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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The next best thing...
Icefjords and Remote Villages of East Greenland
I wish I had the where-with-all to go on expeditions... however this holiday brought me close. The landscape is amazing, the geology and flora intriguing, the vast emptiness awesome and the proximity to the changing lives of the Inuit, educational. I would highly recommend this experience to anyone with a sense of adventure. I particularly valued the opportunity to sit and stare up the Sermilik Fjord, the water mirror calm, the air sharp, the sun warming and silence... apart from the occasional crack of splitting ice or boom of calving from the glaciers. Be prepared for bucket toilets and a lack of showers for a few days... however there is plenty of pure icy water if you want to get clean! Drank the water straight from the streams. The hostel at Kuummiit is a tight fit for a full group.
By Joanne from London | 22 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great Scenery & a Fun Adventure
Walking Croatia's Coast & Mountains
This is a very nice walking trip were the scenery is great and the walks not too hard, but just about hard enough to satisfy most regular hikers. The national parks of Plitvice & Krka are both a bit spoilt by being overrun by tourists but you can soon leave the crowds behind when you venture a few miles from the car parks! It's a fairly full-on tour, every night being a one-night stop, so pack light but for all weathers - we had snow in September in the mountains! A good itinerary but be awa re that if you want to see Zagreb or Split then add some extra days to the trip, before, after or both. Also be aware that Croatia is not yet switched on to 'contactless payments' and so you will need cash (Kuna) - some bars refused any card payment for small amounts.
By Philip from Nottingham | 21 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
40 Years of waiting to enter the Throne Room of the Mountain Gods
K2 and Concordia
From the opportunity to wander around the markets of 'Pindi' to reaching Concordia this trek delivers in spades. We enjoyed a window seat view of Nanga Parbat on the short flight to Skardu, followed by a very enjoyable jeep drive to Askole. The first couple of days are well paced and a good opportunity to get to know fellow trekkers. The campsite at Jhola was the first of many instances of meeting expeditions that were on the way back from the 8,000 metre peaks that we will see in the coming day s. It is easy to concentrate on the hardship of walking on a very tough glacier surface, which some days may seem endless! However, the gallery of great mountains that unfolds is the reward. The scenery is simply jaw dropping day after day! Expect early starts to the day's trekking and long afternoons, to either enjoy glacial ice cold water to wash(!) or soak up the scenery, or read a good book. To be away from the seemingly permanent connectivity of the modern world is a delight, along with the darkness and silence of night - only interrupted by the occasional thundering distant avalanche. I described the walk along the Baltoro, as being like mother nature's version of walking through the endless halls of Versailles, en route to the golden throne of the Sun King. It starts with 5,000 metre peaks and then a, seemingly endless role call of the greatest mountains on the planet. After all of these peaks are revealed K2 finally reveals herself in a truly unforgettable climax. This is quite simply a great trek.
By Duncan from RIYADH | 21 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic hiking experience
Tastes and Trails of North Macedonia
This was a fully packed week of hiking and seeing the country of Macedonia. The hotels were unique and located in great areas, especially Hotel Tutto. The hikes were steep and fabulous views. The meals were all fantastic, especially our lunch at the assistant guide’s grandparents place in the mountains and the meal at the home of a Macedonian family. Ochrid was a beautiful place so it was nice having our non-hiking day there. Sopjke was pretty in places but the city really needs to clean up ar eas and get rid of graffiti. Luckily, our guides took us to areas of Skopje that were really nice and fun for dinners. Speaking of guides, Domko was a fantastic guide. Very patient, professional and warm; worked hard to make it the best trip for us. His assistant, Marco, was also fabulous and very proud to share his country with us. Our driver, Rolli, was a great driver and fun to be with.
By Dennis from Columbiana | 21 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent introduction to Via Ferrata in stunning scenery
Dolomites Via Ferrata
This trip was a double first for me - never having been on a via ferrata or trekked hut to hut in the Alps. The trip provides an introduction to a wide range of VF - some relatively straightforward protected walkways, some steep ladder sections, and some steep sections that needed climbing, albeit with some help from the cable, especially when wet. And a few tunnels thrown in. The scenery in the Eastern Dolomites is superb, and you get a great sense of exposure on some of the VF and on the peaks . You do need to be happy with the exposure, and a confident scrambler, and reasonably hill fit while carrying a moderate pack. Minimising your rucksack weight is important, especially after adding a couple of kilos of water/lunch/harness/helmet etc. Sometimes we were able to leave some of our kit at a hut and do the VF with a lighter pack. The weather was mixed - some bright sunny, shorts and t-shirt, days and some rainy with full waterproofs. The itinerary was adjusted accordingly. The best day for me was the long VF Giovanni Lipella followed by an ascent of Tofana di Rozes. Our leader Thibault was excellent - gave us a good introduction to the equipment, including a test abseil ( never actually needed) and always kept an eye on the group during our climbs. I always felt safe and in control. Some of the VF are very popular and busy, especially around weekends, so you do need to keep an eye out for what others are doing. The huts vary from large tourist honeypots to smaller more isolated huts. Breakfast was fairly basic, dinners usually good. Sleeping arrangements were usually cramped and generally noisy during the night - I admit to being one of the snorers. Good earplugs can help - mine often fell out (I noticed our guide wore a buff around his eyes and ears when sleeping, which would probably help). Buses to Pocol are not that frequent and most of the group ending up in a taxi for at least one journey. Overall an excellent holiday with a great bunch of folks.
By Maurice from Petersfield | 19 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Outstanding walking in the scenic Canadian Rockies
Canadian Summit Scramble
The Canadian Rockies are an exceptionally beautiful mountain range, and this trip packs in many fine walks and gives a very rich experience of the area. There is actually very little scrambling, and that little is not hard - it is predominantly a walking trip (and the trails are very good). The two day trek in the Yoho National Park was a highlight, spending a night in the middle of the mountains; and the complete traverse of the Centennial Ridge was also wonderful. We had two days of poor weath er in the middle where we didn't do the intended walks. That may have helped us stay the course, as there is a big walk every day. Phil was an outstanding leader, full of energy and good humour, and a very fine cook as well. He worked incredibly hard to ensure that the group had a good time. He was ably assisted in all this by Patrik, who was also an excellent guide and excellent company. Strongly recommended!
By Martin from London | 19 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once In a Lifetime...
K2 and Concordia
I have always wanted to go to Pakistan and this trip exceeded all my expectations in terms of mountain scenery - Concordia provides an incredible amphitheatre of some of the world's largest and most impressive peaks. I am now struggling to edit my photos! Don't underestimate the fitness levels required - it is fairly non-stop and hard work requiring concentration and balance on the rocky terrain (the Baltoro Glacier). You need good, well worn in boots, comfortable socks and decent trekking poles . There isn't a huge amount of ascent and descent but it is the potentially hot and humid conditions, rocky and unforgiving terrain and dust that make this trek hard work at times. However, with a good level of fitness you will be fine. KE and their lofcal agent generally did a wonderful job looking after and supporting us along the way from the administration in obtaining the trekking visa to our own personal visa to even arranging balloons and a cake for my birthday whilst we were on the trek (I hadn't told anyone but they secretly noted the date on my passport details!). The local agent did a lot of ad hoc organisation to ensure that we experienced as much as we could in and around Islamabad (I loved visiting Rawalpindi) and an additional trip to Taxila. He even drove us to the airport himself! On the trek, we were lucky to be joined by Bart Jordans who has a fabulous sense of humour and dealt with issues that arose on the trek efficiently and professionally. He was also a very interesting guy to get to know given his considerable experience of trekking, particularly in the Himalayas and Karakorum. It is worth noting that you are provided with daily snacks, loo roll, foam sleeping mats (although definitely bring a decent thermarest or equivalent) and handwash. Tips for other items to bring - umbrella (there is not much shade - sounds ridiculous but even the mountaineers we met had one!), small shampoo and travel wash (it is possible to do some washing of yourself and clothes in streams), SPF lip balm (my lips got rather destroyed despite taking some) and a fantastic camera with a decent power bank. Weather was generally good and certainly on the days when it mattered - we did have quite a few days of rain/cloud so bring some good reading material. I would strongly recommend this trek to anyone who loves mountain scenery - the views are honestly spectacular and the people incredibly warm and welcoming. I could have stayed much longer and hope to go back at some point in the future. Thank you KE and Baltistan for an incredibly special and memorable trip!
By Georgina from London | 19 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
Incredible experience - expect the unexpected!
Mountains and Deserts of Kazakhstan
This is certainly an adventurous trip. Tourism in Kazakhstan is in its infancy outside of Almaty so the infrastructure is not there for every trip to run exactly as detailed. But that's almost the point, very much part of the whole experience and to our mind completely worth it. We walked in sunshine, snow, more sunshine, (brief) driving rain and back to sun. We saw virtually no-one on most of our walks other than a bear and the odd local herdsman. The guide and local staff were amazing and you just can't do the scenery justice, in description or pictorially. The walking was great, some long days but varied and interesting. Be aware there are some fairly long 4x4 transfers to get to the start of some of the walking - but that means you are right in the midst of the most stunning landscapes.
By Helen from Hounslow | 18 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reaching the roof of Africa!
Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route
I have dreamed of climbing Kilimanjaro for many years. It has always been one of challenges that I'd contemplate then find an excuse not to do it, normally my own fear of the mountain. Finally I plucked up the courage to book it with KE Adventures; they had a great reputation for mountaineering and high altitude hikes - I knew I'd be in safe hands! They were excellent thought, very informative and responsive and gave me confidence in the trip and my ability to summit. The hike itself was incredi ble! Our guide, Emanuel, and team of assistant guides and porters were outstanding, very knowledgeable, competent, and a lot of fun to be around. We could not have asked for a better group of people to help us reach the summit! I chose the Lemosho route as I knew it was one of the longest on the mountain, giving you several days to acclimatise before trying to summit - I'm soo glad I did, it was simply stunning! Each day was varied and different as you passed through the various vegetation zones, from tropical forests to heather moorland and even lunar landscapes. The walking was lovely, not too intense, and you are encouraged to go 'pole pole' (slowly slowly). Don't be put off by the physical challenge - whilst the summit day can be tough, I'd say that anyone with reasonably good level of physical fitness should be ok. I found it to be more of a mental challenge, which was not helped by several nights of poor sleep. Don't let this put you off - our entire group successfully reached the summit. This was such a rewarding experience and made everything worthwhile, it was an incredible feeling to be on the roof of Africa! One big tip is to take the Diamox tablets (for altitude sickness). I was really uncertain as to whether to take this or not, however based on advice from our guide and friends I decided to take it. I can honestly say that this made a huge difference to my experience and I suffered little (if any) effect of high altitude. Everyone will react differently to altitude, but make the journey as easy and as enjoyable as possible for you. I can also reccommend taking a hot water bottle - it gets chilly at night! Thanks KE for helping me plan an incredible trip and reaching the summit of this iconic mountain!
By Lyndsey from Richmond | 17 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing scenery, fabulous staff
K2 and Concordia
The local Pakistani staff, as well as my amazing male companions, made this an exceptional and memorable trip: the local staff worked efficiently and tirelessly, making the European guide fairly redundant, until one group member needed to head downhill due to health issues. The food was always excellent, even for me, as a vegetarian, and the local guide was caring, knowledgeable and attentive. The local staff were also very respectful, hard-working and attentive to important details. Though the packing list recommends taking water purification supplies, the local staff carry iodine and use this to ensure the water is drinkable. Make sure your boots are hardy and high quality: one of the group member’s boots fell apart during the trip! Unfortunately, as a vegetarian and animal-lover, I was unprepared to witness the slaughter of chickens on a daily basis at the camps. KE fail to mention, in their trip notes, that livestock is carried by the groups that walk the path to Concordia. I was particularly upset that a goat accompanied our group for several days, dragged by its horns for miles uphill between camps before being slaughtered. Not all groups use goats in this way, so shop around for a more ethical travel organisation if you don’t want to support this cruelty. My understanding, based on correspondence with them upon my return to UK, is that KE simply view the cruelty as ‘cultural’ and necessary to meet the gastronomic needs of the local staff. Of course the chickens also meet these needs. Pakistan is an incredible place. Take a scarf to place over your head in more urban areas, if you are a woman, but be aware that you’ll be stared at, in a curious and interested way, anyway.
By Sarah from STRUTHMORE | 12 September 2019

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. We are pleased you had such a memorable trip. We understand your reaction as a vegetarian to seeing livestock brought along by the local staff. The horsemen and porters who support trekking groups are mostly subsistence farmers who earn extra income by working for expeditions, and while on trek they live and eat as they would at home.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A spectacular experience
Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
My wife and I had an amazing week experiencing the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Though we do exercise and are in good health, this trek was beyond anything we had ever done. The entire staff, from the contact people at KE, to the guides and porters, were friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and their expertise makes this trek within anyone's reach and ability. This is a spectacular Holiday. Ranging from all types of topography - high mountain passes, a cloud forest, Inca tunnels - one learns so much about Peruvian history. Thank you to KE Adventure, we are very much looking forward to another Holiday with you.
By Laurent from San Francisco | 10 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing combination of hiking and cultural sightseeing.
Undiscovered Balkans - Bosnia and Herzegovina
This is an awesome trip. The two city days in Mostar and Sarajevo are a fascinating look at the history and cultural life of Bosnia. In Mostar you mostly see the tourist center of town, but in Sarajevo you are immersed in a more lived-in city experience. During our free time in the afternoon we went up the new gondola and visited the city brewery. The highlight of the trip for us was all the wonderful hiking with guides. The four days of hiking got progressively harder, but each one was so memor able. We were a group of 10 people of various levels of ability, and our lead guide Evelin was excellent at giving us all we the information we needed to enjoy each day. The final epic hike up Maglic is one for the memory books! Challenging for sure, but a great feeling of accomplishment at the end of the 11 hour day! The logistics from airport pick up to our end in Dubrovnik was seamless. Our guides, Evelin and Farah were excellent. So much knowledge on the country and great mountain guides too, keeping us together, and at a pace that was good for all. The accommodation was varied in standard, mainly due to the nature of where we went. It was all clean, and comfortable so we could get a good sleep each night. The food was mostly Bosnian, eating dinners in locally owned restaurants. Lunches were from food bought at the local grocery store by the guides on our hike days. We shared the load up the mountain, and the guides would put out a spread of meats and cheeses for us to make sandwiches. Alway tea and coffee too!! This is my third KE trip and another one that I would highly recommend for the adventurous traveler. Few tips; water was fresh and drinkable everywhere on the trip. I never used my filter bottle. Many of the hikes passed springs where we were able to refill out bottles too! It was hot and humid so come prepared for that. The travel van was a Mercedes 14 seater with moderate amounts of AC. It got very hot in there some days but we never drove for more than 3 hours point to point. Our bus driver was excellent - no scary passing round blind corners!! Never needed the bug cream but definitely needed sun screen. Plentiful amounts of food so don't need to bring extra. Had cell coverage just about everywhere including the mountains. Wifi was also at all our accommodation. There's not a lot of downtime. The fitter the better for the mountain hikes, but even the less fit enjoyed it all - only one opted out of Maglic.
By Helen from Greenland | 07 September 2019
A Short Drive to the Assy Platau
Mountains and Deserts of Kazakhstan

By Paul from Keswick | 07 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A challenging trek, rewarded by stunning views
The Ecrins Circuit - GR54
The Ecrins circuit is a quiet, beautiful area of the Alps that seems fairly much undiscovered by the Brits. This trek takes some of the best parts of the GR54 route and combines them into an amazing trip which gives some of the best and diverse views you are likely to see. You have to work hard to get these views, as the paths are often very steep and you are rarely walking on anything that is remotely flat. Consequently, a good level of fitness is required to get the most enjoyment out of this trip. We had a great group of people on our trip and the banter throughout kept us laughing for much of the time. We were also fortunate enough to have an enthusiastic member of KE's office team on the trip who, not having done a trip of this nature before, immersed herself in the experience and added much to the group's enjoyment. Our guide, Nimal, was excellent. He was knowledgeable, very helpful, flexible and adopted a pace which suited the group well. He also did an excellent job in providing the food for lunch everyday, which we carried between us. One of the best decisions that we made between us was to alter the route on Day 5 of the schedule. Rather than walking from Villar-Loubiere to Desert en Valjouffrey (17km & 1750m climb), we chose to walk from Desert en Valjouffrey to our next accommodation at Valsenestre (14km & 1400m climb). This provided us with with what, we believe, were even better views, with a less challenging climb & a shorter day (after the two previous hard days). It also enabled us to climb the amazingly spikey crag top of Cote Belle. One of the highlight of the trip! The accommodation on the trip was generally good and in line with what you would expect from a trek in often remote areas. The hotel Edelweiss at Vallouise, the gite Le Beranger at Valsenestre and the gite Le Sarret at Besse were all excellent, as was the food at these places. As with all of these types of trip, your will sometimes find yourself sleeping in one room with the whole group and it can then be a matter of luck as to how bad the snoring is! At least you'll be exhausted from a hard days trekking, so it shouldn't be a problem. We were particularly lucky with the weather on this trip (although Nimal tells us this is normal), as we didn't have any rain during our walking days, although we did see and hear some storms in other valleys. Consequently, the waterproofs remained in the rucksack throughout! Our luck extended to the fact that, as soon as we got into the van at the end of the last day the heavens opened! In conclusion, this is a fantastic trip that will give you some of the most amazing views you will ever see. As one of the group put it at the time - Every view is "THE VIEW". You might have to work hard to see them, but it's worth it!
By Kevin from Stevenage | 05 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A rewarding epic journey into the heart of Bolivia’s Cordillera Real
Traverse of Bolivia's Cordillera Real
Getting to the trailhead ready for the start of this trek was a challenge – It took multi-legs fly in over several days to get to La Paz, and four days of day hikes and sightseeing around Tititcaca for acclimatization. While one’s readiness for high altitude improved, a lack of long and strenuous hilly walks during these pre-trekking days could reduce one’s cardio and endurance levels, where the top shape of each is necessary for one to walk and fully enjoy this epic trek. Several group me mbers either had an earlier exit (skipped the hardest and most beautiful part of the trek and re-joined later for the “cloud forest” visit), struggled during strenuous ascents, or opted out the optional walks (e.g. the spur walk to 5,320m Pico Austria and day walk to Tarija glacier). So adding some long and strenuous hilly walks during pre-trekking days would help. Overall, this was an epic trek – the awe-inspiring scenery enhanced by fresh snow, exposure to indigenous culture and tradition, professional guiding, great food, and bitter sweetness from overcoming hardship and fresh snow – all contributed to the enjoyment and a great sense of accomplishment bought by the completion of traversing Bolivia’s Cordillera Real. Another area that needs improvement: Late campsite arrival of the packed animals in multiple occasions and thus various length of delays in tent setup, which can cause clients to get cold-related illness in bad weather or when campsite is surrounded by high peaks (it gets cold quickly once a peak’s shadow moves to campsite). This trek crosses 3 local communities and thus the muleteers and packed animals were switched over 3 times when the community boundary was crossed over. The number of packet animals per muleteer was too high (i.e. not enough muleteers) in some cases making the late arrival situation even worse.
By Jin from Lisle | 04 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing Turkey
Family Adventure in Cappadocia and Turkey’s Taurus Mountains
This was a truly great adventure, that was made particularly awesome by the kind, enthusiastic, and warm guiding of Ibrahim. We saw and did so much in a short time and really felt we got a different slice of Turkey than you will from a typical beach stopover. The accomodation is mid-range and the homestay (really B&B) was a really unique experience for us. The hiking can be rather challenging so do prepare your kids for this, but the feeling of accomplishment and beauty you will see will be well worth the effort. Great combined with coast after as we did too.
By Jennie from Esher | 04 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome family holiday
Active Family Holiday on Turkey's Lycian Coast

We had a wonderful week in the stunning Turkish coast, and were fortunate enough to end up with a private family tour over the route. The accomodation is mid-range as you would expect at this price level but everything else is 5* where it counts- the sites, itinerary, transportation, local support. We were really pleased with this week and felt it amazing combined with a week before in Cappadocia.

By Jennie from Esher | 04 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A is for adventure
Mount Khuiten Ascent
This trip had something of everything in it - coffee shops - culture - flying - driving (off-road dirt tracks and virgin scrub, streams and rivers) - hiking - crevasse rescue (twice) - and an impressive ascent of Nairamdal - what I believe is the world's fifth highest tripoint peak (where three countries meet). Gers (Mongolian yurts) - with wood burning stoves - and hence toast :-) Consistently outstanding food thanks to cook Sandagash - including sushi at base camp and en-route picnics in the m iddle of literally nowhere. And stunning camping places. Camels and eagles... Principal guide Tom Richardson could not have been better - he absolutely epitomises John Muir's quote: "The mountains are calling and I must go...". And we must follow. To say that Tom has a wealth of knowledge, experience and pure enthusiasm would be to severely understate the case; he clearly enjoyed all aspects of the trip from cooking chores at the high camp to exploring crevasses...above all he gave a great momentum to the expedition: bad weather - no problem; cancelled flights - no problem... Tom was supported by the excellent Graham (who also had a penchant for crevasses) and the also excellent 'Oskoo' Usukhbayar - the first Mongolian to summit Everest...all in all a powerful team. It's amazing that so much adventure can be packed into just two weeks. If you want adventure then book this trip. Totally recommended.
By Peter from Stevenage | 02 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
A walking holiday with added relaxation!
Timeless Trails of Portugal's Algarve
If you are looking for a week with plenty of fresh air, sunshine (& Atlantic breeze!), good walking (I would say more a grade 3 than 4), some free time and a homely environment to relax in away from it all, then this trip is definitely up there!! The beautiful Atlantic coastal walks interspersed with inland paths offer extensive views of the area. Jonathan and Violetta are superb hosts, they have made their home a true gem and it's easy to feel like part of the family. The accommodation is c haracterful, relaxing & unique and the home-cooked food is out of this world! With the option to explore Lagos on the free day and time in Sagres on one of the walk days, there is opportunity to add culture to further explore and experience what this part of Portugal has to offer.
By Lynne from Nuneaton | 02 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
Great trip
The Ultimate Fann Mountains Trek
This was a great trek through beautiful mountains. The area is still not on the top of the list for most trekkers, which makes it a great place to go because it is undiscovered and uncrowded. We only saw a few other hikers the entire time we were there, especially during the first week of the trip which was very untravelled. The trip had some of the most beautiful campsites I have ever had, with gorgeous mountain views, and usually next to a crystal clear lake or river. The local crew was amazin g and worked incredibly hard, and our guide Jose was great. All of the food problems referenced by earlier travelers have been resolved, and our food was very good and plentiful. My least favorite part of this trip was the heat. Although KE's guidance indicates it will be 20-25 in the mountains, it was much warmer than that, which made conditions challenging. When we got to Uzbekistan, the heat was stifling and unfortunately dampened our desire to venture out and explore. If you go, bring some light, breezy clothes and whatever else you usually use to stay cool. We spent as much time as possible dunking our hats, buffs, and whatever else we had in the rivers so the water could cool us while we walked.
By Leslie from Telluride | 01 September 2019
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