the carbon of your flight.

The group will meet at the hotel in Dubrovnik.

A single transfer from Dubrovnik Airport is provided on Day 1 of the itinerary, usually at around midday.

On the final day of the itinerary, there will be a single transfer to Dubrovnik Airport, usually in the early morning.

Anyone may join the group transfers by prior arrangement. Travelling as a group or on public transport saves energy. If this is not practical, we can provide private transfers at an additional cost. Taxis are also available.

Hotel contact details and an emergency number will be provided with your booking confirmation.

All breakfasts, all lunches and the first and last night's dinners are included.

Water is drinkable from the taps on this holiday. Please fill your personal bottles for your day in the morning. We do not encourage the purchasing of single use plastic bottles.

This part of the Balkans has a fantastic variety of food due to the rich influence of the Mediterranean and Central Europe, which means that there is something for everyone’s tastes. Breakfasts are continental in style with bread, cheese, meats, jams, tea and coffee etc. For lunch, we will provide picnic food items to allow you to make a sandwich and fruit, dried fruit, energy bars and water will also be available in the support vehicle. In the evening, we will usually eat at a restaurant within walking distance of the accommodation. Pizza and seafood restaurants are popular on the coast and fresh salads are usually served with each meal. Alongside the excellent food, good quality local wine is always available and very reasonably priced.

Accommodation is in a variety of comfortable hotels and holiday villa apartments. All accommodation is based on twin sharing. If you are travelling by yourself, you will be paired with another solo traveller of the same sex. Single rooms can be arranged for a supplementary charge and are dependent on availability at the time of booking. Please note that Dubrovnik hotels are always in high demand and this means we sometimes have to book our groups into different hotels for the first and last nights of the holiday.

This holiday will be accompanied by an experienced KE cycling leader. In addition, there will be a support vehicle and driver.

This holiday does not involve any significant ascent to altitude and we would not expect any altitude issues with this trip.

€350 should be sufficient to allow you to pay for the 5 evening meals which are not included, as well as taking care of miscellaneous expenses such as your bar bills and tips for the local staff. ATM’s are ready available in the larger towns of Dubrovnik, Kotor and Ston.

Tipping is the accepted way of saying thank you to your leader and local team. Tipping is entirely voluntary and should be dependent on good service. We advise you to tip as a group.

Your bike should be fitted with a compact or triple chainset and we suggest that 25mm tyres will provide a bit more comfort on the variable road surfaces typically found on our Road Cycling holidays.

Since you are depending on your bike to transport you throughout your holiday, it’s important to ensure it is in good working order. If you are not mechanically minded, get your local bicycle dealer to service it for you.

Please contact us if you are unsure about the suitability of your bike.

Bike hire is available locally for this trip and makes a lot of sense - as it costs about the same as taking your own bike on the flights to and from Dubrovnik. Our local agent has Cannondale CAAD Optimo 105 road bikes. These have aluminium frames, carbon forks, Shimano 105 components, compact chainsets (50/34) and 11 speed (11/28) cassettes. The hire charge for this bike is 210 euros. He also has access to Trek Emonda SL5 or Giant TCR bikes which have carbon frames, Shimano 105 components, compact chainsets (50/34) and 11 speed (11/28) cassettes. The hire charge for either of these carbon framed bikes is 245 euros. Another option for those requiring pedal-assist is the Cube Touring Hybrid One 500 - an e-bike with straight handlebars, 63-millimetre front suspension, Shimano components (9-speed gearing and hydraulic disc brakes) and a 250 Watt Bosch motor and 500Wh battery. Available in a range of sizes, the hire charge for this bike is 210 euros. (July 2024 - prices subject to change). 

We need to know well in advance if you are proposing to hire a bike and we need to establish the frame size you require. As well as giving us your estimate of frame size, we need your height (metric). We will check that a suitably sized bike is available for collection and you will pay the local agent for the bike directly (in euros currency) when you pick up the bike on arrival in Croatia. Please note that your contract for bike hire is directly with our local agent and not with KE. If hiring a bike we recommend that you bring your own saddle and pedals, which will be fitted for you, as well as your helmet.

SPD, or SPD SL (road) or KEO pedals can be provided at a cost of 10 euros for the rental period.

Airlines require that you pack your bike properly for travel and for this holiday we recommend that you use either soft bike bag or a purpose-made bike box or case. Whether you are using a bag or a case, you will need to partially dismantle your bike to pack it. Please note that bike bags or boxes will be placed in secure storage and will not travel with us during the course of the trip.

Please contact us if you have any questions about travelling with your bike. 

Throughout the holiday, we will have the back up of a minibus support vehicle with a roof-rack for the bikes. On those days when we are moving to a different hotel (every day except one), the group’s baggage will be loaded onto the support vehicle which will follow the group on the day's ride. The biking leader and the support vehicle driver will watch over the group and they will communicate with each other and you can communicate with them by mobile phone. Group members will naturally cycle at different speeds and regular stops will be set to allow the group to reform. The support vehicle will carry water, snack bars, energy bars, dried fruit, fruit and the makings of each day’s picnic lunch. The support vehicle will pick up any group members who wish to take a break from cycling at any time.

Apart from your bike in its bag or box (if you are taking your own bike), you should travel with one main item of luggage, such as a sturdy holdall, and a small day pack. The day pack can be used to carry valuable items such as cameras and GPS devices whilst travelling, but will also be useful to separate out items you might want to pick up from the support vehicle during the rides, like additional clothing.

Your baggage allowance on the flights will depend on your airline. When choosing your flights, whether booking them directly or through KE, you will need to consider the cost of carrying your bike. These costs are your responsibility.

For each holiday there is a minimum number of participants required to enable it to go ahead. Once the minimum number is reached, the trip status will change from 'Available' to 'Guaranteed to run'. You can check the trip status for each departure in ‘Dates and Prices’ table. Other than in exceptional circumstances, we will not cancel a trip once it has achieved this guaranteed to run status and so you are free to proceed with your international flight booking and other travel arrangements.

The information that we provide is for UK passport holders. A passport with 6 months remaining validity at the end of your stay is generally required, and you should have at least 2 blank pages for each country that you visit.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct travel documents and visas for your holiday. Please ensure that you check for the latest advice before travel. For the most up to date information on entry requirements, please visit the UK Government website.

If you have a severe allergy please inform the KE office before you travel. We will do all we can to help, but we cannot guarantee an allergy free environment on KE trips. You will need to carry your own treatment for the allergy with you, as 'adrenaline auto-injectors' are not carried as standard by KE leaders and staff. You should inform your leader on arrival of your allergy, and let them know where you keep your adrenaline pen.


You should contact your doctor or travel clinic to check whether you require any specific vaccinations.

GHIC / Medical cover

UK residents should carry a free Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC). This entitles you to state provided medical treatment when you're visiting an EU country or Switzerland. This is not a substitute for medical travel insurance which is vital when travelling overseas.

The unit of currency in Croatia is the euro.

The better conditioned you are the more you will enjoy your trip. We suggest that you adopt a sensible weekly exercise regime and fit in a number of long cycle rides in hilly country to ensure you are physically capable of taking part in this trip - this will also provide you with an opportunity to make sure all your riding kit is tried and tested before you travel. Cycling is obviously the best activity to prepare for this trip, however, running, rowing and swimming are also good for developing aerobic fitness and stamina.

This part of the Balkan Peninsula has a varied climate, with continental climate conditions inland and Mediterranean influence on the Adriatic coast. In May and October, the average daily maximum temperature is usually between 20 and 24 degrees centigrade during the day with plenty of sunshine. The temperature can fall below 15 degrees centigrade at night during these two months.

As a reputable tour operator, KE supports the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office's ‘Travel Aware’ campaign to enable British citizens to prepare for their journeys overseas. The 'Travel Aware' website provides a single, authoritative source of advice for all kinds of travellers and we recommend that prior to travel, all KE clients visit the official UK Government website at and read the FCDO Travel Advice for their chosen destination. North Americans can also check out the U.S. Department of State website: for essential travel advice and tips.

KE treat the safety and security of all clients as the most important aspect of any trip we organise. We would not run any trip that we did not consider reasonably safe.  Should the FCDO advise against travel for any reason, we will contact everyone booked to travel to discuss the situation.  We receive regular updates direct from the FCDO and are in constant touch with our contacts on the ground.  If you have any questions about government travel advice, please call our office.

KE do not encourage the use of single use plastic items. We are ensuring that our agents all over the world are working together to reduce the problem and educate those around them. We are leading by example in our KE office by reducing our plastic use.

  • Croatia. Lonely Planet
  • Montenegro. Lonely Planet
  • Bosnia and Herzogovina. Bradt Guide
  • Dubrovnik & Dalmatian Coast Marco Polo Guide (Marco Polo Travel Guides)

  • Michelin. 1,000,000 Scale. Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia

It is an essential condition of joining a holiday with KE Adventure Travel that you have a valid travel insurance policy to cover the cost of medical treatment and to protect the value of your holiday in the event of cancellation.  When taking out insurance please ensure the policy you choose covers you for the activities and altitude included in your itinerary.

For appropriate insurance cover we recommend Campbell Irvine Direct.  Please go to our Travel Insurance page for further information and to get a quote.

Please note that a paper copy of your travel insurance is required if you are travelling to Huaraz and the Huayhuash region.

For this holiday you will need your usual cycling clothing, including shoes, cycling gloves and helmet (which must be worn at all times when cycling).

Whether you are hiring a bike or taking your own, we recommend that you take the usual day-ride essentials of: mobile phone, multi-tool, mini-pump, tyre levers, spare tubes and puncture repair kit.

Bike Wear

  • Cycling helmet
  • Cycling shoes
  • Waterproof overshoes
  • Padded cycling shorts
  • Long leg cycling trousers or leg warmers
  • Lycra arm warmers
  • Short sleeve cycling tops
  • Long sleeved cycling top
  • Lightweight windproof gilet 
  • Lightweight waterproof jacket
  • Regular biking gloves
  • Long fingered biking gloves
  • Buff
  • Sunglasses
  • Sun cream (inc. total bloc for lips/nose)
  • Camera

Other Stuff

  • Travel and off-the-bike clothing and footwear
  • Wash bag, towel, toiletries
  • Swimwear
  • Basic First Aid kit and personal medication
  • Chamois Cream (e.g. Assos or Ozone)
  • Reusable cloth bag for shopping (to avoid plastic bags)


If you are hiring a bike you do not need to bring any spares. The hire bikes are provided in good condition and a supply of spares is carried. You may be asked to pay directly for any spares used, especially in the case of crash damage or damage by mis-use. If you are taking your own bike, you should consider taking a minimum of spares, including a couple of spare spokes (for each wheel if they are different), spare brake blocks (or brake disc pads), chain links/chain connector, rear derailleur hanger and any non-standard parts specific to your bike.


Whilst not essential, it is a good idea that you familiarise yourself with how to carry out at least some basic repairs to your bike e.g. changing an inner tube and fixing a puncture. Your bike guide will be happy to help with repairs and general maintenance, but being able to carry out a simple repair yourself could save the inconvenience of having to wait for assistance.

Hydration and Energy Snacks

You should take 2 standard water bottles (we encourage re-filling water bottles rather than single use plastic) and also consider taking a small supply of the gels, power bars or sports drink mix that you would normally use on a ride at home.

Please contact us if you have any questions about your equipment.

Cotswold Outdoor Red PantonMany of the Equipment items listed above are available from Cotswold Outdoor - our 'Official Recommended Outdoor Retailer'. When you book a holiday with KE you will receive 12.5% discount voucher from Cotswold Outdoor and other retailers.
>> Find out more


4.7 out of 5 from 3 reviews

Great Balkan Adventure ★★★★

We cycled the Balkan Trilogy in May and were surprised to get quite bit of rain in the first few days. So, bring foul weather outfits if you are travelling this time of year. Guide Tomi was pretty good in coming up with plans B and C to avoid showers and we still managed to cycle most of the planned mileage. Scenery was varied and beautiful, especially Bay of Kotor in Montenegro and Peljesac Peninsula. In Bosnia-Herzegovina the scars of war are still visible and there were uncleared minefields n ext to the cycle track! The hotels were excellent, especially in Kotor and Ston Mali. We had some fantastic meals and some of the best seafood ever. Croatian wine is pretty good too. Organisation was pretty slick and support vehicle was never far away. The cycling was not too challenging, most days around 60-80 km and climbing was relatively benign. My only criticism would be that there is not enough time to see old town on Korcula on the last day and that could easily be fitted in on the afternoon the day before. Also make sure you book an extra night before or after trip to see Dubrovnik, but don't book this months in advance. The room prices of Hotel Petka drop by 50% in the week before travel. All together a great Balkan adventure, highly recommended.
By Nico from Dorchester | 20 May 2019

Exceeded expectations ★★★★★

A really great week with an unexpected bonus of late October sun. Cycling was perfect and as described with stunning views and locations. Our trusty and informative guides Darko and Ivo were excellent and really looked after us.

By Lester from Chelmsford | 23 October 2017

Amazing Experience ★★★★★

Just an amazing experience cycling through Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro. The travel Guides Tommy and Ivo were brilliant and all the cycling trip went perfectly fine. Wil surely be doing more of those.

By Celso from Rio de Janeiro | 19 October 2017

Traveller Reviews
4.7 out of 5 from 3 reviews

Great Balkan Adventure
★ ★ ★ ★
We cycled the Balkan Trilogy in May and were surprised to get quite bit of rain in the first few days. So, bring foul weather outfits if you are travelling this time of year. Guide Tomi was pretty good in coming up with plans B and C to avoid showers and we still managed to cycle most of the planned mileage. Scenery was varied and beautiful, especially Bay of Kotor in Montenegro and Peljesac Peninsula. In Bosnia-Herzegovina the scars of war are still visible and there were uncleared minefields n ext to the cycle track! The hotels were excellent, especially in Kotor and Ston Mali. We had some fantastic meals and some of the best seafood ever. Croatian wine is pretty good too. Organisation was pretty slick and support vehicle was never far away. The cycling was not too challenging, most days around 60-80 km and climbing was relatively benign. My only criticism would be that there is not enough time to see old town on Korcula on the last day and that could easily be fitted in on the afternoon the day before. Also make sure you book an extra night before or after trip to see Dubrovnik, but don't book this months in advance. The room prices of Hotel Petka drop by 50% in the week before travel. All together a great Balkan adventure, highly recommended.
By Nico from Dorchester | 20 May 2019

Exceeded expectations
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

A really great week with an unexpected bonus of late October sun. Cycling was perfect and as described with stunning views and locations. Our trusty and informative guides Darko and Ivo were excellent and really looked after us.

By Lester from Chelmsford | 23 October 2017

Amazing Experience
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Just an amazing experience cycling through Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro. The travel Guides Tommy and Ivo were brilliant and all the cycling trip went perfectly fine. Wil surely be doing more of those.

By Celso from Rio de Janeiro | 19 October 2017


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Gather a few friends, family or club and take over your own departure.



Adults from



More Information

  • Balkan Trilogy Road Cycle Tour
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: BAMB/03/24/
  • This trip begins on Sat 21 Sep and ends on Sat 28 Sep
  • This departure is guaranteed. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$350
  • Single Supplement Price: US$435
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Balkan Trilogy Road Cycle Tour
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: BAMB/04/24/
  • This trip begins on Sat 19 Oct and ends on Sat 26 Oct
  • This departure is guaranteed. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$350
  • Single Supplement Price: US$435
  • Download Trip Notes



Adults from



More Information

  • Balkan Trilogy Road Cycle Tour
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: BAMB/01/25/
  • This trip begins on Sat 10 May and ends on Sat 17 May
  • This departure is guaranteed. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$350
  • Single Supplement Price: US$475
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Balkan Trilogy Road Cycle Tour
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: BAMB/02/25/
  • This trip begins on Sat 24 May and ends on Sat 31 May
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$350
  • Single Supplement Price: US$435
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Balkan Trilogy Road Cycle Tour
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: BAMB/03/25/
  • This trip begins on Sat 27 Sep and ends on Sat 4 Oct
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$350
  • Single Supplement Price: US$435
  • Download Trip Notes

More Information

  • Balkan Trilogy Road Cycle Tour
    Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: BAMB/04/25/
  • This trip begins on Sat 18 Oct and ends on Sat 25 Oct
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$350
  • Single Supplement Price: US$435
  • Download Trip Notes

Land Only Information

We sell this holiday on a Land Only basis allowing you the flexibility to choose the travel method which best suits you. The holiday starts (and ends) at the hotel in Dubrovnik and a single group transfer is provided from/to Dubrovnik Airport.


Changes to flights

Please be aware that the flight industry is experiencing a high level of service fluctuation and changes to your flights may occur. This may also require amends to the transfers and joining arrangements. Thank you all for continuing your patience and understanding.

BOOK WITH KE CONFIDENCE - No surcharge guarantee

The price of our holidays can change depending on a variety of factors but unlike some other tour operators, KE have undertaken to guarantee the Land Only price of your holiday will not change after you have booked. The price when you book is the price you will pay, whether you are booking for this year or the next. Book early to avoid any tour price increases, get the best flight prices and take advantage of our 'No Surcharge Guarantee'.

KE Adventure is a fully bonded tour operator. We hold an ATOL license (No: 2808) and are bonded with ABTA (Membership No: W4341)

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