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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Antarctic Hike and Sail Expedition

Its not called the Ice planet for nothing, there is nothing on Earth that compares. You've got to go!!

By Alan from CHICHESTER | 05 December 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Delightful 81km hike over 5 days through spectacular volcanic scenery
Walking Lanzarote - The Island of Eternal Spring
The GR131 on Lanzarote from Playa Blanca to Orzola is a delightful 81km hike through spectacular volcanic scenery with moderate climbing and descending (1,700 m up and down over 5 days). Local guide Andreas added to the overall enjoyment sharing his local knowledge on the history, flora and fauna of Lanzarote. The daily routine was to stop half way for an excellent picnic lunch carried by the members of the group, and to stop at a bar or cafe at the end for refreshment. Side trips to local attra ctions such as Cesar Manrique's house in the lava fields, Los Cuervos volcano, the Jardin de Cactus and the Jameos de Aqua volcanic cavern were added on different days to complete the day. A trip by ferry to Isla Graciosa and the climb of the yellow volcano Montana Amarilla completed the touristic overview of Lanzarote. Dinners were taken in restaurants in and around Costa Tequise, the base for the holiday, which offered a variety of local cuisine, including the tasty but unusual "Black Squid Ink Paella". The daily temperature was pleasant and enabled us to walk in shorts and T-shirts, although it was a bit windy on the higher and exposed elevations making a light wind-proof jacket well worth taking. We had a little rain on one of the days, but this is unusual for Lanzarote which has low annual rainfall. Overall a brilliant 6-days of walking and sightseeing.
By Michael from Chelmsford | 03 December 2016
81km GR131 on Lanzarote
Walking Lanzarote - The Island of Eternal Spring

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By Michael from Chelmsford | 03 December 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Little BIt of Everything - Just Pick A Date
Oman Adventure Trekking
This trip is very well thought-out, combining a variety of short and long & low- and high-level walks interspersed with sightseeing visits to forts, souks and the fabulous Grand Mosque. Our guide, Hanna, worked incredibly hard to ensure to smooth running of the trip and he was ably helped by the 4 man crew (and what a nice bunch of chaps they were) who did all the driving and cooking. The wild campsites were at lovely locations and only at the last one, on the beach, was there anybody el se around. The logistics mean that you do have to deal with your own tent, but given that you're unlikely to have to pitch it in rain or wind, it's not too much trouble. Forget about trying to use the tent pegs though, just use rocks to hold down the corners. We found that although the walks on Days 3 and 5 are quite modest in duration it does help with getting used to the heat. The trip notes mention scrambling on Day 4 but that was no more than a few steadying handholds here and there - it was however a full satisfying day over rough and rocky terrain with not much in the way of paths. It's really only the two days over the Selma plateau that push up the grading for this trip. The first day is certainly a long one with over 1800m of ascent, so it was enterprising of Hanna to organise a donkey handler to turn up en-route with extra water supplies and to serve up coffee and dates. Throughout the trip everyone we met was friendly and welcoming and that, as much as anything else, makes Oman a fascinating destination. Another winner fron KE.
By Adventure from Worcester | 02 December 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Exceeded expectations on every level, probably the best holiday we've ever had!
Guatemala's Magnificent Seven
We booked this trip after going to Nepal with KE to compete in the Everest Marathon 2 years ago. We picked the Guatemala trip from the brochure description, it seemed to offer adventure and a holiday with travel to somewhere we had never thought about before. Wow were we in for a treat. Again KE's organisation was impeccable, so easy to book and complete all preliminary tasks before travelling. The guides for our trip were from Old Town Outfitters in Antigua, 3 local guys who were just fant astic. The trip starts in Antigua, which is a beautiful town and then takes you on a whirlwind of trekking, high camping, forests, fields, erupting volcanoes, roaring volcanoes, hissing volcanoes, quiet volcanoes, very high volcanoes, beautiful lakes, busy cities and some relaxing times as well. Our chief guide, Sebastian, was so passionate and knowledgeable of his country, this just flowed over us and made the trip an absolute pleasure. We expected to climb 7 volcanoes and so we did (I actually summited 10 as went up 3 again, don't ask!!) but it was the immersion and exposure to the people and culture of Guatemala that made the trip so special. KE's planning of this trip is superb and when you cannot believe things could get better (like after the 4th day camp high on Acatenango next to the erupting Fuego) they actually get better, and better. I cannot think of anything to improve the trip at all.
Tips for future travellers.
The fitter you are, mountain walking wise, the more fun you will have.
Travel as lightly as you can, its either steeply up or steeply down!
Just have an open mind and heart and lap everything up.
Remember where you actually are, most of the time you are walking through peoples livelihoods!
Get this trip booked now!!!
By Timothy from ST GEORGE | 01 December 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a great experience.
Annapurna Sanctuary and Poon Hill Trek
Having been on many trekking holidays over the years, I can honestly say this trip was one of the best and exceeded my expectations. Starting at the beginning, the flights out to Nepal and the airline used were fine (Jet Airways). We had to change at Delhi which was the normal Indian organised chaos, expect to go through several stages of security. The security process just has to be endured, they have a job to do. TIP If transferring at Delhi make sure you go to your airline desk near security to get them to annotate your onward boarding pass with DT. TIP At Kathmandu airport get to the visa machines as quick as you can and you can speed up the visa process little. TIP Change small amount of money at the airport as you can get better exchange rates in the city. TIP Watch out for the people (porters) who will carry your bags out to your transport, they will ask you for UK paper money as a tip, 100 Nrps is plenty. We were met by a KE guide at the airport, we were given a warm welcome and were on our way to our hotel in no time at all, the guide explained exactly where we were going, how long it would take and what to expect when we got there. All good. We stayed one night at the Yak and Yeti which was very comfortable. We met up with most of the rest of the group at the evening meal, and were delighted to find we were with a well balanced group as far as age and gender were concerned. It wasn't long before we realised that we were all going to get on very well. Next day travel to Pokhara was delayed by weather and/or airspace congestion, not a lot KE could do about that but we were kept well informed throughout the wait. The flight to Pokhara was very good, TIP Sitting on the starboard side gives the best views of the mountains on the way to Pokhara, Port side for the return journey. In Pokhara the group opted for a boat trip across the lake and a hike up to the Buddha Stupa. We enjoyed the afternoon and the views from the top of the hill. Hotel in Pokhara was again comfortable. I will gloss over the rest of the trip as I don't want to post any spoilers. Needless to say, as the days go on the views and contact with Nepal life get better and better. All of the Lodges were clean, comfortable and helpful. TIP if you want a hot shower make sure you get one early as solar heaters produce limited amounts of hot water. TIP always look after your hand hygiene carry hand gel and use it before you go hand to mouth! The food produced by our support team was varied, tasty and plentiful, be prepared for the effects of eating cabbage at lunch times!! It was our anniversary during the trip and I have to say a big thank you to Janak for managing to produce a fantastic decorated cake at MBC (3700m), I think the whole group enjoyed that treat. Our Guide for the trip was Dorje, He is an experienced guide and we found nothing was too much trouble for him or his team, our welfare and comfort were his primary concern, he would always ensure that the group was fed and watered at ever meal before he and his team would eat. The whole of the support team were faultless. As well as Dorje and Janak a big thank you to Pema, Raju and not to forget the very hard working porters, without whom we could not have completed the trip. I highly recommend this trip to anyone with good general fitness, you don't have to be super fit as the pace is always sensible as it should be at altitude. TIP exchange any remaining Nrps you have either in the city or at the airport as once you leave Nepal you will not be able to do so.
By Tina from Verwood | 01 December 2016
Highlights of Guatemala trip, Acatenango, Fuego and Zunil, November 2016
Guatemala's Magnificent Seven

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By Timothy from ST GEORGE | 01 December 2016
Singalila Ridge Trek Oct 2016
Singalila Ridge - One of India's finest Treks

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By William from ROCHESTER | 01 December 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Trip of a Lifetime!
Ecuador's Triple Crown
As a mountaineer and a world traveler, I was not entirely sure what to expect from the Ecuador Volcanoes. Though I was drawn to them, they - and the country itself - seem rather obscure and not nearly as flashy as Kilimanjaro or Aconcagua. And yet, from the moment the KE rep picked me up at the airport (around midnight), I could feel the warmth and friendliness of the Ecuadorian people. KE has found gold with Camilo and Mariojlen Andrade and their ground operations, and with their exhuberant loc al trekking and climbing guides. Camilo is the ultimate Renaissance man - a classic mountaineer who has climbed the greats many times, but a gifted artist with a literary background and a love for the Kichwa culture. I felt so blessed to be welcomed not only into his hacienda Pantavi near Tumbabiro, but also to his office and his home, all three of them filled with museum-quality art. He knew so much about every plant and animal, about farming practices, about which mountains were used in pre-Columbian times for rituals. Every turn was a fascinating bit of information - and he also used this explanation time to give us rest breaks on the high altitude treks! During the first 3 days of the trek I was quite ill (altitude sickness or some water-borne issue - my advice to travelers - bring your water filter or tablets, even for washing your toothbrush or cleaning out Nalgene bottles). Camilo quickly consulted with our local guide Avram, and found an alternative route so I could continue the trek. It can't be fun for the guides to wait as the client vomits or takes a nap during the trek, but I appreciated the extra care when sick and hiking in a foreign country. Imbabura, Cayambe and Iliniza Norte were spectacular. They will go down as some of the best climbs of my life. I love scrambling, so the 2 scrambles were great fun and Cayambe was the hardest thing I've ever done, but highly rewarding as well. I am not sure what happened on Chimborazo, but the mix of sketchy conditions (black ice, loose scree & ice, 45* snow gullies) and a freak whiteout meant nobody summited. I chose to stay back in the hut. I think we were all tired by that point and there wasn't a whole lot of gusto for the summit and sometimes the mountain just says no. The stay in the village of San Clemente was one of the most special experiences I've had in a foreign country. Manuel and Laura were lovely hosts and the setup of the compound was so unique. It felt like home and I'm glad we were able to spend time there. The food was delicious - very balanced meals for high-output hiking and climbing. Always a delicious protein, a carb, some veggies and dessert. My stomach issues and altitude prevented me from truly appreciating the delicious meats and traditional dishes like arepas, humitas, plantain and quinoa soups and yucca fries. It was obvious the meats were fresh and organic, the eggs were that morning's pick, the fruits and veggies came from nearby farms. I wish I'd had much more of an appetite than I did! Also, the tea selections were really interesting! It is almost impossible to predict how the group dynamics will go, and part of this may be owed to Camilo and his leadership, but our team was amazing!!! It could not have come together better. We each found climbing partners who matched our pace and temperament, and this allowed most of us to summit most of the mountains. It was also a good thing we got along because we spent quite a lot of time together climbing, driving, eating, touring, etc... I am glad i booked a single room because, at the end of the day, I needed some time alone. But our group was amazing and I think I've made lifelong friends among my teammates. And I think we all fell in love with Ecuador. Now for the improvement feedback: We really tried to do too much on the trip. I appreciated the cultural aspects of the tour, it wasn't just about climbing - I wanted to learn something about the country. But sometimes I felt like we really needed to pare down our itinerary to get centered for our next climb. A couple times our schedule changed without notice or explanation and it took a lot out of us - exhausted us. As an example, we were supposed to stay in a local hacienda after Iliniza, a 20min drive from the trailhead (Hacienda de la Cuella). But, with no explanation, we ended up driving 4hrs to Riobamba, getting in after 9pm (after leaving Quito at 5am), totally dehydrated and barely able to eat. We went to sleep, then woke up to drive another 90 min to train on Chimborazo the next morning. Though I loved the Iliniza climb, I can say this day was so difficult - it drained every drop of my energy and it might have been much easier if we'd stayed locally after that climb. Additionally, the day we were to climb Chimborazo, we drove an hour out of our way to tour an old church, a handcraft market and a mountain lodge. We were never sure why these changes occurred and even though we were pretty easygoing, I felt like we needed to get more communications, as well as a little more rest. My teammates overruled me on the pre-Chimborazo tourism. Though the original itinerary said "leisurely morning in Riobamba," they wanted the distraction, so we proceeded with the new itinerary. I think it had no bearing on our summit - conditions and weather decided that - but I can't discount my own sheer exhaustion and its part in my decision not to attempt it. All in all, this was an extraordinary trip. KE has a great organization, fabulous ground crew/local outfitter, and its choice of lodging was so unique, I feel like we saw a side of the country that most travelers don't get to see. Again, trip of a lifetime and I will definitely book with KE again.
By Meryl from Olympia | 30 November 2016
Moonrise over Everest, from Kala Pathar
Everest the Hard Way Trek

By Rosalind from London | 30 November 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome experience, stunning scenery and great fun!
Everest Base Camp Trek
Quite simply this was the most amazing trip. The service from KE before departure was excellent, always someone with plenty of experience on hand to advise. All travel documentation was promptly provided. On arrival in country the team looked after us incredibly well prior to moving up to Lukla. From the very start of the trek we were expertly led through to Base Camp, with the individual needs of the group carefully considered at each stage. The lead sherpa was outstanding; energetic, great sen se of humor and genuinely wanted to enable us all to get the most from the trip. Where slight changes were necessary there was no fuss, just simple solutions. In terms of hints and tips I would suggest the following: 1. The accommodation is very basic after the first few nights, but nothing more than you should expect bearing in mind the altitude and that all supplies are moved up the mountain by porter or animal. Do not expect 4* hotels. Shared rooms, shared toilets, limited showers and basic food. This is a trek, not a "pampered darlings" expedition! 2. Wi-Fi is limited and does not always work. Do not expect it to do so! 3. Water is essential and having a minimum of 2 water bottles is essential. Personally, I used a camelbak to ensure I was sufficiently hydrated. 4. You will have to pay to re-charge phones/cameras etc. Take a charge bank and this will provide you with the flexibility to charge when you need to and reduce the cost of re-charging devices. 5. The distances on the trek summary are a guideline. Some days it may be a little more and some a little less. Be flexible in your approach. 6. Weigh your trek bag before you go and make sure it meets the criteria. Overall, this was a trip of a lifetime and truly exceeded my expectations. Nepal is a wonderful country, the Nepalese people genuinely friendly and the sherpas are fantastic. Thank you KE for making this all possible!
By Adventure from Cirencester | 29 November 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An amazing experience in a beautiful country
Everest Base Camp Trek

We were well looked after from the moment we got off the plane in Kathmandu; the trek is strenuous so if you're considering this trip I'd recommend a good level of training and preparation beforehand but the guides did a brilliant job of pacing the group and in the end everyone made it to the top of Kala Pattar and base camp. The hospitality extended to us by the Nepali people and by our guides in particular was incredible; this was a wonderful holiday that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend.

By Adventure from Burton-on-Trent | 29 November 2016
Lumba Sumba La
Kangchenjunga to Makalu via the Lumba Sumba La

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By Charles from SEVENOAKS | 29 November 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Varied itinerary, superb locations, first class guide.
Spires and Ice - Trekking Patagonia

Really well thought out itinerary with varied levels of challenge (none too arduous). Too little tenting for me, but everyone else preferred the lodges to any tents at all! The shangri-la that was Ecodome was extraordinary! Our guide was excellent from start to finish and we all felt well informed and looked forward to every day's events. There are three things I shall remember about Patagonia - wind, wind and I really mean wind! Great trip, thoroughly recommended.

By John from Yeovil | 28 November 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great off-the-beaten-track walk
Kangchenjunga to Makalu via the Lumba Sumba La
This trek scores highly if you want to go somewhere where there aren’t hordes of other trekkers. It is relatively new, and for the middle several days either side of the Lumba Sumba pass there are currently no lodges, so camping is a necessity. This will obviously change in time (a new lodge was being built in one of the villages we passed through); if this off-the-beaten-track holiday appeals, and you like camping, don’t delay! Another great plus is that the increase in height between Taple jung, where you start walking, and the top of the pass is superbly graded, and with the rest day at the delightful Olanchung Gola the acclimatisation process maximises your chance of avoiding altitude problems. The pass itself struck me as relatively straightforward compared to others I’ve done at over 5,000m, and with excellent views of the Kanchenjunga massif in one direction, and Makalu on the opposite skyline (and snow leopard tracks at our feet) this was a great place to be! Compared to many other treks there are few days with extensive views of snowy peaks, and virtually none until the day you cross the pass. However, the paths through the Nepal foothills are always interesting, and this is particularly the case on the days after crossing the Lumba Sumba La. The day after the pass involved a descent of around 1000m and seemed to embrace, in one day, everything that Nepal trekking can offer: mountain views, rivers, beautiful woods, a variety of hillsides, birds, butterflies, yak herders, captivating kids – only long ascents missing! A couple of other days on the homeward leg particularly stood out. One of these was along a path which contoured (yes – flat!) round steep hillsides with a huge drop to the river below – a spectacular situation. The other was very different – a most amazing steep path constructed up a cliff face above the Arun River. There were barriers to prevent pack animals (rather than trekkers) disappearing over the edge, and at the top the path emerged through a cleft in the rocks to a most superb view of a verdant valley where crops were being harvested, and haystacks with floral top-knots were being built. The route-finding and construction involved in creating these paths is prodigious, and following them is fascinating and most rewarding. Some of the days were quite long, but that hardly matters when you’re in such inspiring surroundings, and there’s a great crew putting up your tents at the end of the day. The guys looking after us were absolutely brilliant, the food was as good as I’ve had on trek, and Niraj, our leader, made a number of excellent decisions during the trek to improve the itinerary we had been presented with at the outset. Full marks to KE for making this trek available, and to Niraj and his sherpa colleagues for giving us a great experience.
By Charles from SEVENOAKS | 28 November 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great medium level walk with a knowledgeable leader over a fascinating island
Walking Lanzarote - The Island of Eternal Spring
A great, scenic walk across the length of the island of Lanzarote on and off the GR131, was divided into well managed sections. We had one location for accommodation which was a large comfortable apartment. This enabled those who perhaps wished to miss the odd day to do so and join the group towards the end of the days walk and enjoy the excellent meals in authentic restaurants in the evening. The walk was led by a very able and knowledgeable leader in Andreas, whose whole attitude enabled the t rip to be a complete success
By Joan from Banchory | 28 November 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great lodges, people and guides; just amazing animals
Botswana Wildside Lodge Safari
Fantastic two weeks travelling through Botswana seeing the very best of Southern Africa. Too many highlights to list them all but the time spent swimming, walking and socalising in the Okavango Delta with the local guides was definitely a highlight whilst we had to pinch ourselves to make sure we were actually watching so much wildlife including a Leopard only 30m from the dining area in Moremi. Seeing Wild Dogs catch an Impala right by the vehicle was special if not necessarily everyone's cup of tea to be so close. I traveled in November which was great as we completed most of the trip before the rains came yet peak season ends in October so it was fairly quiet except for Chobe - it was pretty hot though!
By Craig from Castleford | 28 November 2016
In Torres des Paines NP
Spires and Ice - Trekking Patagonia

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By John from Yeovil | 28 November 2016
★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent Guides, mediocre food, poor Kathmandu team
Everest Base Camp Trek
Our lead guides and his two support staff were absolutely great. The food at most lodges were mediocre at best. My dietary restrictions were not communicated to our guides. Your rep in Kathmandu was a poor communicator and not very knowledgeable. I would have appreciated, for hygiene sake if we were provided hot water to wash our hands before every meal. My pillow at Gorakshep was covered with blood. Overall I enjoyed the adventure thanks to constant help of our guides. I would recommend clearer guidelines about tipping our guides.
By Naser from La Jolla | 25 November 2016

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. We are pleased that you found your guides and support staff to be absolutely great. KE groups are provided with hot water by the crew of Sherpas who trek with the group and we are sorry if this did not happen before every mealtime on your trip. We are glad that overall you enjoyed the adventure and the achievement of reaching Everest Base Camp.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you want/like variety this is a great holiday to choose.
Treasures of Guatemala and Belize
With two great local guides and lots of general local interest this is a very varied and fast moving holiday. Being more used to trekking type holidays this was by way of a change, but travelling light was helpful as you move on every two days. Although the canoeing, walking and snorkelling are not technically demanding prior experience makes the trips all the more enjoyable and some general fitness also helps. The caving section is 4hrs in and out of water swimming three rivers before entering the cave so confidence in the water helps. The water is cold but not freezing and my wife and I both managed with normal cross trainers on our feet, be prepared to climb a metal ladder in bare feet though near the end of the cave. Caye Caulker Island is a real laid back place with plenty of opportunites for paddle boarding, canoeing, windsurfing etc as well as extra snorkelling. Wilber the guide in Antigua is a wealth of knowledge, very passionate about his country and great fun to be with, Juan again is very knowlegable especially about Tikkal and the Maya and made sure we travelled around both countries without a hitch. Additional to the main trip was a zip wire across the jungle canopy and although it rained on us it was great fun, but not for the faint hearted or those with a fear of heights and ladders.
By Andrew from REDCAR | 25 November 2016
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