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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
challenging, varied and brilliantly organised
Santiago de Compostela by Bike
The trip was about 80% off road. All used hired bikes, which were fine. The trail conditions were very varied: sometimes moderately technical. Most days were long and arduous, with a headwind for a day on the plain, so you need to be cycle fit. We were allowed to ride at our own pace which was great. Advantages in October are that there are likely to be fewer pilgrims walking the trail and it was not too hot. The accommodation was well chosen and food good - sometimes with character and al ways comfortable. Excellent guides who made a 100% effort to give us all a great holiday. Big thanks to them both. Fun and exciting riding and a real achievement to complete the route.
By David from CHURCH STRETTON | 30 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A perfect combination of adventure, culture and companionship.
Salt Flats and Volcanoes of Bolivia
This holiday far exceeded our expectations. The comprehensive itinerary ensured that every day was filled with opportunities to experience all that Bolivia has to offer along with demanding physical challenges (though our leader always made sure that every group member remained within their 'comfort zone'). The group dynamics were perfect and we became firm friends from the start of the trip, sharing many, many happy and humorous times. We have all exchanged e mails to enable us to sha re photographs and will endeavour to stay in touch. It is difficult to choose a highlight as there were so many but I guess ours was the sense of achievement in summiting Acotango. Our first 6000+ metre peak at 62 years of age! Not bad for pensioners!!!
By John from TRURO | 29 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Unspoilt, beautiful valleys and stunning mountain panoramas
The Snowman Trek
Yangphel Adventure Travel have the highest level of service from a trek crew I have ever experienced, they have a leader in Namgay (who has now completed the trek 10 times!) who manages the logistics, knows the trail intimately and it is his pleasure to share any detail of Bhutanese culture with you. They provided 3 cooked meals with meat or eggs for protein each day and for most of the time they included fresh fruit and vegetables. Lunch with table and chairs at around 5,000m altitude on snow w as somewhat surreal but very welcome. For a 25 day wildness trek the trek crew even managed to organise a few hot showers - also very welcome! The standard of hotel accommodation in Bhutan is also very comfortable with some in stunning locations. The 40mm thick "Thermarests" provided by Yangphel seemed to be appreciated by all (I took my own mat and tent). Some of the tents, like much expedition gear, were getting a little tired but generally adequate for the conditions. I understand we were quite fortunate with the weather in that we had unobscured views from every high pass we crossed with stunning mountain panoramas. Be aware that all the paths utilised are primarily local travel/trade routes between villages or valleys using Ponies and Yaks as load carriers, consequently the paths are often badly eroded/muddy/rocky and can require constant focus on each foot placement. I would consider that the KE kit list would serve most people well, the only potential addition I would suggest could be some form of lightweight instep crampon as there can be sections of packed snow with paths traversing steeper slopes where some additional grip might benefit those with less experience/confidence on such surfaces. Overall the Trek is clearly not cheap as a consequence of the Bhutanese minimum tariff policy, but the natural. unspoilt beauty of the Country and the very high level of service provided by Yangphel go some very long way towards making this Trek good value for money.
By Ian from | 28 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A lovely trek
Curzon's Trail and the Kuari Pass
This was an excellent trek in a relatively unspoilt part of northern India. Whilst not going above 4000m we had wonderful views of the snow clad Himalaya, especially from the balcony path on the last day. We were a small group of 7 and all got on well together. The crew were very good and ably led by our lovely leader Thinles Dorjay for whom nothing was too much trouble. Apart from 1 day when we experienced torrential rain, thunder, lightning, snow and hail, the weather was ideal-warm and sunny. The stays in Rishikesh and Haridwar on our return were fascinating.
By Adventure from AMERSHAM | 28 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent introduction to Nepal - in comfort
Everest and Annapurna Luxury Lodge Trek
We originally booked the Everest Luxury Lodge Trek but changed to the Everest/Annapurna trek because of earthquake damage to one of the Lodges. We weren't disappointed as this trip gave us an introduction to 2 quite different areas of Nepal as well as time in Katmandu .
We are regular walkers at home but were uncertain if we would be OK at altitude, and had little idea what the going underfoot would be like, so these 2 relatively easy treks were not too daunting for 1st timers in Ne
pal - up to Namche in the Khumbu region, and around the villages of the Annapurna foothills, We needn't have worried, the pace up to 3,400m was slow and allowed us to acclimatise without difficulty, and the trail was easy. There were some days of long descent but nothing too taxing. We felt we could easily have carried on to Base Camp!
The accommodation was excellent throughout. Above average standard for Nepal, we had comfortable beds, with the added luxury of an electric blanket at the Yeti Mountain Homes in Khumbu. This was a real bonus after a not too hot shower in an unheated room! The food was lovely, at all the lodges and at the teahouses we visited enroute. Sadly the lodges were almost empty other than our small group, but that meant we got the full attention of the staff, always keen to give us second helpings.
We took far too much stuff - the trip notes list overtrousers and waterproof as essential, we needed neither but were perhaps lucky with the weather. A down jacket was useful for the cold evenings in Khumbu but the climate was much hotter in the second week. The lodges provided flip flops so evening footwear wasn't needed either. The lodges also provided towels. Trekking poles are a must for your knees.
One thing we weren't expecting were the leeches! They shouldn't have been around in October but there were plenty in the Annapurna region. We experimented with insect repellant spray on boots, salt and a sharp pointy stick, all good deterants but we did get leeched (and it wasn't so bad when you did!).
We were in Nepal for the festival of Dashain - this meant some shops and restaurants were closed in Pokhara and Katmandu as people travelled back to their family homes. We also stumbled across a couple of buffalo sacrifices on the trail. The fuel crisis didn't affect us except that city restaurants were starting to offer reduced menus due to lack of cooking fuel. Sadly this looks set to cause more problems in the near future.
The people of Nepal were friendly and welcoming everywhere, and their resilience in the aftermath of the earthquake was quite humbling. We saw quite a bit of damage, but also lots of rebuilding work.
Finally the quality of the team in Nepal was outstanding. Our guide Phruba became a real friend, he looked after us so well, pacing the trip to our abilities, sorting out the few hitches that cropped up along the way and steering us on the busiest day from Lukla through Katmandu airport on to Pokhara and back on the trail. He taught us a lot about the culture and beliefs of the Sherpa people, showing us the monastery in his neighbouring village which was a very important place to him - it was hard to say goodbye! In Khumbu we also had Prasang with us, who was always thoughtful and attentive. We met his dad and his wife along the way and again became good friends.
In summary, if you're not sure of your abilities, not sure which area of Nepal you want to visit, and maybe your camping days are behind you, this is a brilliant introduction to Nepal. It has inspired us to think about more challenging treks in future.
By Joy from SHEFFIELD | 27 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Annapurna Sanctuary Trek & Chitwan - Private Owens
<p>How do the porters ascend 30 thousand feet carrying 30kg worth of KE adventure travel bags on their backs?!!! And how long does it take school children to climb 3000 steps to Chomrong school everyday? Or a man to reap his terraced field of millet with a small scythe? ........just a few questions we pondered as we climbed to Annapurna base camp through beautiful valleys, woods, farmland and villages aided faultlessly by Ricky, Karma and the team of guides.</p>
<p>Our e
ntire holiday experience was wonderful, from the dizzying hecticness of Kathmandu to the peaceful Annapurna Sanctuary and humid Chitwan National Park. Hints and tips? Prep- as well as walking practice, I would recommend a Pilates or yoga class to strengthen core muscles. It certainly helped me! Ladies: yes, the toileting is basic, but the KE team were wonderful with timely breaks at tea houses to ensure our comfort. For trips to the showers, check your trekking towel is not too skimpy.</p>
<p>Expensive trekking face cloths? No! - equip yourself with a pack of bargain store " five for a pound" easy dry cleaning cloths, stitch on some loops for hanging to your rucksack and hey presto, you can mop your brow, wipe a dusty tea cup or even blow your nose in an instant!!! Easily washed out and clean for the next day! Food and drink: Our whole team were impressed with the wonderful catering at the tea houses and lodges where we stayed. Eggs, rice, spaghetti and flatbread were key staples along with delicious daal bat and wonderful chips. We were a little disappointed not to be offered porridge more often and wondered if this was considered too " everyday" to offer!</p>
<p>The KE team oversaw and helped with all proceedings in the kitchens to ensure stringent measures were adhered to. And my prior worries about lack of fresh fruit and veg were unfounded- spinach, tomatoes cabbage, carrot, bananas and apples featured frequently on the menu! Safe water was available every morning and evening and nobody on our team ever ran short of supplies.</p>
<p>Clothing- do hire or buy the down jacket and four seasons sleeping bag as you will need them at base camp! For the first three days of the trek and for wear in Kathmandu (hot!) , l would recommend a knee length skirt for ladies. ( Modesty and practicality combining to dictate precise length here!) If you are passing through Chomrong both en route to and returning from ABC you can leave clothes to be washed and collected for a very modest fee! Well worth as from here upwards it was difficult to dry clothes quickly as the evenings get colder.</p>
<p>Talking of Chomrong, if you stay at " Mountain View" lodge, bedroom number 8 has panoramic views of the sky, mountains, valley and village!!! What a privilege to witness a spectacular lightening storm, a wonderful starry night, a beautiful sunny dawn and villagers going about morning duties watched by a horse who wandered into the yard below all in the space of one never to be forgotten night at Chomrong!!! Ooh, and bedroom number 8 is also over the kitchen and thereby benefits from the rising warmth!!!</p>
<p>Trekking: as mentioned, the KE team headed by Ricky left nothing to be desired in their care, attention and concern for our comfort. Of course, the trekking could be tough at times-but regular breathers, photo stops and pauses to answers questions about surroundings, impart interesting information about our surroundings, joke and laugh with us all make for merry progress! I only wish I had learned more beforehand about the many flowers, butterflies and birds I was going to see in the mountains, valleys and jungle areas. I had not expected to see so many flowers in October! And to remember your wonderful trip: take a small notebook to make a basic diary. Together with photographs this will be an invaluable way to record the array of sights, sounds, feelings, anecdotes and interesting facts you glean from " Ricky time" equivalent information talks from your KE rep every evening!!! Hopefully, your KE rep will be as talented and entertaining as Ricky and his young team helper on the guitar and song writing front too!!!</p>
<p>What a way to cosy up and relax with your trekking team in the teahouse " dinning room" in the evenings!!! Wonderful! Thankyou so much!! Chitwan: hot and humid but well worth it. Mosquitoes were not the problem I had feared, with sensible precautions taken, of course. And " Into the Wild" Eco Centre where we stayed provided mosquito proof accommodation. Elephants, rhinos and crocodiles: the wide range of animals and sights we saw from ox drawn carts, jeeps, elephants and on foot did not disappoint!!! I just hope everyone is as lucky as us. And even got to ride an elephant bare back down to the river, where I was rewarded with a thorough soaking!!! Final tip- try everything on offer: if something on your trip is optional, it is being offered for good reason- you won't regret it!</p>
By Catherine from EGREMONT | 26 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nepal open for business
Annapurna Circuit and Annapurna Sanctuary
I booked my first trip to Nepal just before the earthquake and after the disaster I was still keen to go ahead if possible - Nepal needs its tourist industry. Fortunately KE persevered with the trip despite only 5 travellers and the risk that the fuel crisis might interrupt the trip. We were rewarded with a great trek led by enthusiastic and experienced local staff. We were well acclimatised for the Thorung La and very well fed. The Annapurna range is stunning and we got to view it from all side s. I didn't enjoy our drive up the "road" and given the choice again, I'd start walking sooner but otherwise a very successful trip and I'll definitely be visiting Nepal again.
By Kathryn from INVERNESS | 26 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Glorious Trekking Experience.
Everest Base Camp Trek

Very well organized and led trip. Staff very attentive and nothing went awry. Great trekking companions. Wonderful experience. At times it was cold and hard going but it was well paced and we all were thoroughly acclimatized. Wonderful experience and happy to recommend.
Facilities became more basic and sparse the higher we got but that is part of the experience. Don't expect luxury. There were only 6 of us on the trip and I believe 16 is the maximum number. To me that sounds like quite a lot.

By Michael from WIMBORNE | 26 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The hardest most rewarding 11 day hike I've done so far,
Classic Tour du Mont Blanc

Pictures cannot do it justice, You just have to experience it for yourself. The trek itself was a lot harder than I expected but very rewarding. The views were breathtaking. The lodging and food were excellent. My favorite was the YETI lodge and staff

By Jillian from MENLO PARK | 26 October 2015
GR20, Corsica, September 2015
GR20 Corsica - The Complete Route

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By Jonathan from ABINGDON | 25 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Introduction to India and a spectactular trek
Shivling and the Source of the Ganges

This holiday gives you a little glimpse of Dehli (from a cycle-rickshaw!) and of rural India as you drive through villages and small towns. Then you start the trek - we had beautiful autumn colours on the trees. After the trees go you begin to glimpse Shivling. A tough climb ovet the morraine and you arrive at Tapovan - a reward for all that hard work. Get up at 6am to see the dawn light the tops of the mountains, truely special. Oh, and add in lots of really tasty food :)

By Christine from Fareham | 23 October 2015
Photos from Ultimate Tour du Mt Blanc, July 2015
Ultimate Tour du Mont Blanc

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By Rachel from LOUGHBOROUGH | 23 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A wonderful trekking holiday..
Walking in the Balkan Borderlands

Marvelous countries, incredibly kind and generous people where ever we went. Food is good, authentic and locally grown. Beautiful valleys and inspiring peaks all around. Gorgeous towns and villages, crazy roads with spectacular views.

By Madeleine from TEMPE | 20 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Relaxed walking and blissful swimming in the sun on a lovely quiet island.
Coastal Trails of Gozo
This is as advertised: easy walks around the coastline over 4 days. The hotel was good with 3 pools and lovely staff. There was a day in Valletta for culture which we didn't particularly look forward to, preferring to stay on Gozo, but it was very enjoyable nonetheless. Gozo is quiet and very pleasant with golden sandstone houses and well tended land. The guide was great company and found us good swimming spots, picnic sites and great local ice-cream. This was a very good autumn boost after a poor summer.
By Gwen from MACHYNLLETH | 20 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stunning scenery and culturally fascinating
Shivling and the Source of the Ganges
This is a wonderful short trekking holiday - the trekking days are short so there is plenty of time to take photographs along the way and for rest and relaxation. The altitude gain is serious starting at 3000m and gaining altitude to 4500m over just three days so this is a factor if you are anxious about altitude sickness. The paths are very good and there is only one short section of steep ascent up to the high camp at Tapovan where we spent two nights right among magnificent mountain scenery l ooking up at Shivling, There is the added interest of the numbers of Indian pilgrims making their way to the source of the Ganges and the brightly coloured orange robed holy men with wild hair and interesting smoking materials that make their way up to the source of the Ganges and some little shrines to Shiva along the way. The trip itinerary is not entirely accurate so treat as guidance only. The use of the hotel Broadway on arrival in Delhi is a step in the wrong direction - a deeply depressing place and a poor start to a holiday. The room had all the comfort and ambience of a prison cell in a third world country. At least it had a decent restaurant. Bhim from Rimo expeditions was a terrific trek leader and his support team were excellent all round.
By Adventure from LONDON | 19 October 2015

KE Adventure reply

We are delighted that you have had another ‘wonderful’ holiday with KE. As you know, although we have a long history in this part of India, yours was the first group to complete this particular itinerary. Overall, we are very pleased with the way the holiday ran, but we will be making some minor adjustments arising out of the feedback we have received from clients and from your tour leader, Bhim Lama.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic variety and first-class guiding.
Ecuador's Avenue of the Volcanoes
From the moment we bonded as a 'team', through to our farewell meal, the whole experience was a delight. This was aided to no small extent by the wit, humour and knowledge of our guide, Carlos. He forged a family atmosphere amongst the disparate group of 11 trekkers whereby nobody cared who they trekked beside or sat beside at dinner. The variety of the programme was unexpected, though the variety of the weather was as expected - hot n'sunny through to cooler misty drizzle. So go prepared for the full range of climate. Amongst all the great treks were cultural experiences in the towns we visited plus train rides to remember and zip wires to revisit in nightmares!
By Nigel from CARLISLE | 19 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★
Close to Shivling
Shivling and the Source of the Ganges

Excellent short trek. Very, very cold on two nights just below 15,000, Much too cold to enjoy company in mess tent. Dinner 6.30 and then tuck up in sleeping bag. Even with gloves on much too cold to read! Some of the lodge accommodation not so good. Would have been nice to have working water heaters.

By Barbara from ULVERSTON | 19 October 2015
A fantastic wild trek, stunning scenery & with excellent guiding & food!
Beyond Kulu

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By Louise from BURGESS HILL | 19 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hiking Away from the Crowds
Wanting to hike in beautiful mountain scenery away from the crowds then Bosnia-Herzegovina is for you. Steep in places but leading to far reaching views. Really only those you meet are local shepherds and their dogs. Benjamin, the local leader, couldn't have done more to welcome you to his fascinating country. The snacks and lunches provided were full of variety and plentiful. To add to all that throw in the history and culture of the country and time in the cities of Mostar and Sarajevo. A very good trip in an area of the world that has so much to offer.
By Yvonne from HARPENDEN | 18 October 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fantastic family holiday with perfect blend of wildlife and adventure
Sri Lanka Family Island Explorer

Thoroughly enjoyable experience. The range of places we visited, mix of activity and wildlife, culture and company made for a really lovely holiday. We would definitely consider a KE adventure holiday in the future.

By Jane from OXFORD | 18 October 2015
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