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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
7 Stars Out of 5
Walking Undiscovered Tenerife and Pico Teide
Truly a magnificent trip. One which will linger long in the memory, A lovely island, full of history, mystery and culture; and a range of landscapes from the arid volcanic deserts of the south to the lush rain-forest covered with laurel trees and dotted with traditional hamlets in the north. Cao and Aaron were excellent guides and their enthusiasm, pride and love for their homeland clearly shone through. The eclectic range of accommodation added to the fun and the food tastings and restaurants c hosen serving fresh local cuisine were an added bonus. Highly recommended for those adventurous in spirit.
By Marek from NOTTINGHAM | 12 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderfully unspoilt trekking
Sikkim - Beneath Kangchenjunga Trek
There are some lengthy travelling days getting to and from Sikkim (and our drivers coped admirably with some difficult road conditions) but the prize is a wonderfully remote and scenic trek. Apart from a couple of misty days we had lovely sunny weather and although there was a frost on the tent most mornings it was never seriously cold. The northern section of the Singalila ridge, where we criss-crossed into and out of Nepal, was especially scenic, with Kangchenjunga views on one side and distan t Makalu on the other, and plenty of interesting flora along the way. The days after the Damphebir Pass involved crossing a series of ridges separating gloriously remote and unspoilt valleys with the Kabru range a prominent backdrop. All of this was made possible by a superb trek crew which operated like a well-oiled machine and the fifteen of us were kept amazingly well-fed by Santabir the cook, who conjured up marvellous treats on a daily basis. Leading the group was Uden Sherpa who not only made sure everything happened to schedule, but shared out maps, aspects of Buddhist history, and unobtrusively kept an eye on everyone's welfare. Nothing was too much trouble and he still found time to help the crew pitch the tents every day. At his suggestion the rest day was moved to Dzongri and this ensured that we were better prepared for the long Goecha La day. About half the group reached the pass after a 3am start; the rest of us were happy with viewing the impressive high mountain terrain from the second viewpoint. Either way, it felt a privilege to be there. A few tips. Take a few snacks such as cereal bars as some of the morning walks are quite long. Take a buff (or two) as protection from the cold dry air in the mornings. Quite a few of us developed dry coughs as a result - nothing too serious but something we could have done without. And take more paper hankies than you think you need because local shops don't stock such things. All in all, a wonderful trip and rightfully a KE classic.
By Adventure from Worcester | 12 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chomolhari Basecamp and the Bonte La

Great trip - everything went to plan and the trek itself was awesome. Highly recommended.

By Stephen from Newcastle upon Tyne | 12 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent trip, and wonderful care
Levada Trails and Peaks of Madeira
The whole trip ran very smoothly, and we were extremely lucky with the group we joined, with whom we got on with extremely well, and certainly luckily with the excellent guide, who for first class. My wife tripped near the end of one of the day's walk and broke her wrist. But, the guide handled the incident extremely well with first aid and then organised the rush over to the hospital. There, we were met by the local company's representative and she made all the difference in making all go well there. It went all so well that my wife stayed on to the end of the trip, albeit relaxing! By the way, make sure that you take your European medical card if eligible - as soon as the hospital saw ours there were no difficulties with getting treatment promptly. Despite all of that, we plan to be back to Madeira with KE! It is a beautiful and fascinating place, and we got to some very special places.
By Malcolm from Glasgow | 11 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Adventures from the highest peaks to the lowest valleys
The Ultimate Everest Trek
From start to finish our adventure of a lifetime was well organised and supported. We felt safe at all times even on the high wire bridges! The trip offers so much more than just a trek through the mountains, you learn the local culture, make new friends, experience a different lifestyle while waking up to breathtaking views everyday. You do need to be fit to take this trip as it is challenging, some of the climbs will push you to the limit. Tips - take some hand warmers, lots of snacks (cereal bars), buy chocolate and toilet roll lower down the mountains as the prices rise with the climb. Take a set of lounge clothes for the evenings. Enjoy your adventure!
By Claire from Carlisle | 11 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well-organised, well-led and well-paced
In the Shadow of Nanda Devi

I would simply like to praise Thinles as a superlative leader and a guide. He constantly went the extra mile to ensure that things ran smoothly and that we took every opportunity to enjoy our holiday. He ran a 'tight ship' within the support team, but led from the front and was clearly held in great respect by everyone.

By David from London | 10 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic trek with stunning scenery
The Snowman Trek

This trek is amazing but be aware it deserves its billing as one of the worlds toughest treks ! The scenery is wonderful and the panoramas breath taking. In general the trek was well organised and the support staff very friendly and helpful. The quality of the food was incredible given the tricky conditions and remote nature of our route. I would recommend a good quality 4 season sleeping bag as the temperatures drop well below freezing overnight ( probably as low as - 10C )

By Adventure from Chippenham | 07 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amazing, fun!
Bike Jordan Dead 2 Red

Just wanted to say a big thank you. Trip was amazing, we saw the whole country rather than just Petra. Staying at a local house is worth going for, what a real experience. Petra by night is a must! And to finish off with cycling in the Wadi was spectacular. Anas and other guides were amazing, fun, patient. Police escort added to us all feeling safe. Cannot wait for the next trip!

By Marta from London | 07 November 2017

KE Adventure reply

Thanks and you're very welcome! Glad you had a great time.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A once in a lifetime experience
Everest Base Camp Trek
I'd wanted to do the trek to Everest Base Camp for years, so this was a big thing for me to finally save up and book it - and it didn't disappoint. On arrival in Kathmandu, we were met by Milan, our leader. We somehow ended up tipping quite a lot (£10-15) to a porter to carry our bags to the waiting taxi bus (who sort of looks like a KE rep working under the leader's instruction, and then turns out not to be!), but this seemed to happen to everyone, and appears to be unavoidable!! But then afte r that, we were taken to our hotel to check-in. We regrouped at 6pm to be give our sleeping bags, jackets, maps, and a short briefing, and then we went for dinner. The next day we were up early for the flight to Lukla, with take-away breakfast boxes from the hotel in hand. Check-in for the flight is chaotic, but Milan took care of everything. The combined weight allowance for your kit bag & day pack is 15 kilos, but as Milan advised us, you can take your big jacket, water bottles, cameras etc. out of the bags and just hold them for two minutes while the bags are weighed, and then you're good! The flights leave when they can, so weather or flight traffic can keep you waiting (we were sat on the tarmac of the runway in a bus for an hour waiting for air traffic to clear!), so don't expect a timetable! The flight itself was incredible - terrifying and fun at the same time, with amazing views. Off the flight, we had a quick breather and a cup of tea at a lodge in Lukla, with a chance to repack our bags, apply suncream, and then meet our Sherpa team. Then we were off on the first day’s trekking! Each day after that started with breakfast - porridge, followed by toast and eggs, and black tea or coffee. Sometimes we were able to have Tibetan bread with breakfast instead, which I loved. Your kit bags are carried by porters or by yaks (or Zopkio in our case, a yak-cow cross - the Sherpas will teach you the words for things!) - which is another reason to try to stick to the 15kilo limit! The Sherpas or the trip leader pace the walking really well, at a steady pace that suits the group, so that you largely stay together as a group, and it helps you acclimatise well. This meant I got a lot less tired in my legs than I was expecting to during the trip, which was great. We typically stopped for a cup of tea at 10-11am, and then lunch between 12-1. The Sherpas choose the food for you - it will mostly be carbs for energy! Lots of potatoes, noodles, pasta, and momo, and there was veg with every meal. All the lodges and tea houses sell biscuits and chocolate if you want extra snacks. The length of the trekking days vary, but we never arrived at our lodge later than about 4.30pm. We were provided tea and biscuits at 5pm, and then dinner typically around 6.30pm-7pm, depending on how early the next day’s start was. Dinner was usually 3 courses, with a soup, main, and then dessert or fruit to finish. The dining rooms in the tea houses were normally nice and warm, with stoves in the middle of the room that you could warm up next to. The rest of the lodge is unheated, and can get really cold at night, but the KE sleeping bags were plenty warm enough once you were in them - we were also provided with a fleece liner for them, but I never needed to use mine. Most lodges also provided a blanket on the bed as well, for extra warmth. The trekking itself was brilliant - the scenery was absolutely beautiful - there are no words really, and photos don't really do it justice either! but for the first fews days, honestly I was on the verge of tears more than once at just how spectacular it was. I loved walking through the Sherpa villages, which were very pretty, and the locals are very friendly and always smiling, and I also loved feeling so far away from everything - no cars, tvs, or screens. Most villages have a few shops where you can buy things if needed - and Namche Bazaar has everything. If you forget something, or decided you do need some extra clothing/socks/hats/trekking poles, you can buy plenty of nice things there. The views of the mountains are incredible - Milan and our Sherpa team made sure to teach us the names of all the mountains and the villages you can see down through the valley. As we got higher, most of us had some mild symptoms from the altitude - headaches, finding it harder to breath, and a bit tricky to sleep sometimes, but we were all in the same boat. Our guide constantly checked in with us, and was watching for any more serious signs of acute mountain sickness, but we were all fine. The day we trekked to Everest Base Camp was a long one, but it is worth it to finally make it - you won’t forget it! The next day’s early morning climb up Kala Pather was tougher - only half of the group decided to go for it. You get up around 4am to start - breakfast is not provided as the lodge dining room is closed, so it’s worth stocking up on some biscuits the day before, if you want to eat on the way up. Climbing up on the dark and seeing the sun gradually peer up behind the mountains is amazing, although I would say I found the climb very tough just down to the altitude, as I was really struggling to catch my breath towards the top, so for me it was less enjoyable than getting to Base Camp itself. But, the views are beautiful, so it’s worth giving a go! Once we were back down, we had breakfast at the lodge, and then we started the descent. This trek takes an alternative route for part of the descent back to Lukla, which is brilliant. You visit a couple of villages just slightly off the beaten track, and the high trail to Phortse village is spectacular. Back in Kathmandu, we had some free time to explore, and there was also an optional sightseeing trip with visited Boudha and Bhaktapur. I would fully recommend the trip, although ours did run over, meaning we had less free time on that day, so it is worth bearing that in mind. Overall, this trip was fantastic. I had never booked a group holiday or a trekking holiday before, and I was a bit apprehensive, but having done this one I would now definitely book another, and would go with KE. And I really want to go back to Nepal!
By Victoria from London | 07 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Few Thoughts on the Canadian Summit Scramble
Canadian Summit Scramble
This was a concentrated 2 weeks of excellent walking in the Canadian Rockies. Many of the walks involved long approaches, which was to be expected in such a massive and grand landscape. The first and most obvious difference from walking in the UK and Europe, is the wonderful expanse of natural forest. The approaches through this woodland, although long, gave the impression of real wilderness, despite generally good paths. Above the tree-line, the terrain became much more barren and rocky (a clue in the name!) The views were astounding, and once more gave one the impression of just what a big place Canada is! Some of the summits (Cirque Peak, Abbot's Ridge) required minor scrambling, which only added to the interest and mountaineering feel of the trip. Wildlife was plentiful: hoary marmots, chipmunks, prairie dogs and pica, much of which was not afraid to wander close to us. The walks I enjoyed the most were the Cirque Peak ascent, due to the sharp summit and stunning views, and the Abbot Ridge walk, because of the scrambling and the stunning outlook. However, Mont Bourgeau and Mount Allen were also excellent. I also enjoyed the company of the German group in the party, who were warm and friendly, and allowed a bit more cultural mixing. Perhaps the highlight of the trip was the excellent guiding by Hubert and Nico. These guys were knowledgeable, humorous, capable and patient. Their cooking skills and the effort they put into providing varied meals was also way beyond the call of duty. I think they were putting in about 18 hour days much of the time. They were EXCELLENT. My only complaint is that the accommodation in Calgary, the Sandman Hotel, was a bit tatty, and the hostel in Golden was rather cramped.
By Lorna from Inverness | 06 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stunning and superb
The Snowman Trek

Stunning scenery in a very remote area, with colour provided by locals - camp beside a live archery range! Excellent local guide, very communicative and knowledgeable about the culture of the country. A fantastic journey.

By David from Corsham | 05 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A well organised trip and one off the bucket list
Everest Base Camp Trek

From day one of booking I had nothing but good experience with KE; all my enquiries were answered promptly. This expedition was very well organised and the KE staff on site (Guide, Sherpas, Porters and Yak man) worked well together. A few of the Lodges were lacking in toilet facilities, but that's understandable considering where we were. Altogether a great trip that my son and me enjoyed immensely. Only problem now is where next! :-)

By Jonathan from Staines-upon-Thames | 05 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The perfect walking holiday to enjoy the delights of Maderia
Levada Trails and Peaks of Madeira
This holiday had all one could want: beautiful scenery, testing hikes and nice hotels to return to for a hot shower before dinner! The trails were rougher underfoot than initially expected but not so as to cause a problem. A head for heights is required for some of the walks since one is walking along narrow paths beside sheer drops with only very flimsy barriers, and in some cases none, to prevent accidents. The length of each day is just about right and the lunches provided by each of the hote ls was excellent - indeed too much to eat on a number of occasions. The hotels were good with all the necessary amenities, including in some cases swimming pools and Turkish baths! Roberto our guide was simply first class. Extremely knowledgeable about the island, its geography, flora and fauna, as well as leading with care and consideration for all members of the group. One of the members of our group fell and broke her wrist - Roberto could not have dealt with this difficult situation better. We were fortunate to have excellent weather on our trip, indeed it was unseasonably warm, and the only time I wore my waterproofs was through one of the levadas where water was squirting from the tunnel roof and sides. I very much enjoyed this holiday; certainly more relaxing than the treks I have done before, but none the less enjoyable for that. I would certainly recommend this holiday if you like beautiful scenery, steep ascents and descents followed by leisurely dinners.
By Keith from Ashford | 03 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fantastic walking, guide, food,weather and scenery
Jordan's Dana to Petra Trek

The trekking in jordan was excellent. Our guide Murad was passionate about his country and very knowledgeable with a great sense of humour. The food could not have been any better. Petra was amazing and our photographs cannot do it justice!

By Christine from Manchester | 02 November 2017
Everest Yeti Trail
Everest Yeti Trail Luxury Lodge Trek

By Ogla from KE Adventure | 02 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From booking to the end had a fantastic time
Jordan's Dana to Petra Trek

Guide Murad the best. Food best ever on a trek. Scenery amazing. My other trekkers a great bunch. I need to go back.

By Jean from Sheffield | 01 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's not a holiday, it's an adventure!
The Great Southern African Lodge Safari

5,600 kilometres in 20 days involved a lot of travelling but the Sunway overlander bus was very comfortable. The food from the mobile kitchen never disappointed. The lodges were all good, some exceptional (Tarentaal/ Desert Camp/ Nata). The guides worked their socks off and helped to make the holiday special. The wildlife sightings were exceptional - saw all Big 5 except Leopard and many more besides. Fantastic experience and have come back already planning next African Adventure.

By Peter from Norwich | 01 November 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent experience!
Levada Trails and Peaks of Madeira
The landscape was spectacular, the food and lodging wonderful, our guide Roberto was knowledgeable and fun, and the group of fellow travelers delightful. Each day provides a different experience. The walks are challenging without being exhausting, but participants need to be prepared for steep ascents and descents and some exposure that is fun if you like that sort of thing!! It will be challenging to convey the uniqueness of Madeira to others when talking to friends about the trip. You just hav e to go experience it! This was my first trip with KE and I am already exploring future possibilities for KE trips. Thanks for a great week.
By Marianne from Decatur | 31 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★
Another world
Naar to Mustang
A tough trek through a range of climates and scenery. Relatively straightforward trekking with good altitude acclimatisation as far as Teri La. The following days to Lo Mantang were much tougher than I expected. Lots of ascent and descent on rough terrain with some unexpected exposure. Perhaps partly the result of earthquake damage. The tents often arrived at our campsite well after we did. This resulted in us pitching the tents ourselves. The food was generally adequate but not as good as on ot her trips that I have been on. There were only three small vehicles available to take us (plus the crew) from Lo Mantang towards Jomsom. This was totally inadequate and resulted in a long and cramped journey.
By Gordon from Nottingham | 31 October 2017

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. We apologise for the cramped ride between Lo Manthang and Jomsom. Unfortunately we are not allowed to send our own vehicles for this journey but have to use the vehicles allocated by the local syndicate.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fabulous week walking in a beautiful place
La Gomera - Jewel of the Canaries
A tough week requiring a good level of fitness; there are no flat paths on Gomera, they are either up or down! There are some long descents which give the knees and ankles a real hammering. Accommodation was good although ear-plugs would have been useful in a couple of them. Food was good, often no choice but not a problem, in fact not having to make a decision was a relief. Our guide Ancor was lovely, very enthusiastic and knowledgeable. He never seemed to get out-of-breath even on the steepest ascents. All-in -all a great week, helped by wonderful weather
By Nicola from Maidstone | 31 October 2017
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