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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A spectacular trek for true mountain lovers.
K2, Concordia and the Gondogoro La
This trek had been on my 'to do' list for a few years and having finally got round to completing it, I would have no hesitation in recommending it to others. Disregard any impression you may have of Pakistan from the Western media and go and see for yourselves what a beautiful, diverse and friendly place it is. Trust me, they want people to come. The trek is rightly billed as a classic and KE's well paced itinerary allowed for full appreciation of the scenery with plenty of time to soak up the m ountains and experience some lovely campsites that other groups missed out on. KE's local agent also provided a crew that produced ridiculously good food given the limited resources they had to create it. I would advise potential trekkers not to underestimate the Gondogoro La. In the right conditions it's technically straightforward but considering the modest altitude it's steep, hard work with the descent and a decent distance to camp from the bottom. Be prepared but don't be put off, the trek is achievable for all fit and experienced trekkers.
By Jonathan from COBHAM | 28 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Quiet and beautiful trekking region
Traverse of the Picos de Europa
This trek explores a real variety of landscapes, starting and finishing in beautiful green pastures, with meadows of wild flowers and reaching the higher, boulder strewn reaches of the mountains in the middle. The walk along the Cares Gorge, though more busy with other walkers, was stunning and a real highlight of the trip. Definitely worth extending this days distance to include this walk, if the weather allows. Our guide Rosana was excellent; very friendly, super efficient and knowledgeable ab out the region, while taking care to accommodate the large groups range of fitness and experience. Having one night in a hotel in the middle of the holiday, with access to our kit bags, was an excellent opportunity to replace dirty clothes and save on a bit of weight in our trekking bags throughout
By Charlotte from Didcot | 28 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A hidden gem with an awesome adventure
Traverse of the Picos de Europa
I loved the Picos de Europa trip. It was a last minute booking for me after other plans didn't work out. Having experienced the amazing High Peaks of the Balkans trip last year I went straight to the KE website and this looked like the right kind of trip on the right date. The Balkans set a very high bar and this one definitely lived up to it. The Picos are not that well known in the UK and are a bit quieter than other walking locations. This gives it an extra bit of charm. Its an amazing place with a wide variety of different walking terrain and types of accommodation. Our local Guide was one of the best I've experienced with a great balance of professionalism, friendliness and local knowledge. I highly recommend this trip.
By Richard from Slough | 28 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A truly special holiday made by special people
Family Adventures in the Algarve

Lots of wonderful activities, super food and a beautiful setting. Our children were always engaged, active and challenged by new things and made lots of friends. The adults had as much fun as the kids. John, Violet and the whole team involved made super hosts - a real sense of energy, warmth and passion for what they do. An awesome week away.

By James from London | 27 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Varied, demanding and rewarding
High Tatras Trekking - The Carpathian Mountains
Good sized international group of 12 from mid twenties to early seventies! All got on well and supportive of each other. The option of walking with lighter rucksacks having reached the huts was an excellent, unexpected bonus as hiking everyday with full packs would have been extremely tough. Unfortunately, due to the aggravation of an existing injury, we were unable to finish the last day and a half with the group. The leaders were excellent; Martyn accompanying us down from the hut to catch the bus to Zakopane, while Weronika continued on with the group. We were all together for a well earned celebration in Krakow. Recommend this trip!
By Linda from London | 27 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An exhilarating experience and achievement
Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route
The holiday ran entirely smoothly from booking to return. Good advice from KE, a slick pick up at the airport (even though it was 4.30 am), a lovely hotel and an absolutely brilliant head guide (Emanuel). The rest of the team ( assistant guide, cook and porters) were provided a superb service. Right from the start Emanuel set a pace which was perfect for me. Almost 70 and not superfit, yet I at no point felt totally breathless, thanks to Emanuel's care and support. Neither I (who took diamox) no r my daughter (who didn't) suffered any symptoms of altitude sickness at any point. Trekking poles are an absolute must. I wouldn't have got down without them and similarly I would have had great difficulty with the ascent. At altitude it's important to get into a pattern of rhythmic breathing with the emphasis on the outbreath. Stay well hydrated throughout. Never underestimate how bitterly cold it will be on the pre-dawn final ascent. I had five layers on top, three layers on my legs and three pairs of gloves.
By Stephen from Wirral | 25 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was a success and better than I was expecting.
Dolomites Via Ferrata

It was well organised except for the following which should be amended on the joining instructions. 1 Bus from Cortina to Hotel Argentina. Bus 3a Cortina to Pocol does not go to Pocol. There is another one who's number I did not discover. 2. The guide company's telephone number was of no help, being advertisements in french. It would have been useful to have the guide's direct mobile number. I am not a mountaineer but seem to have become one. Loved every minute.

By Ambrose from Basingstoke | 25 July 2019

KE Adventure reply

Thanks Ambrose. We are glad you had a good trip. We would like to clarify a couple of things in your review. Bus 3a from Cortina goes to Pocol (its last stop). This is different to bus 3 which has the same route as the 3A except for the final stop. The number given in the meeting arrangements is the 24 hour contact number for our local agent. If the phone is engaged you can leave a voicemail after the message.

★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing Mountaineering Experience
Italian Summit Climber
This is a very suitable trip for myself since I have limited mountaineering experience before. Each summit also have its own crux to keep me challenged throughout the trip. However, people who want to join this trip or similar should be aware that it requires a bit of discipline for mountaineering, e.g. the need to wake up early regularly (like 4am), mountaineering is also a team work. Two things I would suggest: (1) Instead of staying in Mantova Hut on the second night, it is possible go straig ht to Gnifetti Hut to avoid trekking up and down on the same path. (2) KE should provide more information on how to get to Staffal by public transport. KE gives some rough idea of how to get there, but it would be more helpful to provide websites of train company, bus company etc. (I spent hours looking for the right websites and the fact that a lot of websites are in Italian does not help!)
By Ka from Birmingham | 24 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Je suis knackered!
Best of Corsica's GR20
This was my first time in Corsica and it is a truly beautiful island. I have no regrets choosing to join the week-long “Best of GR20” and having the week before to explore the northern coast independently rather than doing the full 2 week trek. The walk and the views are truly spectacular but it’s not easy...mostly 5 or 6am starts (we might have had more than most due to forecast of afternoon electrical storms). There are plenty of technical bits with long ascents and descents to challenge your knees. Our small and able group added on a couple of summits too which were amazing and a real highlight but I didn’t feel quite like that when arriving late to the refuge day 5 with impending dodgy belly, feeling knackered and having to find a camping spot/erect tent some distance from the facilities. The food was fine on the trek but i’d encourage others to stay on to experience the range of cuisine available at the coast especially if you’re a fan of seafood, ice cream and wine. Don’t forget your swimwear...we had some beautiful places for dips. We were reassured that water from the “sources” was safe to drink but in hindsight, I wish i’d used my filter. Thermarest not needed. We were given loads of snacks so unless you have particular dietary requirements, I wouldn’t bother taking your own. Our guide also provided tea/coffee on our morning stop and we would’ve benefited from taking a small cup/mug. I met the group in Vizzavona - train from Bastia was easy and enjoyable and good tips from local guides about arranging collection from the station. I’ll definitely be returning to Corsica - loved it!
By Kathryn from Inverness | 24 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lanzarote, but not as you might know it!
Self-Guided Walking on Lanzarote
A great week of walking and what dramatic scenery! So happy to have chosen this trip as the walks took us to some places that we would never have thought to explore, we hardly saw other hikers the whole week! The paths on the whole are straightforward to follow, but are not really way marked so you do need to keep your navigational head on and follow the notes and map provided. La Graciosa made for a lovely stop with a gorgeous coastal path around the northern section of this little island. Havi ng the hire car for the week was a great way to get around.
By Mei from Windermere | 24 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Exactly what I was looking for
Kangchenjunga to Makalu via the Lumba Sumba La
I'd asked KE for a remote, camping trek that would take me through lots of villages that saw relatively few tourists. That's exactly what I got. There were a couple (one in particular) brutally long days of trekking which couldn't be avoided, but the time spent in the villages at the end of the day and on rest days was exactly what I'd hoped for. Came back with so many photos of the locals. No complaints with the guides or the food provided. A few times we got in to camp after dark and ahead of the tents but I had no real issue with this. Its part and parcel of being on such a remote adventure.
By Paul from London | 24 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beautiful walks, perfect location and Italian flavour
Self-Guided Walking on the Cinque Terre
My first self-guided walking holiday and what a delight it was! Getting around on the trains was super easy, allowing for loads of flexibility to have a lie in one day or start early another. The route notes were easy to follow and all the trails very well way-marked. It was great to also be able to get further afield from the most popular routes on the Cinque Terre, I particularly liked the Lerici Loop and the hike from Marola to Portovenere. Staying in the little village of Corniglia was perfe ct. Some great restaurants here - highly recommend Ristorante Cecio and the Cantina da Mananan for delicious food. Oh and have plenty of the fantastic local Cinque Terre DOC wine! Yummy!
By Mei from Windermere | 24 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lovely tour in beautiful nature and mountains
Through the Heart of the Balkans
Thanks especially to our brilliant guide Michel we had some great trekking days in remote and very beautiful nature and mountains. Michel made it possible to walk in your own space and he told a lot of interesting things about the history and culture of the countries we visited. The hardness of the trekking days was well planned. The day before and the day after the longest and by far most challenging day, were the least hard days which was very pleasent. My only complaint concerns my fellow tra vellers. A couple of them talked ALL THE TIME which to me was very disturbing. To me af big part of trekking is to enjoy the beauty and greatness of our nature in partly silence. But hopefully you will not experience this when you choose to go on this lovely trip:)
By Sigrid from FREDERIKSBERG | 23 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Challenging walks with fantastic scenery
Traverse of the Picos de Europa

This is a challenging walk within the capabilities of regular hill walkers. There is a scrambling day but the excellent guide judged the groups capabilites and managed this well. The scenery was outstanding even when misty. The huts are friendly and provide good food. Access to luggage is once during the trip, so I would suggest no more than 8 k in the carried bag. The wildflower meadows are beautiful so a small guide book would be useful.

By Wendy from Southampton | 22 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
Fabulous adventure
Ultimate Tour du Mont Blanc

All was fabulous - would recommend shuttle back to Yeti lodge after long hike day instead of staying in Triente - seems quite chaotic at Triente - would get better food and rest back at Yeti if that is possible . Better to keep group motivated and together after a tough day .

By James from Whitefish Bay | 22 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Unspoiled mountains
Walking in the Balkan Borderlands
Great walking through peaceful countryside varying from flower covered alpine meadows to rugged ridges and forest trails. All the accommodation in the mountains was in simple guesthouses which were comfortable and had good locally produced food. The walking involved around 1000m ascent each day and requires a good level of fitness. The guides were outstanding (Berislav and Misha) - very informative and great fun. The days at the end of the tour at lake Skadar and Kotor provided a great relaxing contrast. We took the land only option and had a day in Pristina before the tour and a few days in Dubrovnik at the end which worked well.
By Charles from Sheffield | 22 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Our guide Sophie was amazing. She is so knowledgeable and experienced.
Classic Tour du Mont Blanc

Sophie shared her love for the mountains, the wildflowers and the geology. She took the time to ensure every individual had a positive experience. She guided me in negotiating difficult terrain and challenging water and snow crossings. Without her help and encouragement I could not have completed the trip. I will be forever grateful to her. Although the food was delicious, most of us would have appreciated more fresh salads and vegetables.

By Julia from Corvallis | 22 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A truely amazing trekking experience!
Best of Corsica's GR20
The GR20 is a truly amazing trek and we had a fantastic week. The Best of GR20 takes you through the northern part which includes the highest mountain ranges. Our fantastic guide Genevieve went above and beyond what we could have expected and took us up some additional peaks, including the Paglia Orba, the Monte Cinto, and cared for us very well really taking our safety seriously (eg when there were thunderstorms approaching on the first day and then another time when rain was coming in). We had a small group with everyone at very similar levels of fitness and capability and everyone connected well. I can highly recommend this trek!
By Andrea from London | 22 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic Week
Traverse of the Picos de Europa

We had a fun ,challenging and memorable week that I will always remember . Our Guide Anna was friendly , supportive and above all extremly knowagable on routes , tips and the area and steered us over great terrain and gave us insight into the area we would never have got on our own . Above all, we had fun. The accomodation and travel was all clearly planned leaving us to enjoy the trek , the views and the whole experience . Not been with KE before but plan to do more Dave Mountford

By Dave from Berkhamsted | 22 July 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
Picos de Europa are Underrated
Traverse of the Picos de Europa

Wonderful traverse of the western and central massifs. Culture and food of Asturias and Cantabria are an added bonus.

By Marek from Christchurch | 22 July 2019
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