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1806 Total Reviews

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fabulous polar experience
North Spitsbergen - Farthest North
This was a fabulous experience from start to finish. The boat was modern and very comfortable. The food tasty and plentiful and the bar prices surprisingly affordable!!. Most of the activities involved getting on and off zodiacs which was a process requiring some practice at first but the logistics were managed very efficiently and safely by the guides. Wildlife sightings were delivered up as promised by the guides who appeared to possess special powers in this respect. My only slight criticism would be that some of the trips ashore involved short walks which were somewhat random and aimless but all in all a truly great and memorable trip
By Lesley from Watford | 30 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stunning trek along the Walkers' Haute Route
Best of Mont Blanc to the Matterhorn

Tom was a great guide, full of enthusiasm, knowledge and experience. The group were great companions on the trek. The refuges/hotels were more than comfortable after a long days trek. The weather was stunning and the scenery magnificent. One of the best treks in the Alps. Top tip - arrive a day or two early if you can and get fitter with some great walks in Chamonix

By Christopher from Crockham Hill | 27 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Georgia was amazing
Trekking in Georgia and the High Caucasus
The people made it very special - both the trekking team from KE and the Georgians everywhere. KE clearly set high standards - the trekking team work for different companies, and said that KE was the only company that insisted on two guides. One of our guides had to accompany one of our group back to the camp early because of illness, and the second guide was able to take the rest of us through the remaining route. The guides were very professional, well equipped, friendly and supportive, and kn owledgeable about everything from local flora and fauna to politics and history. Oh, and folk music! Beka and Konstantin led the team but the cooks, drivers and others all made it a special experience.
By Matthew from Cambridge | 26 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Spectacular, off the beaten track hiking, with a brilliant support team.
Choquequirao to Machu Picchu
This extended trekking route to Machu Pichhu is well worth the extra effort. The terrain is steep, and merits its grade 8 score, but the scenery more than compensates. We were a small group brilliantly led by our guide Rudy, who was a local man who was always cheerful and enthusiastic. Rudy was very knowledgeable about the local customs and beliefs, as well as the history and geography of the area. The highlight of my trek was the Andean ceremony conducted in the Quechua language on the Totora p ass at 4600m, giving thanks to Pachamama. Both moving and involving, it was capped by three condors flying overhead as we finished. Rudy was supported by a fantastic team, with Diego and Saul creating wonders for the mess tent, and the mule handlers attentive and efficient. The roomy tents and comfortable airbeds were always up for us when we arrived in camp, and the food was delicious and plentiful. I would echo previous reviews and strongly recommend plenty of Deet and long sleeves/trousers to keep the mosquitoes at bay. We had no rain at all, and plenty of very strong sunshine, so use your Factor 50 and a big hat. It was still pretty cool at night, but we had no need for big Arctic-style down jackets, just 2-3 layers in the evenings. The finale of the trip at Machu Pichhu was impressive, as you would expect, but for me Choquequirao was just as good, and had the benefit of sharing it with only a handful of people.
By Dominic from Ilminster | 22 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Traverse of the Jotunheimen
I have submitted an earlier review commenting that this was a superb holiday, a super hard trek across the Jotunheimen National Park spread over 9 days with beautiful scenery and excellent accommodation. Everything was brilliant including the accommodation and food. A special mention for the the guides Jacob and Helmut were great friends and full of ideas and had a wealth of experience of the local terrain. One thing I think I would change is Day 6 - I personally would spread this over 2 days wi th a 20km walk on one day and the optional climb & scramble of Kyrkia on the following day. This would provide for a shorter day on Day 6 and a bit of a rest day on the extra day, also allowing a bit of flexibility if the weather was not so good. holiday.
By Malcolm from Stockport | 21 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
GR20 - Corsica - july-Aug 2022
GR20 Corsica - The Complete Route
I decided to do this trek - 'toughest trek in Europe' in July this year before relocating to US. I just couldn't have left without doing it. After 13 days on trail, through dust, heat, thirst, laughter and some incredibly beautiful scenery I feel I have never done anything like this before. To me it is definitely the toughest trail that has given me a sense of achievement unlike EBC or Haute Route which really are walk in the park in comparison. The nearest I can compare GR20 to is walking up an d down Tryfan twice in a day at almost 1.5 times the altitude in 30 + degrees followed by steep scree ascends and decends and boulder fields. And remember there's isn't a cozy b&b and pub waiting for you at end of the day. I arrived Calvi earlier than rest of the group via easyjet flight from Gatwick. I spent a bit of time at beach, and a late dinner with rest of the group. Next day taxi ride to start of the trek. First day seemed easy with naive me thinking it's not that difficult, stopping plenty of times to take photos, have a bite or two and then walking in between. The reality hit next day with some long scrambling sections where I wish I had two spare pair of eyes to watch my every step while the other pair can enjoy the scenery. I prioritised my feet over the scenery. And that was the case right until the last day. North is treacherous due to lack of water, absence of gentle grassy path, you need to watch your feet more than the scenery around and a very good experience with scrambling comes handy. If you haven't scrambled then the hikes mentioned by KE on the website is a good preparation. The trail just can't be compared with EBC, Kili or TMB. This trail will test your endurance, stamina and technical skills. There were days when we kept hiking from 6:30ish in morning with few water breaks and late lunch breaks ( 2- 3 PM) so that the difficult sections are completed before scorching afternoon sun hits us. I am personally really grateful to our guide to keep the pace otherwise we would have hiked until dinner time (7 PM). When I look back I did enjoy the scrambling and won't mind doing it again. What I didn't like at all were the steep scree like ascents and decents - the latter in particular. A knee support and walking sticks come really handy to tackle these. The two good days in North were when we got to stay at the ski resort. It was a great motivation to get through the day. In general most places including the campsites and gites were clean, owners very friendly and there was always plenty of food on our plates. The gite at Crocce requires special mention - the best lasagne, charcuterie and wine. You will be deluded to think South is easy. Its easier but still not TMB. Most sections in South are very long, have ascents and decents (including a steep one on second last day) and of course the scrambling sections. There are water sources available enroute in South so we didn't have to carry all three litres every day. There were pools to cool down that also served as good picnic spot.We were very fortunate to not have had any rain or storm while hiking all 13 days. This is a must do trail. Everyday is different. After GR20 all other trails feel easier and acheivable. If you enjoy scrambling have some tolerance for heat and don't mind staying in tents then give this a try Some tips for the trek below > Prepare for the trek. KE has plenty of information for that > Buy Paddy Dillons GR20 to get an idea > Watch YouTube videos (there's a good one by Klara Kousalova) > Have an open mindset. If you feel you can't do it then you can leave the trail on day 3, 5 and so on. > Trust your guide. Ask them questions if needed. Ask for help if required. Let them know what you can and can't do. I am not very tall but good with scrambling. So my guide always gave me a hand in sections that didn't have grips - those steep or tall boulders/ rocks . > Carry atleast 3 litres of water. Some of the group memebers were left without water on day 2. > Walking sticks are your best friends. If like me you have never used them, still bring them along. You will soon realise why. > Keep it light. You will carry 2 days of gear with you in North twice. Keep it light. My gear weighed 10K + 4K of food and water which made scrambling very difficult first 3 days. Leave all your creature comforts in your main bag.. use small pots/travel size to carry body wash, sunscreen etc. Nalgene does leak-proof travel size containers. Check weather so you can decide whether waterproof, down jacket etc are really required. > You will need lot of sunscreen. Get a neck gaiter (protection) too. Of course, the sunglasses and hat. >Your shoes will be baterred by the end of this trail, so ensure you have strong pair with good grip. I brought a backup with me that I had to use after day 6 as the sole of my first pair came off. Plenty of people on trail with damaged toe and toe nails. > Germolene and Bandage as every plant in corsica is spiky and you have to walk over them. You will be scratched and bruised. > Avoid rice if given in lunch boxes. Rice is notorious to go bad in heat. I as well as another group ended up being sick after having rice for lunch. Those who didn't have it were fine. > do not smoke as it is prohibited at campsites and may cause fire due to extremely dry conditions. >Drink as much water as possible at the start of trek and whenever you see a source. I carried water purifying tablets but no one else did and they were all fine. > Do not miss the sun rise, sun set and the stars each night. Its unforgettable. > Try local drinks including ice tea, beer and some really good wine Remember the trek is difficult but achievable. It is very enjoyable with some stunning scenery.
By Priyanka from Berkshire | 19 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A well organised trip.
Family Teenage Toubkal Ascent, Morocco

This holiday package, caters for young and old. The age range from 8 up to late 50's on our trip. It was well organised and the tour guides and porters all were extremely helpful throughout. Would recommend to families aslo we opted for the extension in the hotel for a couple of days at the end.

By James from Bristol | 19 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
West Highland Way best of Scotland
The West Highland Way

On this, my fourth trip with KE, I was a bit unsure of how things would pan out. But my uncertainty was put to rest when we met the guides and other trekkers. It was a fantastic experience, it was not too difficult, weather, very hot. My advice? take a bug spray and head net, the midges are bad. The guides from were absolutely outstanding. I look forward to my next trip.

By Fergus from ABERDEEN | 18 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Namibia - well worth waiting for
Zambia & Namibia Camping Safari
A great trip from start to finish. Highlights were 1) visiting Victoria Falls; 2) the wildlife viewing, both incidentally when transferring from one place to another (e.g. coming across a breeding herd of over 20 elephants while driving along a main road in Caprivi), and on dedicated game drives/cruises, as well as at the waterholes which you can visit for as long as you like at night at both campsites in Etosha (was mesmerised by 4 elephants and then 5 rhinos and some giraffes at the Okaukuejo waterhole, and only dragged myself to my tent as I was so tired); and 3) the landscapes at Brandberg, Spitzkoppe, and Sesriem/Sossusvlei. It’s worth pointing out that this trip is operated by a reputable South African safari company, and people book onto it through other companies, such as KE. There were 6 others in my group, all from Italy, who had booked through two different Italian companies, so quite a different mix from the trips I’ve done previously with KE which had a majority of British people in the group. If you get the KAZA visa on arrival - not just a visa for Zambia (if you arrive at Livingstone airport), or one for Zimbabwe (arriving at Victoria Falls airport), you can then pass freely between the two countries to see both sides of Victoria Falls. There are different queues in the airport, so get in the KAZA visa queue (this visa cost US$50 in July 2022). There were a few differences between the itinerary provided by KE and what we actually did - perhaps something for KE to check up on, but nothing which I felt detracted from the trip. To be complete (or pedantic?) about this: Day 1: We were taken to the Zambian side of Victoria Falls in the late afternoon, with transport and entry fee provided, and one of our two guides (Chris and Steve, both from Zimbabwe), accompanying us. Day 2: A free day, as described. Just to say that if you’ve not been to the falls before, I think you’d be crazy not to visit the Zimbabwean side on this day, as most of the viewpoints are on the Zimbabwean side, and you’d miss out if you only saw the Zambian side. Our guides didn’t assume we wanted to do this, as there are other activities on offer, but arranged a taxi to the border for us, which waited for our return and just cost US$6 each. Can also recommend the 4pm Zambezi river cruise from the campsite as an optional activity - a beautiful setting, and we saw hippos, crocodiles and a couple of elephants. It cost US$70, but included snacks, a meal, and a free bar. Day 8: There was no walk to the Petrified Forest, but after a long bus journey and the very hot walk to see the White Lady rock art, I don’t think this would have been practical. Day 9: No guided afternoon walk at Spitzkoppe, but you can easily do it yourself. Day 12: This was just a transfer day from Swakopmund to Sesriem, albeit with several stops of interest (Walvis Bay lagoon, Kuisep canyon, the Tropic of Capricorn sign, and Solitaire, a historic ‘service station’). I don’t think also visiting Sossusvlei is physically possible on this day. Day 13: We visited Dune 45, Dead Vlei/Sossusvlei, and Sesriem Canyon, which took about 8 hours altogether. Walking the 4km each way between the car park and Dead Vlei/Sossusvlei is not really practical unless the whole group want to do this, meaning a 4x4 transfer (N$180 or £9 each) is pretty much compulsory. There’s a fair bit of walking to do at Dead Vlei/Sossusvlei, and it gets very hot, so the additional 8km walk is impractical. This was my first KE trip as a vegetarian, and the food was a little bit ‘variations on a theme’, but the meals contained plenty of fresh veg, and only the braai (barbecue), with nothing to eat instead of the meat, was disappointing. If you are used to wild camping, the campsites are quite luxurious - running water and flush toilets in all but one, and most have electric charging facilities (free) and WiFi (sometimes free, sometimes payable). On the other hand, if you are used to wild camping, and are not used to sharing your ‘middle of nowhere’ experience, you might find the campsites rather busy. Not all the campsites had recycling facilities, and we were not encouraged to transport our recyclables to the next place. The advice about not wearing bright colours when game viewing seems odd when the bus you are in is bright red and yellow! Our guides, Chris and Steve, were experienced and professional, and worked hard to provide us with a great experience, and to share their passion about Southern Africa. I have written such a long review as the last time I looked there were no reviews at all for this trip.
By Timothy from Bradford-on-Avon | 16 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An outstanding, memorable trip, despite an unusual amount of bad luck.
K2, Concordia and the Gondogoro La
Firstly, let’s deal with the bad luck, none of which were due to KE or the local trekking company. They’re simply a result of the ‘adventure’ in KE Adventure Travel – i.e. trips such as this will always be at the whim of events. Most significantly, both inbound and outbound local flights from Islamabad to / from Skardu were cancelled at short notice, resulting in 16-18 hour bus journeys. These were mostly on the Karokoram Highway – a road of many bends and poor surfaces, but definite ly not one conducive to a restful trip. Recent flight records showed that 15-20 % of flights do not take place, so we were indeed unlucky. These delays used up some contingency time. Outbound we did the trip overnight, and the return with an overnight stop in a poor hotel. Both were less than ideal, but were organised efficiently. Further to this, most of the trekkers had a fair degree of illnesses – either coughs / throat infections or gastro-intestinal problems. We were also unfortunate in that we had some rain at Concordia that would have been fresh snow on the Gondogora La pass, meaning this was unwise to attempt on the following days. This did tie in with a period of illness so returning back from Concordia was very disappointing, but the only sensible option. Having declared the bad luck, it’s worth reflecting on the positives. I found the jeep rides exhilarating, and a great experience, but note they take a day each way. The Karakoram is a truly breath-taking place. Innumerable 5/6000m peaks are passed on the approach to Concordia where you are surrounded by the magnificent 7000m and awe inspiring 8000m peaks. Any of these peaks without exception would be a stunning destination on its own merits anywhere else in the world. Fine weather is rewarded with incredible scenery. Poor weather shows how brutal, harsh and equally impressive the landscape can be. Then there are the sunsets, sunrises, dark sky views of the milky way and much more. The trip is not for the faint hearted. The heat at lower altitudes can be intense, the moraine was hard work together with the altitude. Sanitation is less than ideal, due to local custom and constraints in some of the more popular camping sites. As mentioned by other trekkers, non-pack animals make a one-way trip – so chickens, goats and the odd bullock are led up the trail and then slaughtered discretely. Even as a non-meat eater, this did not concern me, but be prepared for the realities of different cultures. Our trek leader, Tom, was knowledgeable and a calm head. The support crew from porters to caterers were excellent, with good quality food on offer. Because of the reversal down from Concordia, supplies were a little constrained ( as some were the ‘wrong’ side of the pass ), but the local agent readjusted the logistics well. In summary, a highly recommended trip, exceptionally rewarding and utterly unmatched. Just imagine what I’d be writing if I’d had good luck.
By Charles from Ashbourne | 08 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Family Adventures in the Algarve

We had a lovely relaxing stay at Jonathan and Violetta’s amazing eco rustic paradise. Nothing was too much trouble for the hosts; food was plentiful and excellent. All done with a smile. Activities great fun and pitched perfectly for all abilities. Extra care provided for the less able, whilst challenging for the more sporty amongst us. One of our best holidays ever!

By Rachel from Oxford | 08 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great , challenging hike
Traverse of the Jotunheimen
Harder than expected due to all paths being awkward , rocky , boulder fields or snow fields . The guides were great and had plenty of local knowledge including flora and fauna. The vegetarian food was poor ( inedible) in one hut and totally absent in another. They promised to bring omelette after they’d served everyone’s dessert but didn’t. Advice to bring a large lunchbox would be good as you need to take lots of food as the day’s walk are very long and lots of energy is needed for the difficult terrain a/a ,steep ascents and difficult descents. Walking poles should be listed as essential as the river crossing are very difficult without them.
By Jennifer from Cheadle | 06 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Superb walking holiday
Self-Guided Walking: Salzburg’s 10 Lakes

Cannot recommend this holiday enough. The Austrian alps and lakes are wonderful. Great family holiday not too much effort but not too little either. Just the right balance.

By Peter from Aberdeen | 05 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful and varied exploration of Lycia
Active Family Holiday on Turkey's Lycian Coast
I would highly recommend this holiday. There is a lot of variety in this holiday with watersports, visits to ancient sites, beach time, boat trips and exploration. There are a lot of opportunities to swim, and for this to be a suitable holiday you need to enjoy swimming, or at least enjoy watching your children swim. You also need to be able to tolerate the heat, we went in late July and it was mid-thirties every day. The heat does make the swimming even more pleasurable though. The scenery in b oth locations is stunning. Excursion highlights include the visit to Saklikent Canyon (I would recommend the optional ring rafting which was great fun), and the day boat trip to Kekova Island which was a real treat. Our guide Ozgur was excellent with great local knowledge. Once we had met him at the airport I felt I could relax and leave all the timings, logistics, problem solving and overcoming the language barrier to him. He really looked after us and took lots of photos which he shared with us. We ate out as a group every day bar one, the Cinarlar Pizza Garden in Kas being my favourite. In terms of difficulty the activities are not too strenuous, although you need good mobility, the toughest being the Lycian Way hike which our guide shortened from 12km to 9km because of the heat. It is a gorgeous walk though, we met not a single other hiker, and the lunch at the shepherd's hut is quite an experience, this was the only instance where fussy eaters might struggle.
By Samuel from Yateley | 02 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great experience
Trekking The Transylvanian Alps

Excellent trip overall, Leader Gabriel was full of information and always made use feel completely safe. Accomadation was excellent, hotels and the mountain huts. The mountains and routes exceeded all expectations. The Romanians were very friendly hosts. Would recommend the trip very highly. Hints:- The photos on the wed page don't do the area justice! Joining location at airport could be added to trip notes.

By Sean from Naas | 02 August 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow, what fun,
Family Adventures in the Algarve
We have just returned from our holiday at Aqua-Ventura that as a family we will always remember as the best and most exciting time together. Jonny and Violetta, along with their family and volunteers, are the most amazing hosts and fun people to be with. Jonny’s skill, enthusiasm and expertise ensure that whatever your ability you will get the best out of each day. We were challenged to try new activities in a safe but exciting way, building confidence as the week progressed. Violetta’s cook ing is fantastic, catering for all tastes. She certainly knows what adults and children enjoy. Not only is she a great cook, she knows how to throw a party, dance and involve everyone. This is a truly magical place for excitement and relaxation in a beautiful unspoilt part of Portugal where there are plenty of opportunities for adults and children to make new friends. Our grandchildren loved the freedom to explore the farm often accompanied by the most friendly dogs you could ever meet. It’s easy to see why people return. Sophia 11yrs - I will never forget this experience, everyone there is so lovely. Everyone should experience it at least once in their lifetime. Elizabeth 8 yrs - it was very exciting and every day was an adventure. Chocolate and Alana are such friendly dogs who I loved playing with. John and Carolyn Carpenter
By John from Ashford | 31 July 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Perfect family adventure holiday
Family Adventures in the Algarve
July 2022 First trip after the Covid. Great group of random 4 single and multi parent families from Ireland, Scotland and Israel. For two of the families this was a return visit to this guest house. Wonderful hosts - Violeta and Jonathan - warm, welcome, caring, teaching. Excellent food fitting both kids and adults with plenty of local fruits and vegetables. No AC but great Atlantic breeze cools down the evenings and nights. Exciting and frequently challenging daily adventures of ocean surfing, climbing, biking, hiking, kayaking. Always super-safe, under professional patient guidance of Jonathan and his assistants who were making sure everyone feels confident and enjoys to the maximum. Relaxing evenings at the farm with great local wine and food, interesting multi National crowd: chatting, playing games, listening to music, playing ping pong, dancing. Will definitely return!
By Maria from Ramat HaSharon | 30 July 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An unforgettable experience!
Trek the High Taurus Mountains and Cappadocia
This was a fantastic trip from beginning to end. The process with KE was smooth, with the schedule and equipment list clear, while they answered any questions we had very quickly. Our time in Turkey was superb. The local agency provided a flawless set of guides (Tolga and Jahit) and a supporting crew of cooks, mule-drivers and others. The walking in the Taurus Mountains was spectacular, with breaktaking scenery. Tolga and Jahit were crucial to our enjoyment, as they paced the walk well while dis playing a flawless knowledge of the area, be it birdwatching, geology, or history. They ensured that the camps were well organised, with tents always set up on time for our arrival and meals prepared too. Cappadocia was a more relaxed time, as we hiked around the fairy chimneys, went to an esteemed pottery shop, and enjoyed the local cuisine in restaurants. Tolga, Jahit and the rest of the agency were indispensable to the success of the trip - truly princes among men. We had a fantastic time, and will definitely visit Turkey again.
By Callum from Harpenden | 28 July 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Family adventure
Family Adventures in the Algarve
Our family visited Jonny and Violetta’s farmhouse in July this year for a “Family Adventure” week. First things first. This is an amazing family holiday. Ten out of ten. We have travelled far and wide with our 2 children (aged 10 and 13) and have experienced many types of holidays but we all wholeheartedly agreed that our week in the Western Algarve with was one of the best, if not the best of them all. It really deserves every possible accolade for providing an action packed week, with Jo nny and his son Dylan and nephew Pau, constructively challenging the children (and adults!) to a wide variety of daily activities followed by an evening of wonderful food and hospitality served up by Violeta and her mother. This is a family run affair, which makes the holiday all the more special as you really feel you are welcomed into their home as opposed to some random holiday accommodation. If Jonny and Violeta could bottle the secret sauce in arranging this type of holiday and replicate it throughout Europe, I’m sure they’d be very wealthy people. But this is not the essence of what they are about. They are caring family-minded people, who are very tuned into their mental well-being, their environmental impact and really understand the finer details which make a family holiday really special. Indeed, I believe the family adventure week is currently something which they only offer for a small number of weeks of the year so by the end of our week we really felt one of the lucky ones who were fortunate enough to experience a type of holiday which they strongly advocate (without pushing it down your throat). This was our first time and we really didn’t know what to expect but we’ll be definitely back for another week. Indeed, it is very apparent from some of the other guests who we met that most of their clientele are repeat guests who have attended on multiple occasions. Our experience was also definitely made all the better by enjoying the company of like-minded guests who were happy to have a couple of beers or enjoy a glass of wine after a hard day surfing or rock-climbing or kayaking. A few things to keep in mind before choosing this holiday - if the items below are critical to your holiday enjoyment, this is not the holiday for you: Lounging by the pool: Whereas there was always a couple of hours each day of relaxation (typically at a beautiful beach), you are pretty much on the go from 10am to 5pm each day. Hotel luxuries: the accommodation has all you need but at the same time would not be luxurious. You just need to approach it with a positive mindset and recognise that you’re staying in a remote farmhouse which has very strong eco-credentials. Digital access: for us, the limited connectivity was a real bonus as opposed to being an issue. The week was a real digital detox for the children and whereas they could get WiFi access in the lounge room, there was so much going on that they hardly missed their phones or consoles. Remote location: the farmhouse is quite remote so walking to the nearest village for a change of scenery is not really an option. Again, we didn’t find this an issue as the scenery at the farmhouse is stunning and we were only more than happy to wind down on the veranda with the other guests after a nice shower and freshen-up. All-in-all, this is a really special holiday and we felt a little melancholic leaving the farmhouse, even though we were heading on to the Eastern Algarve for the second week of our holiday. Our 2 boys were particularly sad to be leaving Dylan and Pau who provided hours of entertainment to the children (from swimming in the pool, to card games to treasure hunts to ping-pong to disco dancing to treasure hunts….). Hats off to Jonny, Violeta and the family, they have really nailed this type of holiday. It’s just a shame it’s not available in other parts of the Mediterranean. Just means we’ll have to go back for more!
By Mark from Dublin 7 | 27 July 2022
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Balkan Borderlands Adventure
Walking in the Balkan Borderlands
We have travelled with KE Adventure a couple of times before and had a great time on both occasions. Initially we had been booked on to a trip taking in Moldova and the Ukraine. This had been cancelled twice due to Covid and was cancelled again due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Not wanting to miss out on a trip altogether we decided this one would be an ideal replacement and we were not disappointed. After a stressful experience at Heathrow we were delighted to arrive in Pristina and be gr eeted by our wonderful guide Niti. I must say that whilst we really enjoyed every aspect of the trip what made it so memorable was Niti himself. He was personable, charming, thoughtful and went above and beyond what was expected to make sure everyone in the group of nine had the best experience possible. The walking element of the trip was pretty tough and easily deserves its 5 grading. One of our party was really struggling with the walking and Niti took it upon himself to carry his bag every day as well as his own rucksack. This is only one small example of the many thoughtful things he did to make our trip so memorable. I would highly recommend this trip for its variety. It was a real pleasure experiencing the delights of Kosovo, Montenegro and Albania. This is a region with a troubled history but you would not know that from the warmth of the reception we received from local people. All the logistical arrangements ran very smoothly despite being quite complicated at times particularly as this was a linear trip. Generally the accommodation was reasonable to good though it was variable. The food was excellent and plentiful throughout. It was a real privilege gaining such a detailed insight into the lives of the people who live in this region. If you do decide to take this trip you will not regret it especially if you get Niti as your tour leader.
By Martyn from WAKEFIELD | 26 July 2022
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