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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sunrises, Beaches & Chillies
Volcanoes of Indonesia

This was a great and unique trip combining travel, trekking and relaxing. As an optional activity I definitely recommend snorkeling. Our guides, Nanang, Maddie & Wira were great and kept us well informed especially during the period where Rinjani was closed due to earlier eruptions. Indonesia is a great place with lots to see, this trip does well in providing 3 islands to visit. Totally recommended to anyone who wants to try a slightly different trekking trip.

By Pratik from EPSOM | 31 October 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Experiencing Sicily and its volcanoes
A good time was had by all. the walking was not over challenging but up and down rather than flat. Stromboli was the highlight with watching the eruptions safely from the top . coming down in the dark was done in a safe and controlled way . Our leader Nicoletta worked tirelessly and efficiently to make sure the trip went well. Good English The accommodation was quite varied but all comfortable. Downside....... on the last day from Etna ( top sometimes cannot be reached due to high winds etc but nevertheless going as far up as possible in cable car and then four wheel drive and then walking down with professional guide at cost of eur 85 was still a great experience ) However after this we had to get TWO public buses with luggage in peak traffic to get to our hotel in Catania.... this needs to change ...... another competitor on similar trip still had their own bus to transfers its clients ! first bus from Etna was full so if we had not managed to get on ............???????? I recommend that luggage has wheels as there is a considerable amount of transferring due to nature of holiday unless you are happy carrying 15 kg everywhere. a good holiday that I would recommend
By Graham from Swanley | 31 October 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Incredibly diverse, bucket-list-worthy sights
Zambia & Namibia Lodge Safari
Starting from Victoria Falls in Zambia, the trip takes you through the Caprivi Strip, with its rich river wildlife and tribal culture. Then it's on to three days in the world-class Etosha National Park, where the full spectrum on game animals makes great photo ops against a desolate white, salty background. From there you enter Damaraland and its stone carvings and cave paintings, followed finally by the other-worldly orange and red dunes of Sossusvlei. The range of accommodations is wide, from river lodges, to tent dwellings to semi-luxury rooms with air conditioning. One place even involved tree houses. In all instances, there were private bathrooms. The ground operator, was well organized and our guide Yvonne and driver Karina were top notch. The five stars is for the incredible exotic beauty and diversity of the sights. That said, be fully aware of consistently long driving days and the need to participate in meal preparation and clean up. I won't subtract any stars for that because these issues were covered in the marketing material and, well, that's the nature of adventure travel in remote, sparsely populated countries.
By Richard from FOREST HILLS | 31 October 2016
Namibia, Zambia photos
Zambia & Namibia Lodge Safari

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By Richard from FOREST HILLS | 31 October 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stunning scenery and a brilliant guide
This was our 2nd trip with KE and they exceeded our expectations again. The programme was well constructed, a nice combination of walking and hiking with sightseeing and relaxation. The Aeolian Isles were a wonderful discovery for us, thanks to KE and our brilliant and knowledgeable guide, Raffaele. We found out half way through the week that we were his first English-speaking group with KE, but we would have never guessed. He kept us safe throughout and he went above and beyond the call of duty in looking after all our needs. A great start! We would recommend this tour and our guide to anyone. Tatiana and Kevin
By Kevin from London | 30 October 2016
★ ★ ★
Lovely mountains, not so sure about transport, food & accommodation
It is a few years since I have done a group holiday, so my expectations may be a bit out of whack. However, I was surprised to discover that "airport transfers" for this trip were just the local public bus! Likewise our transfer from Etna, was once more a public bus, which didn't even go to our hotel. It would have necessitated two busses to get to our hotel, and over 2 hours of travel time for just a few miles. A few of us took a taxi for part of the journey. In general it feels like KE are very much doing this on the cheap. The food and accommodation were both more basic than I had expected too. The last night in Catania was in a particularly noisy hotel. Like I said, I tend to travel independently and have more control over things like food and accommodation, so this was a bit of a strange experience for me. That said, the scenery and mountains are magnificent, and it was very exciting to see real, active volcanoes up close. If you are interested at all in volcanoes this is a real once in a lifetime trip.
By Ita from London | 29 October 2016

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. We are pleased that you found the scenery and mountains of Sicily to be magnificent. It is clear that your group had an issue with using the public bus and we are sorry about this. For this holiday we use public transport for those transfers where group members are arriving or departing at different times or where there are optional activities requiring different transfer times and we make this clear in our literature for the trip. This does have a beneficial impact on the price of your holiday but also, our groups usually tell us they enjoy the opportunity to experience 'normal' Sicilian life. We are surprised that some members of your group also found the accommodation and food to be basic. We pride ourselves on providing a good standard of accommodation and, in Italy, the food ought to be exceptional. Our Sicilian agents are due to visit us here in Keswick next week and we will be following up your comments with them. Please be assured that we will take action to maintain standards for future groups.

★ ★ ★ ★
Tour of north India
Best of Northern India
Loved this trip! There were only 5 of us but we got on very well! Ronit our guide was superb and when we missed our sleeper train (through no fault of Ronit's ) he got flights organised for us which were paid for by KE which I wasn't expecting - they were good as well! Most of the food was superb and Ronit made sure that it catered for all of us! The Indian people were so lovely -thought we would get hassled and although we did at times, very much less than I thought!! The only piece o f advise would be to take more money than you think as the alcohol was quite expensive in the hotels and to take a couple of different credit and debit cards as when we had to draw money to pay for our flights, some atms wouldn't accept visa! Very interesting trip with lots packed in which makes it quite tiring and could have done with longer at the Taj Mahal (which was fantastic) - perhaps check out the hotel before going there so we could spend as much time as we had liked there!
By Catherine from Nottingham | 28 October 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heaven on Earth
Everest Base Camp Trek
The trip to Everest Base Camp was in one word spectacular. My wife, in-laws and brother-in-law made the journey and we as a group of 6 along with 8 more had a fantastic time. The rapport in the group was amazing and the whole itinerary from Kathmandu to Everest Base Camp and back was well organised. The Nepalese guides and porters made this arduous trip that much easier. The flight to Lukla airport is mind boggling and certainly not for the faint hearted. Saying that, you would not be on this tr ip if you couldn’t face altitude with a little rise in adrenaline to help. Overall, we all enjoyed the camaraderie, the beautiful views of Nepal, the humbleness and politeness of the Nepalese people but above all this, the journey to Everest Base Camp. It must be said the night after trekking to Everest Base Camp was without a shadow of a doubt, the coldest we slept through in the lodges. Keep wrapped up. Thank you to KE Adventures for an once in a lifetime trip which we all thoroughly enjoyed. I would love to say more than I have written here from the precarious bridges, the Yaks, the yearning for a nice hot shower (and an even nicer toilet) but you focus on the positives and an open mind as for all the things we take for granted in the western world, one thing we cannot have is the journey to Everest Base Camp. To see Everest in all its might and glory at the end of a memorable and fun trek surpassed the times when a nice mocha back in England came to mind many a time. We look forward to Annapurna in 2017! Thank you again to the wonderful Nepalese people and KE Adventure team. We couldn’t have done this without your support.
By Harjit from Hook | 27 October 2016
★ ★ ★ ★
An interesting trip but too much cost cutting
We enjoyed our trip around various volcanoes and the Aeolian islands. The hotels are rather basic and the food provided ranging from very poor to quite good. The cost has been kept down by using local transport and this was a mistake. An example being the use of a local bus after the Etna visit. We could not go to the top due to bad weather so had to wait a long time for the local bus which dropped us off at the railway station in Catania. The plan was to take another bus and then walk for 15 mi nutes (with all our luggage) to the hotel - most people took a taxi instead. Maybe it would have been cheaper overall to have a private bus as the Explore group that we met had done..... Having said all the above we enjoyed the trip - just remember to take a wheeled bag as otherwise you will end upon carrying your luggage a long way.
By John from Huntingdon | 27 October 2016

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review and it is good to know that you enjoyed your trip around the various volcanoes of the Aeolian Islands. We are sorry that you did not enjoy travelling on the public bus after climbing Etna. We could use a private bus or taxis for this short transfer but we feel that the impact on the holiday price would not be welcomed by the majority of our clients, nor considered by them as value for money. The occasional use of public transport also has a 'cultural immersion' value, especially when this means travelling together with ordinary Sicilians going about their daily business. The other group you mention in your review who travelled in a private bus were doing a very different itinerary, with no Island hopping and the whole time in the same bus.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A really great road cycling trip with wonderful historical sites as well
Jordan End 2 End Bike Tour
This was a private trip for 7 people. The cycling was fairly tough, all the more so because it was very hot, especially climbing up from the Dead Sea, but the rewards in terms of scenery and historical sites including Petra and Jerash (the latter of which we did as an extension, which we would highly recommend) were amazing. The local cycling guide, Anas, and his team of 2 drivers were some of the best we have had on any trip. They were a pleasure to be with and they all worked extremely hard to make the holiday as good as it was. We all thought the holiday to be a great success from every aspect, what more can we say?
By Gillian from Isle of Man | 25 October 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The best trip ever!
Volcanoes of Indonesia
The trip was excellent, with some minor problems that I am sure will be taken care of (a KE representative was on the trip and she was making notes of the possible improvements for future trips). The food was always good, most of the times beyond expectations, the hotels and home-stays were according to the descriptions in the brochure, some really luxurious, others more basic, but we always had the guides being sure we had what we needed to be as comfortable as possible. As always, the guides a nd drivers were the best, very professional and friendly and always available to answer our questions or to solve any problem. I am so happy with this trip (my 4th with KE), that I am already looking for the next one!!!!
By Graciela from AURORA | 25 October 2016
★ ★ ★
Stunning remote walking
Naar to Mustang
This is a superb walking holiday in a beautiful part of Nepal with some spectacular Himalayan views however People should be very mindful that the early days involve several days of significant height gain which can be difficult to cope with and the rest days tend to be weighted towards the back of the trip also the brochure makes reference to indistinct trails but this in no way adequately reflect the dangerous nature of the trail at times ( possibly following the earthquake) and you should be confident of moving on extremely exposed ground if booking this holiday
By Andrew from NORTHAMPTON | 25 October 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A walk on the wild side – East Africa’s hidden gem
Mount Kenya Ascent
This trek to the summit of Point Lenana on Mount Kenya in mid October 2016 was a wonderful experience and revealed the majestic scenery, flora and fauna of the National Park. From the water buffalo, eland, waterbuck and Sykes monkeys seen on the very first stop at Kenya Lodge (Chogoria Gate), to the giant lobelias, rock hyrax and sunbirds higher up the mountain this is certainly a trip for those that appreciate wildlife. And then there is the mountain itself, in some ways more spectacular then K ilimanjaro. The weather was generally kind - clear blue skies in the morning with scattered cloud building up by midday and despite the weather forecasts we experienced only one brief rain shower at Lake Ellis and one brief hail shower at base camp. From my limited experience, the Chogoria route via Lake Michaelson is by far the most impressive option - possibly a little more strenuous than other options but well worth it. Top tip 1 - don't be fooled into thinking that because the Park is on the equator the temperatures are benign! A good (very good!) sleeping bag and thermarest (or equivalent) is essential for a good night's rest. Top tip 2 - the low temperatures at altitude significantly reduce battery power. Ensure you have spare batteries and keep them warm at all times. A solar charger is a useful investment. Top tip 3 - plenty of memory space on your camera, the photo opportunities are endless!
By Adventure from ILFORD | 25 October 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Huge potential
Naar to Mustang

I left the trip after day 7 so my remarks have not been made by someone who completed the trip. The trip leader, Sirdar and crew did an excellent job. If there is anything that could be improved it would to reduce the amount of altitude gain in those important first few days. I am unsure how you would do this as large camp sites are limited in the Koto - Naar gorge.

By Rodney from BRISBANE | 24 October 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hard camping not for wooses
Minya Konka Trek

It's a contrary combination the walking isn't hard going but the camping is, as cold high and If you are vegetarian then it will be challenging as most dishes had meat in some form and this had to be picked out, so take lots of goodies. Great tents great views great experience.

By Karyn from Camberley | 24 October 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Unique cycling experience
Jordan End 2 End Bike Tour
Really interesting country which I previously knew little about. The cycling is challenging - not for the distances covered, but the terrain is very (and continuously) hilly - up to about 5500 feet - with quite a few of the gradients in excess of 10% for several kilometres. Combine that with the heat (low to mid 30's°C) and you have a stiff cycling environment. However, you get back stunning views and glorious descents for the brave-hearted. Local guide crew were excellent, constantly in a ttendance with cycling snacks, cold drinks, lunches and a wealth of local knowledge, not to mention an air-conditioned bus to provide a cooling oasis of shade. As a result of the local environment, it is generally required to ride together as a group along with the local guide, so if "doing your own thing" is important to you, this holiday might not be for you, but if you enjoy climbing and are interested in Middle East history (and Petra and Jaresh are definitely worth a visit) then I can highly recommend this tour.
By Michael from Isle of Man | 24 October 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A bucket list active adventure holiday
Classic Tour du Mont Blanc
This classic tour exceeded our expectations - the scenery was beautiful and our group of 7 got along really well. We were fortunate in having great weather for most of the trip; not sure how pleasant this would have been with lots of rain and cold. The description and notes for each days' hike were accurate so we were prepared for the ascents and descents and the difficult terrain. Our guide Sophie was very knowledgeable and took good care of us. Our only complaint is not getting the marita l bedroom with en-suite bath when it was available at several of the lodges (the other couple got it every time!)
By Diane from CHANDLER | 23 October 2016
★ ★ ★ ★
Fun trip
Volcanoes of Indonesia
I enjoyed this trip. The volcanoes are fascinating and very beautiful, and KE has done a good job of selecting ones that are all quite different from one another so the hikes are quite varied. (Note that the hikes on Ijen (2 hrs) and Batur (about 3 hrs) are much shorter than indicated in the KE itinerary, so there was actually less hiking than I had hoped for). There was a nice mix of culture with the various temples mixed in, and our guides Rani (Java) and Wira (Bali) were fantastic and took am azing care of us. Ubud is fun and I highly recommend you visit Gunung Kawi temple on your free day. On the downside, you should be prepared for the fact that there are some very long travel days, that the volcanoes are very heavily visited, and that you might not get to do the Rinjani hike (it erupted the night before we arrived and we were only permitted to do a portion of the 3 day hike). All in all, a good trip that I would recommend.
By Leslie from BROOKLINE | 21 October 2016
★ ★ ★
Good trip in a beautiful country
Oman Adventure Trekking
Oman was far more beautiful than I expected, and I enjoyed the hiking we did on the trip, which was varied, and offered some amazing mountain and coastal views. I wish the trip had had more cultural interaction, as we hardly even met or spoke to any Omanis the entire time. I went on this trip in Jan 2014, and we were all very disappointed with our guides, who were disorganized, unhelpful, and even argued repeatedly in front of us (there seemed to be some sort of power struggle going on). I heard through the grapevine that KE listened to our complaints about them and has made the necessary changes, so hopefully this is no longer an issue. Oman is really beautiful and worth visiting, so as long as the guides have changed, I would recommend this trip.
By Leslie from BROOKLINE | 20 October 2016

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for the review of your 2014 Oman trip. We always listen to what our clients tell us. Since your trip in 2014, we have worked very successfully with a new local agent in Oman as you can tell from all the reviews below for 2016 and 2015. We certainly agree with you that this is a beautiful country and well worth a visit.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great trip!
Classic Haute Route
I loved this trek. The trails were great, the views were fantastic, the food was amazing, and the huts were cozy (and often perched in the most amazing spots!). I had never been hiking in Europe before this and had therefore always camped on my treks, but the hut-to-hut experience was fun. It's definitely a different approach, but it was more social, and having a warm bed and good food waiting for you was pretty nice! Our guides were all great and took good care of us. I have absolutely not hing bad to say about this trip. Go!
By Leslie from BROOKLINE | 20 October 2016
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