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★ ★ ★ ★
More challenging than you might think - 4WD helpful
Walking the Wild and Untamed Lofoten Islands
This is a sensational trip. It was easy to become boring with the monotony of the superlatives we kept using to describe the scenery. The guides were fantastic and accommodation in the fishing huts a real treat. Every morning we were treated to stunning backdrops and excellent food. A few things to consider if looking at the trip. It is more challenging than described. Although the distances walked each day were not overly long, the terrain is steep and challenging. This is no country walking bi mble in the Chilterns. Walking in Norway is unlike walking in the UK. Also check the group size. We had 16 people which was too many, and there was quite a variance in capability and this did stretch the capacity of the two excellent local guides. Don't be put off by this observation. Get fit but don't be surprised by the need to scramble on some steep and exposed sheep tracks! It's a trip of a lifetime.
By David from Macclesfield | 01 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Spectacular hiking, good itinerary, great guide, and delicious food
Trekking the Ridges & Summits of Bulgaria
This was our first trip with KE and I’m so glad we went. We really appreciated the thought and preparation that went into creating such a great hiking experience with comfortable lodging and delicious and satisfying meals at the beginning and end of each day. The scenery was absolutely amazing! The hikes had challenging but manageable elevation gains and the distances were perfect. Time in the van getting to and from trailheads each day was very reasonable. Ivo, our guide was extremely capable , knowledgeable, and clearly knew the area very well. Plus, he told hilarious jokes and great stories. I would recommend this trip to anybody interested in experiencing full days of challenging hiking with stunning alpine scenery and then coming back to a comfortable space to rest each night after a delicious meal.
By Andrea from LEWISBURG | 01 September 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fantastic safari experience and introduction to the people of Tanzania
Tanzania Safari - Maasai Adventure
This was a fantastic, unforgettable experience. Everyone was so professional and friendly, from booking with the KE staff to the hotel staff, managers and owners. The people in Tanzania are very courteous, relaxed and welcoming. Hakuna matata! We took a digital camera each and managed to capture around 7,000 shots between us. I’d taken twice the camera batteries I normally carry but never broke into a third one as there were phone and camera charging facilities in all the accommodation. Some i s in communal areas but no need for concern here. One of the things we were concerned about was tipping. We needn’t have worried as all accommodation had a central tip box. This is a really good idea. In the main, facilities were nowhere near as basic as we’d expected. Tips for future travelers • If you’re doing a trip like this you’ll appreciate it isn’t cheap. Spend that little bit extra and do it as a private tour. You’ll have the full attention of your driver. • Take a powerbank that can be used to charge your phone / camera. • Definitely bring head torches • Be prepared for early mornings and heading to bed early. In the Serengeti we were up at 5:30am. • Take selfies (and a selfie stick), lots of them – other people may have better animal photos but you won’t be in them! • Take a wad of one dollar bills for tips. You can bring any unspent home. • You’ll be surprised where you’ll get a mobile signal! • Make sure you have your currency before you leave Kilimanjaro Airport. • There was adequate drinking water on the jeep (20l) and in each accommodation. • Generally, there was a carafe or bottles in the room and another by the bathroom sink for tooth brushing. Nothing to worry about. Day 2 We were met at breakfast by our driver/guide Dickson. After breakfast we set off along the road to Lake Manyara. After 3 hours, we arrived at the village of Mto Wa Mbu, known for its local fruit and vegetable markets, as well as artists. We had a 3 hour walking tour of banana plantations where we saw different kinds of banana including red bananas, the village, homes, fruit and food market, artists and crafts communes, saw how the Chaga tribe make Banana Beer and had a very pleasant lunch. We had an interesting off-road tuk-tuk ride. Our guide was friendly and knowledgeable – we learned about the school system etc etc After lunch we continued our journey north along a dirt road to the little explored Lake Natron. Apparently not many tourists make this journey! This was another 3 hours drive and on some very challenging roads and varied landscapes. We arrived at Natron River Camp as it was getting dark. We spotted our first wildlife – camels!! Lots more followed. Tips: Wear practical shoes/boots – we weren’t anticipating the walk. The children will love you forever if you take their photograph or have (loose wrapped) sweets for them. Day 3 After breakfast at our tented lodge, we met our Maasai Guide who took us to the shores of Lake Natron via his Maasai village. He was keen to answer our questions, told stories and described life on the lake shore and explained how mobile phones form the backbone of the banking system. We walked on a variety of grey grit/sand, through brush and on crusty and sticky lake bed – as it was the dry season the lake was further away than it would otherwise be. We learned afterwards that most people only walk one way – which would have been welcome as Lake Natron was probably the hottest place we visited on our trip. The landscape could have been from a science fiction film. The lake is shallow and salty with a high mineral content and is the most important breeding site for the Lesser Flamingo. Again the landscapes were amazing, with views of the active volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai. We walked back to the lodge for lunch. As we’d walked for four hours before lunch, we skipped the walk along the river to the Engare Sero waterfalls and just chilled at the Camp. Tip: Wear long trousers and boots as the brush will scratch otherwise. Day 4 We left Lake Natron and drove through the Rift Valley and the heart of Maasailands to the Serengeti National Park. There was wildlife to see on the way and no fences - the animals roam freely between the Park and its surrounds. This park is world famous for its wildlife and the wildebeest migration – we saw the tail end of this. In the afternoon we had our first game drive in the park. We saw all sorts of wildlife – birds, elephants, wildebeest, buffalo, giraffes, gazelle, antelope and lions. Today’s lunch was a packed lunch – Dickson produced a wicker picnic basket and tablecloth and we ate by the Serengeti Park gate prior to commencing our visit. We overnighted in the tented camp (big classic safari tents with proper beds and en suite toilets) here in the Serengeti. Sleeping here was a tremendous experience and we heard lions and hyenas from our beds. We felt safe in our tent – after all we had an emergency whistle and a torch to summon help from security who had event bigger torches(!) to ward off the local wildlife. No fences. Amazing. Intriguing shower arrangements. Stunning sunrise. Day 5 We started early for a further half day drive in the Serengeti. By 9am we’d seen storks, baboons, hippos, lions, zebra, giraffes and gazelles as well as a variety of birds. The sheer size of the Serengeti is incredible and the landscape was different again from what we’d seen before. Today we saw more wildlife - elephants, lions, hyenas, jackals and spotted our first cheetah and leopard. Today’s lunch was a picnic which we ate from the bonnet of the jeep in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area as the Serengeti Picnic Areas were very busy. In the conservation areayou can go off-road and get closer still to the wildlife; we saw a python, dik diks, giraffes and got within feet of sleeping lions! We arrived at our accommodation in Ndutu just as darkness set in. Day 6 After breakfast we climbed the road to Ngorongoro Crater and we spent a full day here in the park discovering its wonders. The crater has an inside diameter of 16miles and has 2000ft sides from rim to bottom! There’s only one way in and one way out. It is also one of the few places in Tanzania with the opportunity to see the Big 5; elephant, lion, rhino, leopard and buffalo. We didn’t manage to see any rhino though ?. Lake Magadi in the crater was largely dried up due to the dry season and a white crust of sodium bicarbonate was in place of the water. We had our picnic lunch watching the hippo and buffalo lounging in the mud in Ngoitotitok. A special memory. The range of wildlife we saw here was fantastic. The Serengeti was good but we felt we experienced more here. Day 7 Slightly off the usual tourist track we had a cultural experience as we travelled to the shores of Lake Eyasi and met two tribes, the Hadzabe and the Datogas. A local guide took us to the tribes. The Hadzabe are the last hunter-gathers in Tanzania, we spent an hour or so hunting with them. This was a real (fun) experience – something we hadn’t anticipated. A bird was taken with a bow and arrow and a mouse dug out of the ground. Both were cooked on a hand-started fire and eaten by the tribesmen as a snack! We learned about different types of arrow, had a go at archery and saw some tribal dancing. There were souvenirs to purchase, displayed on a baobab tree. The Datogas are sedentary people who have lived in the area for thousands of years. We watched the men recycling metal from the nearby village and the women milling polenta. Tip: Maybe take a small practical gift – be prepared they may ask if you’ve taken something for them. Overall this was a fantastic trip. Facilities were very good and always very clean. Food was generally good, very good in some places and excellent at Ndutu Lodge. Generally, we had soup followed by a main course and dessert for each of our evening meals, though there often wasn’t a choice. Breakfast included eggs on most occasions. I can be a picky eater and my wife’s vegetarian – we were well fed. There could have been more variety as we had a lot of rice dishes and the format was repetitive. Guides were excellent. They were informative, open to questions and keen to share their country. Their advice re local customs, taking photos etc. was valuable. Our driver /guide / spotter / host Dickson was fantastic and made our trip. He was friendly and constantly on the lookout for wildlife. His relaxed, safe, driving style was a contrast to a number we saw hurtling past us especially towards the park gates, obviously running up against their time limits. There were many highlights, but the landscapes, people, birds, camping overnight in the Serengeti and staying at Ndutu Lodge were high on the list – with the wildlife, of course. Graham and Alison Jordan, North East England.
By Graham from Houghton Le Spring | 29 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Superb scenery, great itinerary
Walking the Wild and Untamed Lofoten Islands
Having fairly widely travelled my expectations were high. This location surpassed them. The two guides were excellent in all respects. The accommodation was significantly better than expected in terms of what a fishermans cabin would consist of. Food was generally good to excellent. The itinery was busy, but worth it because there is so much to experience. Some practice points. Contrary to KE trip notes water purification tablets are not required. Tap water everywhere is drinakable. Be prepared for rain. Alchohol is very expensive.
By Paul from Sunderland | 29 August 2019
★ ★ ★
Curates egg
Cycle Fjord Norway and the Atlantic Road
Excellent cycling terrain, good roads and scenery let down by small group (4 people) 2 very quick and 2 not so. This left the guide on the road with the problem of ensuring the front group stayed on track but unable to cover the slower group as the gap became too large. A map of the days route showing road numbers, turnings and towns would have helped prevent getting lost and back tracking adding extra miles unnecessarily as would better use of the support van (seldom seen when needed) to help t he back markers with direction and to get warm kit out of the day bags on the cold and wet days. I spent a lot of time cycling on my own not really sure where I was going, a briefing describing the days route from a print out from Google the night before really being inadequate.I am aware Norway is an expensive destination but the evening meals at the hotels were not enough to refuel after a days ride, in contrast to the breakfast buffet, which in all cases was outstanding. The KLM flights were fine, but 30 minutes to transit between flights at Schipol on the return leaves no margin for delays. Overall a good trip, with caveats, the guides always helpful and cheerful, with good knowledge of the area. Being a new trip there will always be issues to address
By Martin from Ringwood | 28 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A challenging walk over several summits, not to be underestimated.
Queyras 3000 Metre Summits Trek

This is a challenging walk taking in several 3000m summits. In my opinion it would suit regular hill walkers up for a challenge. The scenery is stunning and varied. The accommodation is mainly in hotels and gives which provide a good standard. Lastly the walk was made memorably good by the guide Meline. Very professional, friendly and knowledgeable of the area. The lunches provided by her were excellent.

By Wendy from Southampton | 28 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The most fantastic walking holiday.
Best of Mont Blanc to the Matterhorn

The website could never have done this trip justice! It was a truely amazing walk. Enjoyment levels are would definitely be linked to your level of fitness..the fitter the better! The guide, the trails, the views, the gites, the food, the local wines, the mountains, the peace, the flowers, the company were all fantastic. I could not fault any aspect of this trip except that I would like to have kept on walking! Merino wool shirts were definitely the right clothing to wear too.

By Nesta from Bishops Castle | 28 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great walking in a stunning mountain environment
Walking the Albanian Alps
Wonderful mountains, just think of the Dolomites but slightly smaller and a lot less people around. Probably one of Europe’s best kept secrets, but is going to change, so go now. The difficulties of access, lack of roads and near Himalayan standards of mountain roads will hopefully keep the less adventurous tourist away. Could possibly stand a higher grading, 5 of the 6 days walking require ascents approaching 1000m! If flying via Frankfurt make sure 2 hours is allowed to make the connecting f light both ways, otherwise you are likely to be separated from your luggage for a while and possibly miss your flight connection.
By David from Doncaster | 28 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
Asian Patagonia?
Trekking the Turkestan Mountains
KE's local agent markets this trip as 'The Asian Patagonia', but with more reliable weather than southern South America. I haven't trekked in Patagonia, but I can say the scenery on this trek in the far south west of Kyrgyzstan is varied and beautiful, making the trek very satisfying and rewarding. The weather was great, too, with a couple of rainy nights, but plenty of blue skies in the daytime. The camps are fixed, set up for the short trekking season, which means when you arrive at camp each day, everything is ready, even if the horses have not long arrived with your bags. The tents are tall enough to stand up in - quite a novelty on a trek - and the mattresses are comfortable (no need for a thermarest). Apart from the highest camp, there are chilly streams running by, which are good for washing if you are used to Northern European water temperatures. We had campfires at each camp, which gave a focal point for extended evening conversations, helped by the relatively long evenings at this latitude. We had two guides on the trek - both very young, so not especially experienced - but both were well informed and had a good approach to their work. They went the extra mile where possible to make the trip more enjoyable. Overall, I was very satisfied with this trek, but there are two related issues to be addressed. 16 in the group was too many to be comfortably accommodated at all times in the dining tents, and the food at camp was hit and miss, which was at least partly to do with being the last group of the season to pass through each camp. Supplies for lunch were sometimes thin on the ground - no bread, for example. Also, at 3 of the 6 camps, the gas had run out, with no attempt to get any more, which sometimes meant waiting around for breakfast and only having half a cup of tea in the morning, as all water had be boiled on camp fires. So I would recommend against such a large group and also against taking the last slot of the season, unless better supplies can be guaranteed. Finally, no yurts in sight, so being invited into a yurt for traditional hospitality was never going to happen. I'm still wondering what fermented mare's milk tastes like!
By Timothy from Bradford-on-Avon | 28 August 2019

KE Adventure reply

Thanks for your review. We are working with our local partners to address the issues you have mentioned and these should be resolved by the time the next group arrives. We are so glad you share our view that a visit to this remote part of Kyrgyzstan is very rewarding and delivers varied and beautiful scenery.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic mountain trek
High Tatras Trekking - The Carpathian Mountains

Great trekking and peak bagging with superb views and coverage of the High Tatras and White Tatras ranges. The group was one of the best I have trekked with and the mountain hut standards were way above what I have experienced in the past. Landscape reminiscent of Canadian rockies on the Slovakian side which was much wilder. Level was perfect for me. Loved it and will be booking another KE trek soon.

By Karen from Sandwich | 28 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic family trip with excellent guides
Family Teenage Toubkal Ascent, Morocco

The whole trip was seamlessly organised by the local guides from picking you up at the airport to sorting out any issues you had during the trip. Everything was done for you and all you had to do was be fit enough to get up Mount Toubkal! We took our 14 year old son who easily managed the walking/climbing. The team of cooks/muleteers/guides who looked after us were great and always were there to help. Would recommend to anyone considering the trip!

By Antony from Market Rasen | 28 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A wonderful experience in a fascinating country
The Ultimate Fann Mountains Trek

The camping accommodation, arrangements and food were all excellent. All needs catered for. The crew were great, always helpful, and the leader went out of her way to sort out any problems. I would recomment going to Tajikistan before it becomes too popular with trekkers from Europe.

By Judith from Northwood | 28 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
Stunning landscapes and fantastic people
Walking in the Balkan Borderlands

We were so lucky to have a wonderful guide and a group that clicked despite being larger than normal (14) The trip was well organised by KE, particularly the transfers, given the remoteness of the area. Although the trip is designated ‘moderate’, I would say that, particularly at the height of summer, this is at the top end of that bracket. We thoroughly enjoyed our experience and will definitely be using KE again.

By Carey from Saffron Walden | 27 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great holiday in the Alps
Ultimate Tour du Mont Blanc
I loved this trip. Great walking each day and comfortable accommodation with a special group of people. We were a bit unlucky with the weather for a couple of days, so couldn't get to Cabane d'Orny, but our guide Rob managed to find us a great route the next day. Rob was a lot of fun and kept us entertained whilst always prioritising safety. Yeti Lodge proved to be a fantastic base for 4 nights of this trip and the final night barbecue was certainly something to remember. Don't forget your swimm ers for the hot tub at Yeti!
By Peter from Reading | 27 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had a memorable time on my first KE adventure
High Tatras Trekking - The Carpathian Mountains
As a first timer I was a bit apprehensive of the whole idea, but my worries proved unnecessary. The whole trip was very well organised and led by a really experienced, friendly and knowledgeable guide. Weather conditions meant that one days planned trip needed to be changed due to possible electrical storms and this was organised without detracting from the experience. The only comment is that on day 5 we stayed at the Zamkovskeho hut rather than the Bilcova listed in the trip notes. The stay wa s very good anyway so did not detract, but it might be worth updating the notes. Overall the whole trip was marvellous with breathtaking scenery, good accommodation, great food and super companions.
By Charles from Middlesbrough | 27 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great holiday - really well organised
Best of the Tour du Mont Blanc
Always wanted to go walking in the Alps and for a first time decided to go on a guided 6 day tour around the best parts of Mont Blanc. Ronan our guide was super helpful and very entertaining. Hotels were mostly fine but a couple were really good and having your main bag carried for you made the walks achievable. As a general piece of advice Ronan recommended wearing hiking shoes and not boots, which was entirely possible given the excellent state of most of the paths. All in all a great holiday and a memorable experience.
By Thomas from London | 27 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great family outdoor adventure
Julian Alps Jamboree - Family Adventure
Family of 5 (kids 8, 10, 12), first time booking a fully organised adventure holiday. A friendly call with KE team 2 weeks before departure and we were set to go. The days were brilliant, a good balance of activity with very little travelling. I think all the families left the holiday totally smitten with the outdoors of Slovenia. Our guides, Ales and Jernij, were fantastic, funny, encouraging and professional, the kids are already missing them. A holiday with like-minded families and similar ag ed children, created the perfect recipe for new friends and great memories; totally recommend this holiday. Hotel: stayed in the 3* section, food was fine, rooms clean & basic, swimming pool(s) great, good play areas for the kid to enjoy in the evening. Only feedback, the beds were OK, lacked a bit of comfort. Optional things to bring: if you like tea bring your own tea bags, padded cycling shorts, walkie-talkies What we didn’t need: water purifiers or torches
By David from Brentwood | 27 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic wildlife experience
Costa Rica Family Adventure
Great fortnight in Costa Rica, seeing no end of wildlife and birds- which we knew very little about before our trip. We saw crocodiles, turtles laying eggs on the beach at night, lots of monkeys, sloth, toucans, humming birds, vultures, quetzal and many more birds, whales, dolphins, turtles mating in the sea not to mention lot of large insects eg ants, millipedes, spiders. This was all in the varied and impressive landscape of Costa Rica which is tropical rainforest including the coast of Carrib ean sea, Pacific ocean, mangrove waterways, volcanoes ( though cloud obscured our view that day). We had variety of activites some were included, others extra eg zip wiring, high bridges crossing rainforest, visited chocolate plantation with lots of tasting, tortilla making and surfing lesson. Little earthquake included too. The distances travelled were not too far, climate great with delicious tropical food esp fruits. Lots of rice and beans every meal if you want! We were the only family on our trip so had our fantastic guide, Daniela, all to ourselves, not to forget our driver Johnny. They made all the above happen and be so special for us. Highly recommended trip ( though current exchange rate with US dollar/ Costa Rica colon) made the extras rather pricy.
By Amanda from Nottingham | 25 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My best mountain scenery trip ever!
K2 and Concordia
I have spent my leisure life in the beautiful mountains of Western Canada, we are very fortunate to have lots of remote wilderness, wildlife and spectacular mountains. I have also traveled to spectacular mountains in other parts of the world. That being said, the size and concentration of massive mountains covered in year round glaciers in the Concordia/K2 region are unbeatable. If you love mountains and you are in good shape and are willing to work for it then this is a once in a lifetime trip! I would also like to complement KE Adventure's Pakistani partners, they continually went above and beyond all of our groups expectations. They took care of all the on the ground details, personally participated in all the tours they arranged for us, took care of our needs including foreign exchange and got all 8 of the trekking members window seats to view Nanga Parbat on the flights to and from Skardu.
By Richard from Brackendale | 23 August 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent adventure
The Ultimate Fann Mountains Trek

A great trek with superb and varied food throughout with fresh fruit and veg every day. Good catering for vegetarians as well. Lots of snacks in between. We were looked after really well by Danny, our cook, Faysaboy our interpreter, Nasridin our guide and Natalie our UK leader. They all worked really hard to ensure we had everything we wanted and went beyond their duties on several occasions. Fabulous walking and incredible locations for lunch and camping. Samarkand stay was equally fabulous.

By Meenakshi from Berkhamsted | 22 August 2019
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