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Overall Company Rating 95%

1806 Total Reviews

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once in a lifetime!
Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route
Our Kilimanjaro adventure with KE was truly amazing! A special shout out to our amazing team led by Onex, and assistant guides Joseph and Matthew and the whole team for all the hard work looking after us and making sure our trip really was once in a lifetime. We couldn’t have done it without your amazing support! We also did the Safari extension afterwards and another special shout-out to our amazing guide “Junior” who went above and beyond to give us the best time ever with his amazing kn owledge and humour. Seeing the big 5 was truly amazing!
By Edward from London | 13 November 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Superb Trek - do it now.
Around Manaslu Trek
A varied and dramatic route. The scenery was stunning. There was a lot of 'normal life' going on at the lower levels and observing the farming etc was fascinating. I found arriving at the pass quite overwhelming. There were not many groups trekking, so it was quiet, but there was lots of development in progress. It will only get busier, but on the other hand there should be better facilities available soon (if that is what you want). I thought the physical facilities (toilets, bedrooms etc) were fine, but that the trekking companies could be using their buying power to insist on improved cleaning regimes etc. In places the trail has been hit by landslips. So long stretches of easy walking are interspersed with short but challenging diversions. A head for heights and being comfortable traversing and descending over loose scree etc is essential. A lovely, helpful crew. But, it would have added to my enjoyment if the Leader had more English (my Nepali is non-existent). One minor organisational hiccup was turned completely to our advantage, with an unscheduled night in a gorgeous lodge added after the long pass day. There were nine in our group, which worked well. With the Trek Leader, his Assistant, two other Guides and six Porters, I don't think you would want the group to be any bigger. I would have liked better to understand the employment conditions of the terrific Porters (including the provision of safety equipment etc). I have a nagging feeling that in the future we will all be a little bit ashamed that we took advantage and did not ask the difficult questions. A trekking map (as promised in the blurb) would have been nice. The loan of a fantastic sleeping bag and down jacket was much appreciated and the best 'freebie' I have ever had on such a trip. Many thanks, Paul
By Paul from Hyde | 12 November 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The organisation was impeccable
Spires and Ice - Trekking Patagonia

The organisation was impeccable, the guides wonderful, very knowledge and great company. Natalia was a real gem, her knowledge of the area and the glaciers was wonderful to see. She had a great sense of humour and was patient and caring.

By Sheelagh from Oxfordshire | 11 November 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic trek - thanks KE!
Gosainkund and Langtang Trek
My third trek in the region and without question my favourite, in the company of a wonderful group of people who shared, enjoyed and helped one another throughout - essential for such a stunning but challenging trek, the trip notes possibly underestimating some of the stages, but all doable and all hugely rewarding, made possible by an excellent tour guide in Rajendra who is so knowledgeable, caring, professional and passionate, especially when it comes to environment, natural history and (his s pecialist subject!) ornithology. Ditto his stalwart deputy Ravinda (who never stopped working and fussing after us) plus the superb team of super-hero porters. The itinerary was action packed and the route varied and ever changing, taking in national parks rich in wildlife, ridges, high passes, fertile terraced holdings bursting with greenery, deep ancient woodland, waterfalls, river crossings, alpine meadows and finally (what Ravinda teasingly referred to as the ‘flat Himalaya’ of) Langtang and Kyanjin, the breathtakingly beautiful Tibetan plateau proper hemmed in by 7000m peaks and glaciers. Some of the lodges were stunningly set and deserved longer stays (I’d have happily spent a week in Kyanjin Gompa sampling more fully the wonderful bakery and coffee shop) and so with no planned rest days, and being of mature years and undertrained, I dipped out of the Tsergo Ri climb and spent day 11 (my favourite of the trip) with trek partner and Rajendra gently scrambling and exploring the upper reaches to the Langtang Khola, an extraordinary bleached rugged landscape of glacial and alluvial deposit, criss-crossed by streams rivers and with lammergeiers (four circling at one point) and wading birds (Himalayan Ibis Bills feeding in glacial streams..) just showing off in the hope of attracting David Attenborough. On the human side, the cultural and historical aspects of the trip were also fascinating and at times pretty intense - the poignancy of passing through (and chillingly over) communities and villages devastated by the 2015 earthquake, but who have rebounded and rebuilt, and are so welcoming to visitors; the spiritual beauty of Gorsainkunda, a very special place of pilgrimage; all those chortens, stumpas and mani walls; bumping into a drum beating shamen etc; tales a plenty of yetis.. Also interesting to reflect on those met on the trail, typically small groups or independent travellers of Nepalese or European origin, exchanging warm words and namastes, catching-up later and comparing notes in a lodge - refreshingly different to the large noisy groups encountered on EBC.. A couple of things I’d add to the kit list though – small pair of binoculars (10x25) to appreciate the wildlife, *proper* microspikes (eg Kahtoola) as the going can get icy, Diamox (a half tablet helped me when we jumped to 4600m on day 6) and dried fruit – mango, Cranberries, goji berries whatever (the food is fine but vitamins in short supply?), Adding on a couple of days to see more of Kathmandu is also a must needless to say. Rajendra arranged guides and transport at very short notice. Generously tipping the support team (who’ve have a very difficult time due to the pandemic) also goes without saying
By Timothy from Cardiff | 10 November 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bike Jordan Dead 2 Red
It was simply outstanding. The group was outstanding. Anas is just a completely brilliant guide. Even down to details for individual people's needs. I am a vegetarian and at every meal he came over to me straight away to advise me about what I could eat. I didn't even have to ask. At the end in Aqaba I had a hotel booked and again I didn't have to ask him where it was. He came to me, advised me about the drop off etc. He is completely brilliant. Funny, learned, informed, thoughtful. Brilliant, b rilliant, brilliant.
By Charles from Cork | 10 November 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A first class experience with exceptional scenery
Annapurna Circuit and Annapurna Sanctuary
This was my first experience of KE despite knowing about the company for 35 years. Overall, I was very impressed with the level of organisation both before I departed and during the trip itself. Our guide, Raj Rai, had an incredible knowledge of the region and Nepal and Himalayas in general. Raj supervised the preparation of all foods and fluids which meant that over the 22 days none of us had any health issues. Raj also ensured we made steady progress gaining height so none of us had any altitu de issues either. I think this is testament to his level of experience and his professionalism. The trek was very well organised and well paced. The accommodation was pretty much as described. Not luxurious but generally clean and as comfortable as you could expect. The real joy was the scenery as we moved from humid, warm and steamy jungles to frozen snow-capped mountains. This really is a trip for people who want to experience trekking in multiple ecosystems in one holiday. I thoroughly enjoyed the company of our guides, porters and the other members of the group. The laughing and joking with each made the trip a joy. I would like to thank everyone on the trip and KE for making it an experience that I won't forget. I'm now looking for my next challenge!
By Adrian from West Perth | 07 November 2022
★ ★ ★ ★
Challenging, thought provoking trek in stunning countryside.
Everest Panorama Trek
This holiday is a beautiful and humbling experience. Nothing prepares you for the beauty of the countryside, which changes with each twist and turn of the paths. There are the mountains, the turquoise river, the forests, flowers, the animals, the villages and the beautiful, friendly people. And the snow covered mountains seem to be everywhere you look, sometimes peeping out, and sometimes dominating your view. You need to be as fit as possible to enjoy this trip. There is no knowing how altitude will impact you, but fitness will make the trekking so much more enjoyable. Dietary requirements were dealt with very well on the trek, by eating mostly Nepalese vegetarian, gluten free meals. Bring snacks to hoist your energy en route, and a water bladder will make hydration easier than bottles alone. The tour guide and porters are wonderful and will do everything to make you comfortable. The down jacket and sleeping bag are essential for dealing with the very cold nights in the lodges. I would recommend staying a few extra nights in Kathmandu at the beginning and end of the trip to allow time to rest, adjust to changing time zones and catch up on sleep, so that you can enjoy this amazing experience.
By Patricia from London | 05 November 2022
★ ★ ★ ★
An excellent trek: well led and superb scenery
Gosainkund and Langtang Trek
In short, an excellent trek, superb views, very well led, with interesting routes but many very tough climbs. Rajendra led our trek, with Ravindra as his second in command. Both were tireless in their efforts to support the group and cater for our daily needs. Rajendra had an excellent knowledge of the wildlife up in the mountains, his speciality being birds. If flora and fauna is a special interest for you, then Rajendra is your man. Equally, Rajendra could relate to us the many customs and tra ditions of those who live in the mountains, along with the beliefs of those who practice Buddhism and Hinduism. Ravindra, his assistant, was very hard working, always gracious and extremely helpful. I have no criticism of the leadership by Rajendra and Ravindra; I have been on numerous treks with KE and similar companies and these two gentlemen count among the very best. The lodges were of varying standard, becoming more basic as we increased in altitude, but that is a characteristic of trekking in Nepal. Personally, I struggle with the food served in the lodges. I’m not a fan of dahl baht, but the other five members of our group did not have my misgivings. I suppose dahl baht is like Marmite; love it or hate it! As with most treks in the Himalaya, be prepared for dodgy sanitation, a lack of hot water and not being able to wash easily. For me the highlight of the trek was Kyanjin Gompa at 3,850 metres, which is the furthest settlement in the Langtang Valley. Rather than climb Tsergo Ri (4,984 metres) my trekking buddy and I opted to climb a lower nearby peak and trek further along the valley to a massive alluvial fan and explore that area. I had no regrets in doing this. After many tough climbs I needed the rest and simply wanted time to wander around the village and nearby places rather slog up another hill. It would have been worthwhile to reach nearby glaciers, but we do not have the time to do so. My view of the Langtang and Gosainkund trek is positive, but perhaps many of the days were simply too long and tough to be enjoyable. I suppose there are debates for each trek as to whether the rating out of 12 is appropriate. This trek is rated 7/12, but that’s a very high seven in my opinion! The climbs were at times relentless and even several long descents were very tough. On the last trekking day into Syabru Besi our leader chose a route over another steep climb rather than a quicker descent straight down the valley. Personally, I would have favoured the easier descent, leaving time to wander around the town of Syabru Besi. However, I know that others in the group would disagree with me. So, an excellent trek very well led, but be prepared for a lot of very hard climbs and long descents.
By Graeme from Cardiff | 04 November 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Annapurna Circuit & Sanctuary Trek
Annapurna Circuit and Annapurna Sanctuary
This was an excellent 22 days trek, taking in the Circuit & Sanctuary. We trekked through terrains as diverse as snow-covered high mountains, sub-tropical forest with monkeys, and beautiful flower filled valleys. The itinerary was well paced, allowing for good altitude acclimatisation, and the weather in October was perfect. Our guide (Raj Rai) provided excellent leadership, and thanks to his vigilant scrutiny of the kitchens throughout the trip, no-one suffered any illness. The team bonded well, and we all enjoyed each other’s company. And, needless to say, the scenery was spectacular. I would highly recommend this trek.
By Garrett from Rickmansworth | 31 October 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic trip
Walking the Albanian Alps

Really enjoyable and exciting trip, in superb mountain region. Fantastic walking, and our guide Geri was excellent, and a very interesting font of Albanian and Balkan history. Accommodation in guesthouses was good and meals and food excellent. A few days were spent at one base, with day walks from there and back. A couple days was walking from A-B with baggage travelling by packhorse. I would say this is harder than a 6 rating. There were some pretty long days and steep ascents!

By Robert from Box Hill | 30 October 2022
★ ★
Holiday not as described
Canadian Summit Scramble
Unfortunately this holiday wasn’t as described in the KE brochure. Guides - Their brochure states “A professional mountain guide (2 guides over groups of 6) will be provided” – In fact we had an apprentice guide and an assistant who had no qualifications not even to help with the driving. The Apprentice Guide was based in Montreal and returned to university the week following the trek to complete her training. The guide had walked few if any of the routes and was largely following the ro utes she had downloaded onto her phone, taking wrong turns on occasion. Because of her limited experience and lack of familiarity of the area a number of the routes and the described summits weren't achieved. Most of the final routes to the summits are unclear, not waymarked and cross difficult terrain including mobile scree slopes and snow fields. As an experienced mountain leader I believe it essential to have a guide with previous experience of following the described routes to the summits to lead this trip. This was not provided. In their response to me KE claim she was “fully qualified” but also accept she was on “3 years probation” and being “remotely supervised”. I am not criticising the guide per say, who did her best with the limited direct knowledge of the routes and in coping with some unfortunate incidents that occurred on the trip. As such this guide would have been ideally suited to be an assistant guide. The bottom line is that a more experienced team was required KE have not accepted this stating she was “familiar with the walks on this itinerary”. The definition of “familiar” in my dictionary is “intimate or well-known knowledge” which was certainly not the case here. They have made no comment on the fact that the other “guide” had no qualifications at all which meant the entire responsibility for the group rested on a remotely managed guide on 3 years probation. Accommodation - The headline itinerary describes the accommodation as being gite/hostel on days 2,3,4,9,10,11 and 12. The use of the descriptor gite in these notes is confusing. In fact Canadian Youth Hostels were used on all these days with the dormitories in Banff and Lake Louise in particular being cramped and noisy. The accommodation used on days 7 and 8 at Revelstoke is described as a "hotel with twin/double rooms and shared ablutions”. In fact it was self-catering accommodation with 3 dormitories and 1 ensuite double bedroom. Thus expect to sleep in dormitories, some cramped and noisy, for every night of the trip except the first and last. One positive from the Revelstoke accommodation was access to a free washing machine. KE have responded say “we do understand that the hostels in particular did not match the expectations you had for them, and we will review our accommodation description for this trip to ensure we are managing our client’s expectations”. In respect of the Revelstoke accommodation they say we were notified in advance of the change from the Cube Hotel to the Base Camp Guest House whilst missing the point that the accommodation in the Base Camp Guest House is mainly in dormitories and not in twin/double bedrooms described in the itinerary Meals - The notes say "Meals are provided except 6 dinners". Elsewhere it says "members are invited to participate in meal preparation". In practice members made their own breakfasts and lunches from the food provided and helped with the preparation of the dinner and did all clearing up after all meals. Tour members were generally content with this but the level of commitment to meal preparation expected from the tour members should be clearly set out in the trip notes. KE have responded saying “we will review what we say in respect of member participation in meal preparation”. Walks For me the biggest disappointment of this trip was the failure to reach the described summits on the itinerary. KE feedback references forest fires and storms as being the main reason. But these only affected the itinerary for 3 days. The reason summits were not achieved on other described days was in large due to the relative inexperience of the leader, particularly having not previously taken the described routes to the summits. I have written to KE describing what was achieved on each day in comparison to what was described. It was a disappointment to many on the trip who were taking the trip of a lifetime. When I challenged the leader in respect of why we were not completing the described routes to the summits she became tearful and said I was being disrespectful towards her. Unfortunately this soured the relationship between us for the remainder of the trip. Hopefully KE will now review the guidance notes for this trip as they say they will in respect of meal preparation and accommodation, making clear dormitories are used everywhere outside Calgary. I would also recommend the hostel in Banf is not used in future. KE has not accepted that the overall experience of the two guides on this trip wasn’t sufficient nor that this was a significant factor in certain walks not being achieved. I thoroughly recommend trekking in the Rockies particularly if you get the opportunity to do some summit scrambles. Unfortunately, with the exception of the short 3 hour walk from Bow Hut replacing the longer walk described on our revised itinerary, I didn’t get that opportunity for any summit scrambles on this trip and cannot recommend it. It is not up to the standards I’ve experienced on previous KE holidays in other countries.
By Keith from WIRRAL | 29 October 2022

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review Keith. We are aware that your group had a difficult trip, particularly with the major forest fire and the storm warning, which meant you were unable to complete some key elements of the trip. Our guides did their best to give you an alternative itinerary taking into account the state of the trails and the experience of the group, and we are sorry you and your fellow trekkers returned unhappy with your experience. To correct a couple of statements you have made about the guides. Your lead guide was not an ‘apprentice’. She has completed her training and has received her Canadian Mountain Guide qualification. In Canada, all Mountain Guides have 3 years of remote supervision, following their qualification. The guide was familiar with all of the routes although it is true that some of these were completed by her on skis rather than walking. We are sorry also that you were unhappy with the accommodation on the trip and, as we have responded to you privately, and also to your fellow trekkers, Eric and Joanne, we are currently looking at the pros and cons of changing the accommodations for this trip.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great way to experience Madagascar
Cycle Madagascar - Highlands to the Coast
We thourghly enjoyed the trip and were very well looked after by our Guide, Trip Manager/Assistant Guide, Driver and Mechanic who were all lovely and caring people. There's a good mix of cycling and exploring National Parks. The team made us amazing lunches everyday. Everything went so smoothly and I know the team worked quietly in the background to ensure this. Even small things were taken care of eg making sure our bags were in our rooms when we arrived and offering good advise about what to e at in the evenings. We stayed in some wonderful places and ate some great local and international food. Cycling through rural Madagascar, especially off-road is a wonderful way to get to know the country.
By Joanna from Edinburgh | 29 October 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A great desert walking experience
Jordan's Dana to Petra Trek

Having Oscar as our local tour guide really enhaunced our exprience of walking along the Dana to Petra trail and the Petra site.

By David from Fareham | 29 October 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
India in all its intensity
In the Shadow of Nanda Devi
This was a wonderful trip which combined trekking in a really remote area with opportunities to see Indian rural life. The start in Delhi was overwhelming, the noise, the crowds, the dirt and the guide packed a huge amount into a day from the wide avenues of New Delhi to the tiny alleys of the spice market. The sleeper train was the only downside, ignore the romantic description in the trip notes, treat it as an adventure and accept you won’t get any sleep. The trekking is in a beautiful, very remote area and while the distances covered are fairly short and it’s not high altitude, it’s a tough trek because the ascents and descents are so steep. You will be doing 800m of relentless down and uphill on unmarked trails so you need to be fit and have strong knees. And you’ll still be overtaken by villagers in flip flops. While we had some rain every day and even some snow, the clouds did clear enough to get views of the high mountains which were wonderful and spectacular. The practicalities of the trek were extremely well organised, we were very well fed and the guide was very good at keeping us safe as we picked our way down sheer mountainsides and across raging streams. The campsites usually provided lots of interest from a flock of 500 sheep and goats passing through, to cows trying to eat your trainers and our own horses who liked to gallop round the tents at 3am. In some ways the toughest part of the holiday was the travelling at the end, a nine hour drive on really bad roads with constant traffic jams, followed by another overcrowded train, all interesting but hard work. India is not for the faint hearted, the noise, the litter, the bureaucracy are all challenging but I crammed a huge number of amazing experiences into these two weeks which made it truly memorable holiday.
By Fiona from Barnet | 26 October 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Annapurna Sanctuary and Poon Hill Trek

A superb trek though lush green valleys up to the mountain and scrub area of the Annapurna Sanctuary. It's not easy, with countless steps to climb and descend on most of the days. However, the scenery and sense of achievement is like nothing I've ever seen or done. Our guide and his team were first class, they went out of their way to make sure we were safe and happy during the holiday. I can definitely recommend this trek.

By Karen from Sutton-in-Ashfield | 25 October 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic week in Madeira
Levada Trails and Peaks of Madeira

Madeira is a wonderful place to explore and the mountains are just spectacular. Great hotels, food amazing, diverse range of treks through the week and overall a fantastic week made all the better by Jorge our guide who was 5-star! Probably a level 4 trip rather than 5, although definitely a few challenging parts during the week. Overall, highly recommended!

By Philip from Wantage | 25 October 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Highly recommend this trip - It was Amazing!
Climb Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro
Having just returned home to Ireland after a successful summit of both Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro, i would highly recommend this trip. It was amazing!. The extra acclimatization that we had on Mount Kenya was a major benefit when it came to summit night on Kilimanjaro. Our guides (Benson, William and Gabriel on Mount Kenya, and Onex, Kym and Josef on Mount Kilimanjaro) were fantastic, especially when it came to ensuring that we maintained a steady pace, timing for ascents, providing constant re assurance and ensuring that all members of the team were healthy and safe at all times. Their knowledge of the mountains, which they openly shared, added to the overall trip. I was amazed at the quality and quantity of the food provided on the trip - a special thank you to our cooks, who ensured that we were provided with warm, healthy, fresh and nutritious food. A special thank you to our porters on both mountains - they played a key role in helping me to achieve my personal goal of summiting both peaks. Excellent teamwork added to the overall experience - as a team, everyone in our group summited both Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro. I feel very humbled and lucky to have shared this experience with a wonderful group of people
By Breda from Limerick | 25 October 2022
★ ★
Disappointing and not good value for money
Canadian Summit Scramble
Canada is a beautiful country and the people were so friendly wherever we went, we would both love to go back again. The guides were lovely and worked really hard doing all the driving, cooking and leading of the walks - there really needed to be more staff to enable them to focus on their key roles. It’s unfortunate neither guide was fully qualified and didn’t know the area well; one knew it as a skier but neither had done most of the walks on the itinerary before. Sadly, neither did we com plete them as the summits were omitted even on the days when the weather was great and the one slower member of the party not walking. I think we only did three of the described walks, most days we did significantly less and there was no scrambling. One example, having hiked to the unpleasant Bow Hut (the promised Stanley Mitchell hut is awarded by lottery apparently and almost never available) on the full (glorious) day we spent there, we only pottered to the Onion, barely an hour away, and spent most of the day sitting around. Equally disappointing was the accommodation – every placed described as a gite/hostel was a hostel, some of which were of poor quality. The statement “you may need to share with others” translated to you always share with others (apart from the hotel in Calgary) including a very cramped room in Banff where 5 of us struggled to fit in a space that was allegedly meant to be for 6. We weren’t expecting luxury but for the price paid but we were expecting something a bit better. The most frustrating thing for me was KE’s response to my concerns which boiled down the non-apology of “we’re sorry you feel that way” and “we’ll try to manage expectations better in the future”. This does not appear to have happened looking at the description some months later. The response to the last review says “We’re sorry you had to leave the trip so early” when in fact Jo missed a few days due to illness, but came back and was with us for most of the time. Although perhaps not totally untrue the statement is, rather like the trip notes for our experience, misleading to say the least.
By Eric from Hebden Bridge | 22 October 2022

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review Eric. We whole-heartedly agree that Canada is a beautiful country and the people are friendly. As stated in our private correspondence with you, and also in response to the review from your fellow trekker below, much of your itinerary had to be changed due to the major events of a forest fire and the storm. This was not within our control but we are sorry it impacted your enjoyment of the holiday. To clarify a couple of points: your group was led by a qualified mountain guide, and we cannot agree that your trip was not value for money - a simple comparison with other companies offering similar itineraries will confirm this. We do, however, take your point that using hostels to keep the price of the holiday down, is not for everyone and, as already stated, this is under review – so watch this space.

Excellent walking country
Walking the White Mountains of Crete

Excellent walking country , nice variety of routes in hills or along coastal paths , very good food especially the lunches ! Jean offered good clear advise when requested , had extensive knowledge of flora and fauna as well as the routes and conditions , was extremely friendly and approachable and took good care of all abilities in the group .

By Peter from UK | 20 October 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Trek to Remember and Recommend
Peaks and Valleys of Jebel Sirwa - Morocco
My husband and I enjoyed everything about this trekking adventure. We were amazed and surprised by the varied scenery and topography we walked through. We met Berber villagers and farmers who see very few tourists and they were gracious and welcoming. Highlights were seeing the restored Tizgui Agadir and watching members of our group summit Jbel Sirwa. The description and information provided for this trip was accurate except we found the elevation to be more taxing than the trek description imp lies. Yes, the days are scheduled to provide some acclimation before getting to Sirwa, but as “flatlanders” we could feel the altitude at 2500 meters, especially when hiking uphill. I only say this to encourage some cardio training if you think you might need it. Otherwise, the hiking is not technical, but it is up and down throughout the day. Also, in October we were glad we packed layers as suggested. Temperatures some mornings were near 0C, but then could be 26C later the same day. Puffy coat to t-shirt. I followed guidelines to dress conservatively and wore hiking pants, I wished I had packed at least one pair of hiking shorts for the hotter days. Our guide was professional and knowledgeable, cook was excellent (we had beignets!), muleteers and mules were wonderful. We’d recommend this trip, especially if you want to get away from the crowds and have a truly local experience.
By Kristin from Clam Lake | 19 October 2022
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