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★ ★ ★ ★
excellent alternative to spend Christmas
Mount Toubkal in Winter

Excellent trip for a week a way. Good that its only a 4hr flight away. Definitely worth a walk up Ouanoukrim on the second day at the refuge, this is much more impressive than Toubkal and you get a good scramble. Was good to try out the crampons and ice axe. Don't expect much from the refuge, its basic and you share a dorm with 20 people. Its a good experience though. If you have a spare week and fancy something different to do give it a go!

By Jessica from Wigan | 02 January 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Exceptionally well-organised trek in stunning landscapes.
Mount Toubkal in Winter
The trip was well-designed to provide an exciting but well-supported week's experience of trekking in winter conditions in high mountains. The day's walk scheduled for acclimatisation really helped though I would advise future travellers to make sure they are 'mountain-fit' for long days at high altitude. The walks to the summits were steep and challenging with lower oxygen levels than we are used to. The guides (especially Omar the younger) were expert and attentive, allowing clients enough roo m for 'adventure' and 'discretion' about what we wanted to achieve. The service was warm and friendly, with clear advice about safety and every attention to detail, right up to the last minute. The days in Marrakesh were just long enough to get a sense of the city, do some shopping and relax to enjoy the sunshine and Moroccan atmosphere around the souk. It was helpful to have the city-tour on the first morning but it is an easy place to find your way around.
By Alison from Kendal | 02 January 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A varied and interesting week's walking.
Walking Lanzarote - The Island of Eternal Spring
A very enjoyable week's walking and visiting museums etc--and thanks to Andy for his excellent guidance, explanations of birds and plants, and the dramatic geological history and recent artistic heritage of Lanzarote. The food on the trip was a particular feature, with delicious and copious lunchtime picnics and a varied choice of local fish and tapas restaurants in the evening. Food provided for breakfast was basic continental (bread, jam, honey, juice, tea/coffee) and most chose to supplement that to their own tastes from the nearby supermarket.
By Stephen from Beaworthy | 21 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Outstanding Holiday with views to die for!
The Ultimate Everest Trek
Our group was blessed with perfect weather (Nov) in the most glorious of locations. Kathmandu was a wonderful experience with the Yak & Yeti Hotel a perfect pick by KE. First off our trekking guides were excellent and were constantly monitoring our fitness and the acclimatization process. This trek was a good challenge so come physically prepared. Lodges or tea houses were quite adequate for trekking, but you may want to upgrade the food after a week or so as it gets a little tiring. I will admit that this 60 year old could have used a days rest after the Cho La Pass, as this day is everything that it is built up to be! To trek these valleys and take in the beautiful views, visit monasteries, explore all the little villages and stand at Everest Base Camp was my dream, and it has now come true thanks to keadventure. Wonderful job and will be using you again on my next trek.
By Shawn from Milton | 20 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fabulous holiday of a lifetime
Trek Malawi's Mount Mulanje & South Luangwa
A fantastic holiday with a great combination of Safari and Trekking. All of the leaders and guides were extremely knowledgeable and had a wealth of experience. They were very friendly and helpful and really made the holiday special. Botha, our driver and guide on Safari, was first rate and because of his expertise we managed to see a vast array of the wildlife. Eddie, who accompanied us for the whole trip, could not have been more attentive and had an extensive knowledge and interest of the hist ory, politics, geography and customs of the various tribes in Malawi. The final summit day of the trek was quite challenging but MacKenzie, our trek leader, was excellent and made sure we all completed the challenge safely. The views from the summit were well worth the effort.
By Geoffrey from Newcastle upon Tyne | 20 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A super trip!
Trek Madagascar, The Land of the Lemur
This was a fabulous holiday. A well-considered mix of trekking, wildlife watching and culture. November is the end of the dry season, and the combination of heat and humidity is quite tough at times - with thunder storms on a couple of afternoons. The (mainly) dry weather also meant a few changes to the itinerary, as both Isalo and Andringitra National Parks were spectacularly burning up. Fire is a management tool for Madagascan farmers, but it can get out of hand. However, despite a bit of disa ppointment that we didn’t manage to try Peak Boby (followed by intense relief when we heard about another group who did try and were surrounded by flames), the alternatives offered were excellent and didn’t diminish the trip. As a KE veteran, I have to say that sometimes your claims of the wildlife we’ll see are a bit fanciful – but we saw lemurs galore (12 species including the unforgettably loud Indri Indri) and loads of chameleons as well, with lots of time to take photos. Using local guides and spotters really works – and special praise must go to Niry who organised everything so well, despite being obviously devastated that we weren’t seeing his country as he wanted us to see it! His musical talents are also fantastic and much appreciated. Would I recommend this holiday? Yes. Madagascar is far more of a third world country than I’d realised (the main unit of measurement is a Carnation milk tin!), and this inevitably produces a few issues. The travelling days were quite long and the road is spectacularly bad for long stretches, but we stopped regularly at places of interest, and felt welcome everywhere. Other points? The standard of accommodation (bar one) including the tents was excellent, as was the food (and the nightly tot(s) of rum on trek). The rainforest at Ranomafana is unbelievably diverse. The nights in November can be very hot and sweaty! Our small group (6 people) really gelled and this enhanced the experience. Go KE!
By Catriona from Kingussie | 19 December 2017
★ ★ ★
Good experience but needs some improvement
Antarctic Hike and Sail Expedition
Very excited to go on this trip yet nervous on the harsh weather conditions and skill levels on the activities on offer. The tour which is approx. 11 days includes getting there and back by ship. It takes approx. 2-3 days to reach Antarctica from Ushuaia and is subject to weather and sea conditions. Unfortunately bad weather was encountered which resulted in 3 days to reach there and activities has to start in the evening to get the most out of it. Be prepared for sea sickness, one is crossing t he roughest seas and is unavoidable, 90% of the passenger were sick. Due to bad weather, activities had to be cancelled, buts that’s the risk one takes as the time scale to fit everything in is not much. The trip could have been better planned by adding to 2 extra days to allow for flexibility of bad weather. Its very difficult to cram everything in as cancelations sets everything back and some people may not get the chance to do everything. Unfortunately I was not able to do any kayaking due to bad weather and poor planning by the expedition as activities clashed with each other and due to short available time scale. The weather to my surprise was tolerable as long as you have the 3 basic good layers of clothing. Be prepared to get wet when going on zodiacs; however ones outer clothing should be able to deal with this. Activities were divided up and grouped based upon ones skill and ability levels. The required clothing list for mountaineering and kayaking needs improvement and clarification by the expedition. Some clothing is already provided which lead to unnecessary expense for preparing for the tip. It was found that some people were allowed to do mountaineering with out crampon compatible boots which are mandatory for any mountaineering activity according to their terms and conditions. Some people were allowed to do kayaking with no swimming ability despite an attempt to meet these mandatory conditions which seemed unfair. Over all the trip was good experience but not amazing as was expected as there are other countries that can offer similar or better scenic views and activities. I was expecting to see hump back whales up very close , but seen only from distance so may be it was not the right season. The trip is very expensive for what it was, however what was on offer is the cheapest that could be found compared to other providers. The guides are very good and funny and always making you laugh. Would I go on this trip again, may be not , as there are other destinations that could offer similar experience, better weather conditions and cheaper. But that’s just one person view so tick in the box been there done it.
By Dharmendra from Hornchurch | 18 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Husky sledding was amazing
Arctic Wilderness Week Finland

Great trip - well worth it. Absolutely loved the husky sledding for 3 days.

By Henry from London | 17 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beautiful walking and brilliantly led
El Hierro - The Secret Canaries
As always, the tour leader was the crucial factor and Paulo with his vast knowledge of the island, boundless enthusiasm and kindly nature was indeed perfect in the role. The island itself is very well suited for stretching but not particularly difficult walking. A full six walks were packed into the six day/seven night stay on the island and these were varied scenically and also educative especially about flora, volcanic activity and the history of the island. Three walks were fairly full on and most were tired on return while three were moderate/easy. Having said that I benefited from the kindness of Paulo and his wife in having two lifts back by car before the final descents to avoid exacerbating an Achilles condition. Both my wife and I found the food very good and the accommodation was considerably better than the basic standard we expected. A first class holiday experience overall. Main tips: be prepared for very strong winds and pretty strong sunshine even in winter, and for sea bathing (more or less voluntary but there may be some gentle persuasion).
By David from ORPINGTON | 15 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Energising trip summiting 7 volcanoes, amazing, fitness essential.
Guatemala's Magnificent Seven
Trip was well planned with an acclimatisation day at the start of the Tour in Antigua and some down time by Lake Atitlan at the end, although an extra day at the lake would have been welcome. The camping was really well organised and I particularly enjoyed the camp food and the central focus and warmth of a camp fire, quite magical with such amazing panoramic views. The roads in Guatemala are basic and the traffic congestions not good, but stops were factored in to make the journeys more enjoyab le and there was only one day when we did not walk. Not sure that a scenic drive along the Pan American Highway is an apt description however. We had a great team to look after us. Sebastian, lead guide with his enthusiasm and valuable local knowledge. His careful planning especially with regard to arranging for all our meals, the majority having been pre ordered to save time. Alex was also an excellent guide in his own right and complemented Sebastian. He was really great at organising all the kit and teaching the porters how to set up camp in a comfortable and safe way. Willy although quiet at times was well organised and a great cook, fantastic local dishes and a pleasure to be with on the hikes. End of November was a great time of the year to go, no rain clear blue skies most of the time, although cold when the sun went down especially when at high altitude.
By Julie from Broadway | 14 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful experience from start to finish
Stok Kangri Climb
We booked our trip at the start of 2017 and found KE to be helpful at all stages answering our never ending list of questions about the trip. Upon arrival we were duly collected and delivered to our hotel in Dehli which was clean, tidy and had a lovely pool which we were able to doze by during the day, our evening meal was superb and next morning we were back the airport to head to Leh. It was a short but magnificent flight. Arrival in Leh was well organised and we met our guide for the duration of the trip 'Pemba'. Pemba was the perfect gent and nothing was ever any trouble. He was hugely knowledgeable and we had great chats with him over the course of almost 2 weeks. Our stay in Leh was smooth, with a great hotel, good food, hot water, and nice beers. During the days before the trek we were shown around local monasteries, taken for short walks to aid our acclimatization and shown nice places to eat/drink/relax. Our trek was thoroughly enjoyable with each day discussed the night before in our nightly briefings giving us a good picture of what to expect the following day. The days were long and at times hard work due to the altitude however perfectly manageable if you have a reasonable level of fitness. We were well catered for with a fantastic lunch provided each day which was carried by our team of sherpa's. Each day started with a nutritious and tasty breakfast and ended with a yummy meal designed to tempt most palates. This is no easy task, especially if altitude has zapped your appetite. Our meal of homemade Pizza being a highlight at 4000m when some home comfort food was defiently needed. Our group of six all attempted the summit, however only 4 made the summit – No reflection on the wonderful team of sherpa’s leading us. I was overcome by altitude sickness and was required to turn around 500m from summit and another team member decided to turn around with me due to feeling very tired with reduced energy reserves. My partner completed the summit. Unfortunately, I personally do not acclimatise well, so no more 4000m plus mountains for me. Despite not personally summiting I highly recommend this trip. It was beautifully scenic and jaw-droppingly beautiful with a good level of enjoyable and challenging walking. The team in Leh were extraordinarily good.
By Andrea from Edinburgh | 13 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Annapurna Sanctuary and Poon Hill Trek
This was a wonderful experience, especially as it was my first trip beyond the borders of Europe. Whilst ABC was the goal and the climax of the trek there was much of interest on the way - the forest varying with altitude and aspect finally giving way to scrub and grassland, the terraced farmland, the changing view of the snow-capped peaks ahead drawing us on. I would fully endorse KE's choice of an itinerary that includes Poon Hill (good acclimatisation and a spectacular sunrise) and also one t hat includes staying a night at ABC. It was numbingly cold but seeing the dawn break encircled by the majestic peaks was awesome (and I'm old enough not to use the word lightly!). Pasang was an excellent and cheerful guide, accommodating of our different paces and interests and no doubt doing a lot of unseen organising to ensure everything ran smoothly. He was a good source of information on the fauna, flora and farming of the area. He was very ably assisted by a great team of assistant guides and porters. Drinks were nearly always waiting for us when we stopped for a break. A bit of time to explore a little of Kathmandu, Braktapur and Patan before and after the trek only added to the overall truly memorable adventure. I am happy to recommend both this trip and KE (and their local agents) for their organisation. The loan down jacket and sleeping bag were both excellent and essential. This is a great trip for any reasonably fit hill walker (even if only occasional) with a love of landscape and an interest in other cultures (oh, and not too fussed about home comfort!). Don't underestimate the ups and downs: 'undulating' takes on a completely new meaning in Nepal!
By Charles from Moreton-in-Marsh | 12 December 2017
★ ★ ★
Stunning location, perfect hosts
Costa Rica Walks and Wildlife

Thoroughly enjoyed my visit to this stunningly beautiful country. Our guide was excellent, the accommodation was good and the people so friendly. The trip notes are wrong - KE need to listen to their man on the ground! And don’t worry about taking a mosquito net or towels - not necessary. But do take an umberella!

By Cathryn from BRENTWOOD | 12 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A wonderful week walking with stunning scenery on an unspoilt small island
El Hierro - The Secret Canaries
I had wanted to go to El Hierro since visiting La Gomera earlier this year. It takes a full day to travel there and back but this is outweighed by six days enjoying a wonderfully diverse small island. The trip was everything that I had hoped for and this was due to the others on the small group ( 7 of us) and the remarkable leader Paulo. Nothing was too much trouble and we had a full itinerary. His knowledge and enthusiasm for El Hierro, its people, geology, flora, fauna and history was infectio us and by using 3 centres we saw the entire island. Accommodation is either in rooms or apartments with en suites. It is not luxurious but is comfortable and the views in La Restinga were over the pretty harbour. Food and drinks were plentiful, varied and all included. 3 lunches were picnics and 3 tapas based at small restaurants. Wind was almost always present, especially at night; we had one overcast day and otherwise plenty of sun. Landscape is varied with some spectacular views. Trails are well marked and although there are some earthy surfaces there is a considerable amount of walking over rough lava and stones and 2 particularly steep descents so walking poles strongly advised! I cannot fault Paulo - he clearly loves his life and is organised, kind, thoughtful and knowledgable. His wife Enrica works alongside him and collected one of our group with a pre holiday injury on 2 days to shorten their walk length. If you want to see the real El Hierro combined with some wonderful walks then this is the holiday for you.
By Perdita from Oxford | 12 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing sequence of authentic Arctic experiences - Go !
Arctic Wilderness Week Finland
Just fantastic. Physically demanding though. The experiences are all very authentic and you feel very involved - your are not a passenger on this trip. Apart from the core trips the hotel offers additional opportunities to explore. Cross country cycling on a Fat Bike definitely worth trying and the Northern Lights Snowmobile safari ( even if you dont get to see the lights we were lucky enough to see them on another night). Hire a toboggan for the evening a short walk from the hotel you will find slopes - release the inner child!! Go and see the reindeer farm and listen to the reindeer farmer he has some great tales to tell and his wife makes great coffee! The core activities were superb with the Husky sledding winning out by a country mile. The one day introduction was great and exceeded expectations whilst the two day overnight safari was mind blowing - would of been worth going just for this! Snowshoeing a good afternoons walk and for those that have have not done this before a good intro. The snow mobile safari another great afternoon out any initial nervousness is soon forgotten. You will come home smelling of wood smoke, huskies and reindeer - brilliant!
By Alan from CHICHESTER | 11 December 2017
Haute Route Summer '17
Classic Haute Route

By Peter from United Kingdom | 11 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★
Great trip in two distinct countries
Mountains to the Mekong
As our first KE holiday, this was a great way to see some of the best bits of Northern Vietnam & Laos. From the bustle of Hanoi to relative calm in Luang Prabang, there was lots to see and keep us interested and entertained throughout the trip. The guiding was very good overall, particularly in Vietnam where our guide Hoang engaged the whole group in some of the local customs. It was a fantastic way to "get off the beaten track" at points, with great opportunities to be immersed in communiti es and cultures. KE were great to deal with and made us feel like very valued customers throughout.
By Philip from Cardiff | 10 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stunningn Delicious and Amazing Sri Lanka
Temples and Tea Trails of Sri Lanka
I have just returned from this trek and I cannot praise our guide - Nuwan - highly enough. He went above and beyond all expectations to ensure everyone had a memorable and fun Sri Lankan experience. Although we had a few days of heavy rain (and leeches) everything was fabulous. Standard of accommodation was excellent and food was delicious. Trekking was limited but we still made the most of what was on offer. Nuwan mixed it all up for us so we had variety, national parks, walks, mountains, beach es, trains, and local experiences. he loves his country very much and now we all love it too. It was a pleasure to have him as our guide.
By Wendy from SPRINGFIELD LAKES | 09 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent all round. Good hotels and food.
Costa Rica Walks and Wildlife

There are two seasons in Costa Rica. The wet and the not so wet. The not so wet starts in December so bring your wellies. Very good trip. Only one let down which was the final hotel in San Jose which was not up to scratch. Bring a camera with a good zoom or telephoto as much of the birdlife in the wild was at a distance. Otherwise a really good trip. Our tour guide Joe went the extra mile and made all the difference. Also our driver Sherman who was with us througout

By David from Southampton | 08 December 2017
★ ★ ★ ★
A tough, but well paced trip with sights that were worth seeing.
Nicaragua's Fire Mountains
The trip was a tough one, but each trek was worth it to see the volcanoes. It was well paced with a mix of hard & easy days. However, I didn't enjoy the days on the 2 days @ the beach & I'm not sure that the others did either. We are not 'beach' people & prefer to be more active. On the treks, the rests were too long. I would have prefered a shorter rest & perhaps more of them. We were all concerned about the tips for the camping crew. We were asked to give $100 each for the 4 cr ew. This seemed too much.
By Alan from Welwyn Garden City | 08 December 2017

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. You are right that the beach is not for everyone, however, your comment that the trip was "well paced with a mix of hard and easy days" is exactly what we were aiming for with this holiday. Tough and relaxing! We make recommendations for tipping levels based on our experience of the country but it is an important principal that tips are voluntary, based on actual levels of service, and the amount should always be ultimately determined by you, the client.

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