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★ ★ ★ ★
A brilliant travel holiday, but with perhaps too much travelling for some.
The Best of Chile - from Atacama to Paine

The whole trip for me involved 11 flights which would be too many for some. Santiago, the Atacama "desert" and the time in Patagonia were brilliant, but given the choice I would exclude the Lake District as it lacked spectacle, and more time walking in Patagonia would be more worthwhile. Overall it was very enjoyable. Chile is a great country to visit.

By John from Sheffield | 02 March 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Undiscovered Tenerife & Pico Teide
Walking Undiscovered Tenerife and Pico Teide
This trip I did was in mid January. What an amazing week of walking it was. The weather was sunny, but when up in the mountains it did feel bit cooler when the wind blew, only had one day where it rained at start of our walk, but it didn't last long. The walks are very manageable with the walk up to the refuge on Teide was the harder one as the last part is quite steep. The views are amazing with fantastic views of the coast & the landscapes change in the different areas you are. Its amazing how green the north of the island is with beautiful colours of flowers & the different types of foliage. The food is plentiful, traditional & excellent, lots of the food is grown on the island inc. bananas, tomatoes. The guides we had were fantastic, their knowledge & enthusiasm for what they do makes the trip worthwhile. Its pretty cheap out there as I didn't spend that much money. Overall I would highly recommend this trip.
By Neil from Rochester | 28 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
Well organized and lead
Mount Toubkal in Winter

Our winter trip to Toubkal was a great experience. great group , good weather and an interesting itinerary.

By Martin from Canmore | 27 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Walking Cuba's Wild West
This is a varied week with the tourist highlight of a Cruise in a '57 Chevvy around the streets of Havana at one extreme and a basic lodge in the hills Mil Cumbres at the other extreme. All the B&Bs are good (casa particulars). They all follow strict government guidelines so you have EXACTLY the same breakfast every day at every location. The hosts are friendly and the whole island seems to want to help. Our guide Jamie and driver Effrahim were up to the usual high KE standard with everythin g going like clockwork (even when it probably wasn't!). Staying in the countryside around MC and Vinales you get to see the real Cuba, its horses and ox carts, beaten up cars, terrible roads but plenty of bars to sample mojitos (you will learn to love these!). The highlight for me was the ascent of Pan de Guajaibon, its less than 1000m but its really steep and doing it in 90F plus 100% humidity will tax the capacity of your camelbak. I drank 3 litres that day. I didn't take poles but I used a broken branch instead. Things to consider in Cuba: Mobile phones dont work. WIFI access is patchy and you need a Nauta card to access the internet. Some casas have cards, dont bother queueing at the booths in towns. You will see queues a lot as basic goods are rationed. The queue outside a shop/bank will be to join the queue inside the shop/bank. Money: ATMs are few and far between. Cards are not accepted in shops/restaurants anywhere. Take cash. I was able to get extra cash from ATMs with my debit card. Tell your bank you are in Cuba - they wont be able to reach you by phone to check! Don't expect to be able to top up things you have forgotten. We could not find any DEET/insecticide or tampons anywhere. Cuba doesn't do spicy food. The closest we got was a bottle of Tabasco in Mil Cumbres. Stuff happens on treks and ours was no exception. One walk in the countryside was interrupted by a flooded road (100m of deep water over mud). A local gaucho showed up and gave us a ride on his horse to the other side. Just 1 CUC each. Thats why we keep coming back for more.
By Paul from Keswick | 27 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
A great alternative challenge to Alps trekking
Mount Toubkal in Winter
We booked this trip with slight reservations having never traveled to Morocco before. KE staff were reassuring re risks and we were delighted to find how friendly, welcoming and helpful the Moroccan people were. We had excellent guides who prepared us well for the challenge of climbing Mt Toubkal and although the accommodation was simple, it was comfortable enough and the food was great. We extended the trip for a few extra days in a Riad in Marrakech which was well worthwhile. A very lively pla ce but very interesting and again nice welcoming people.
By Stephen from Harpenden | 26 February 2019
★ ★ ★
Scenic views and a nice overall tour of Macedonia.
High Trails of Macedonia
As stated, this was truly a ride along the high trails of Macedonia. By the time the trip had completed, we had put on 277 km (43km of which were on my own during the free day in Ohrid). Only a few of these were on single-track, but gravel trails & roads led us to a few little communities along the way. Our guides, Aleksandar & Marko, took us to interesting little restaurants & hotels along the way. The food was good and tended to reflect the hotels, which were varied, from exotic (T utto Hotel in Janche) to commercial (Nova Riviera in Ohrid). The guides were, fluent, experienced, capable of answering any historical or cultural questions, and knew the trails to ride. For reference, I have also done the "Turkish Delight" trip with KE. It was a superior trip, hence the reason I gave this one a "#3".
By Timothy from Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada | 26 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Exactly what was written on the tin and with extra helpings too!
Secret Alps - Snowshoe Summits of Haute Savoie

Realising that KE Adventure Travel is "all powerful", we enjoyed a magnificent dump of snow at the beginning of the holiday followed by clear blue and sunny skies thereafter - so well organised!!. But even without the aforementioned, the hotel, location, terrain and especially the guiding were all excellent. It's certainly on my list to do it again - same time, same place will be fine for me in 2020.

By William from Newcastle upon Tyne | 18 February 2019
Fascinating Spot on the way up!
Mera Peak

By Jonathan from Staines-upon-Thames | 18 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Family Peru Adventure
Teenage Inca Trail Trek
Taking a family of 5 to Peru for two weeks was always going to be an adventure - with the help of KE that is exactly what we were able to do. Arriving in Cusco airport, we were greeted at the airport and taken straight to our hotel with the efficiency of a Rolex watch. Being dropped off at our hotel (which was ideally placed in the centre of Cusco), we had a few days on our own to adjust to the altitude and explore the city. We booked these days extra to the standard itinerary and would thorough ly recommend it – we found the locals so incredibly friendly. A few days after arriving in Cusco, we met Jimmy - our tour guide, with whom we would spend the next 2 weeks. We could not have asked for anything more, we were shown around Cusco and explored areas off the beaten track – really suggest you go to the local market which is truly fascinating selling local produce. Jimmy was a wealth of information and fun around our teenage boys which was the perfect mix. The next stage of our adventure began with a coach ride into the mountains, where after a few days of adrenaline seeking white water rafting and mountain biking, we began the 4 day hike along the Inca Trail. If you are considering not doing the hike and just visiting Machu Picchu - THINK AGAIN. Trekking 14,000 feet up mountains and through the cloud forest was easily the experience of a lifetime, something we will never forgot - thank you KE, for the memories! Hiking would not have been possible without the army of porters that KE arranged for us, cooking 3 superb meals a day and setting up camp for us each night - really making the trip as enjoyable as possible, I could not recommend KE Adventure's trip to Peru more - a trip as smooth as Lurpak, 5 stars!!
By Louise from Cambridge | 17 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sweden Winter Fun
Winter Wonderland Arctic Family Adventure
We have never been a ‘sit on a beach’ sort of family, and that is why we chose to visit Sweden with KE Adventure - the trip was everything we could have asked for and more. Airport transport was effortless and we were always greeted with the biggest smiles that Sweden has to offer. Part of the beauty of booking with KE adventure (for us) is that activities were pre-arranged every day but with a suitable balance of ‘down time’ too. Although some may think this restrictive, KE set out the perfect mix of down-time, ‘free time’ and planned activities which all ran smoothly. All activities that we took part in were amazing, including snowmobiling, cross country skiing, dog sledding and snow shoe trekking . Our visit to the Ice Hotel was absolutely amazing too – you may find that you would prefer a little longer than the scheduled stop there and if you do then you can easily make your own way back to the hotel via taxi when you are ready. The quality of food in the hotel was genuinely incredible, compliments to the chef, we ate arctic char and reindeer – both were absolutely delicious. Breakfast was a self-serve buffet but we found the portions for lunch and dinner small, especially considering the amount of physical activity we were doing each day and especially as we have teenage kids and a ‘hungry’ husband!! Tip – ask reception for directions to the nearest supermarket which is only a short walk from the hotel (unfortunately for us, we only stumbled across this towards the end of our holiday) but you can buy pretty much anything there and the cabins have kitchenettes with a microwave to heat up extra food. All staff and guides were highly trained, spoke brilliant English and very knowledgeable and made every experience fun and informative making our KE Adventure trip to Sweden incredible, I would HIGHLY recommend it to everyone, there is a plethora of amazing experiences available for all ages. 5 stars - thank you KE for the memories.
By Louise from Cambridge | 17 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A great introduction to Bulgaria and snowshoeing
Bulgarian Snowshoe Adventure
We took the easyJet flight from Manchester to Sofia so were met there by our guide Ivo who took us to our city hotel which was simple, spacious and comfortable although a little dated by UK standards. We had a couple of hours to explore the city before meeting Ivo who took us on a walking tour. Obviously a fascinating city with a mixture of ancient buildings and communist architecture. We had a meal at a traditional restaurant and were treated to folk music and dancing. The next day we headed fo r the mountains to get used to snowshoes. It was breezy and we were pleased there was a cafe at the top. Accommodation for the next three nights was at The Teahouse, a family run hostel. We had a double room with shower room. The room was fairly basic, and there was a bit of a smell of drains in the shower room at times, and a need to take care with the shower as it was a wet room really, without a shower screen or curtain.However the shower was always hot and the room always warm and the food was excellent. A special thank you to Ivo and all the accommodations for accommodating my husband’s coeliac disease and need for gluten free food and bread. GF bread is very difficult to come by outside Sofia and it took Ivo a number of phone calls to get loaves for the second half of the holiday. During the trip we learned how to test the snow for avalanche risk and to use transceivers and probes to make a rescue. We had to walk across snowfall from an avalanche the previous day. Our third hotel was very modern and comfortable, again with excellent food, close the Rila lakes and mountains and we enjoyed some beautiful walking there.
By Sarah from Cockermouth | 17 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Unquestionably the best Patagonia trekking itinerary available.
Spires and Ice - Trekking Patagonia
Patagonia ... the mere mention of the fabled land conjures up images of it's wild landscape, the granite towers and spires across its skyline and of course it's notorious wind and weather. But nothing prepares you for the experience you are about to have. It's a wild and wonderful place and this itinerary provides a comprehensive and mind-blowing visual feast over the course of its duration. It's not the cheapest holiday of course, but for the global trekking enthusiast its a "must do" at some s tage before they hang up their trekking boots. The itinerary itself is full on ... there is very little time to catch your breath. A number of the days are relatively long (20km or more) and there are a couple of "tough" days in particular which may be a challenge for folks not used to longer days in the hills with ascent profiles in excess of 1,000m. True, for the most part the trails are well defined but this itinerary shouldn't be seen as a push over given the grading suggested by KE. In fact, our group was an experienced group of trekkers and mountaineers and we all believed the grading of the trek warranted a review based on the "pace" of the full itinerary, as well as the145km and 6,000m+ ascent profile over the course of the 8 actual trekking days on the trip. The hardest days would be the days up to the base of the Torres Del Paine and the day up the French Valley and across to Los Cuernos. The trekking in Argentina was less demanding in my view, both days were in excess of 20km with the climb up to view Fitzroy the toughest, but the ascent profile was a little less than that experienced in Chile. That said, the weather can dictate everything and after a windy and rainy start to the trip we enjoyed some nice clear, still days with nothing but a mild breeze to take away the sting of the heat. Whilst in Chile, the trip encompassed a stay at EcoCamp both at the start and the end of the "W trek" ... and this was an absolute highlight. Phonomenal food, unusual but highly comfortable dome accommodation, great packed lunches for the trail and an eco experience that gives you hope that there are people out there that have worked out how to provide access to a fragile environment in a sensitive manner ensuring it will be there for generations to come. In fact, the whole national park management system evident in both Chile and Argentina puts the management of our own national parks to shame and provides a set of standards we'd all be wise to adopt. I thoroughly enjoyed the mix of camping, refuge and lodge accommodation. Its a nice balance and the refuge at Los Cuernos in particular is a really nice spot to stay with immense views if the weather is being kind to you. The food overall is plentiful and nutritious. Water is available everyday from the freshest mountain streams trickling down from the immense glaciers so you are always able to keep a good supply of fresh water in your pack. A final word on the quality of guiding we experienced. Patagonia is a veritable "Garden of Eden". It has unique flora and fauna and its geological history is fascinating in every respect. Glaciers have shaped, and indeed continue to shape, this landscape and it's a wild remote place. We were guided by Rod (Rasta) who is a legend in these parts having been guiding KE groups and WWF groups in the region for many many years. He was supported by Katty in Chile who, like Rod, provided a phenomenal interpretation of what is going on around you and how this landscape came to pass. Their knowledge of flora and fauna etc was truly amazing. It's true to say people come to see the fabled mountains but, thanks to these individuals, we leave with a love and appreciation for Patagonia that only comes from time spent with unique local experts. Thank you Rod and Katty ... for me you made my Patagonia experience complete A trip to Patagonia is one of the biggest treats you can enjoy. It's not cheap and its a very long way away to travel. For many of us it only comes at a time in our lives when we've perhaps got a little more time and available cash having ditched the day job for a well earned retirement. But do it .... take a little extra time to explore Buenos Aires on the way out and on the way home. It will add to your experience and it really costs very little extra. The most wonderful South American itinerary and my only regret now is that I feel it will be incredibly difficult to ever find a trip that will surpass it for its beauty and sheer grandeur. Thank you to everyone at KE for superlative support throughout the booking and organisation stages. Just top class adventure travel in my view ....
By Christopher from Ripon | 14 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An excellent holiday with leaders who ensure it is more than just a walking trip
Spires and Ice - Trekking Patagonia
An excellent trip, thoroughly recommended, with excellent local trek leaders who make sure that this is much more than a walking trip. So the things that may be useful for you: We booked different flights (via the KE office) from the standard ones, as did many others in our group, gaining 2 nights in BA, but also avoiding the worry of transfer times across BA between the two airports (e.g. our flight back from El Calafate was delayed by 6 hours, although luckily we could transfer to an earlier f light). One of the group took the bus between the two BA airports - it took over an hour & they were lucky that the second flight was delayed. Ecocamp is quite luxurious, & is nice to return to after the Paine Grande campsite & Los Cuernos refuge, but be aware that any extras are expensive (‘Patagonia prices’ !) & that the domes are the standard ones, so have no heating & very limited lighting (but the bed is super warm). Be aware also that there is no Wifi in Ecocamp, & very limited availability at the camps, so you are effectively off the grid whilst in Chile. French valley extension walk - you don’t have to go all the way to the Britanico mirador to get the view, so if you’re short of/worried about the time ask your leader if you can go to the nearer viewpoint (& get the same view); if you have Rodrigo he will know what this means ! Accommodation in El Calafate & El Chalten is good. Lots of good restaurants in El Calafate (you have to buy your own dinners there) - Mi Rancho Restaurante Patagonico & Isabel Cocina al Disco are recommended. Most of the days involve early starts, & relatively long days, especially if you do the extra bits, so there’s usually not much time before dinner. The long minibus transfers allow you to catch up on sleep though ! Perito Merino glacier - having done it, I wouldn’t bother doing the boat trip & would just do the walk around the glacier (you get a much better impression of the creaking & groaning of the glacier from there) Finally, keep an eye on your rucsac otherwise you may find that you’re carrying more than you think !!
By David from Mold | 13 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Really Tough Adventure but Well Worth the Effort
Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route
At 70 I was not sure I would make it to the top of KIlimanjaro but Onyx, Stanley, Richard and their team gave me the best possible chance and I made it. It was very hard all the way and the last day to the summit starting at midnight and finishing around 5 in the afternoon was the hardest day of my life (and that includes trekking to Everest Base Camp and running 25 marathons!). You don't have to be ultra fit but obviously fitness helps and you need some luck dodging altitude sickness (it can ha ppen to anyone) but I took diamox every morning and night which I think helped. KE Adventure was very well organised and we were well supported with 10 of us having a supporting team of 40 guides, porters, cooks etc. who were all extremely supportive, I have much respect for all of them. If I had to find a negative it would probably be the tents. I think they had seen better days, my zips kept popping open and was difficult to fix and there was duct tape on a couple of the seams which was starting to open again. Time for new tents KE ? The only other issue was the hotel we stayed in at the beginning and end of the trek. We used Aishi Machame Hotel which was in a remote location outside of Moshi with no where to go or see. The rooms were ok with plenty of hot water but the service was not great and the porters were almost fighting to pick up my bags to take to my room which was only a few metres from the reception. At one time I had 3 porters trying to carry my 3 bags, they all wanted a tip. The tip I would give them is go and watch the porters on the trek, they know what real work is and they don't ask for anything in return, just a smile! Overall an excellent but very hard adventure. Another tick on my bucket list.
By Roger from Aylesbury | 13 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Levada Trails and Peaks of Madeira
Dear future traveller with KE Adventure Holidays. I'm afarid I can't give a very accurate review for this trip as I had to curtail my holiday owing to illness but from what I did experience I have no hesitation in recommending this trip to others. A special mention must be made regarding Roberto the guide who was a truly inspiring and utterly dedicated to his job as well as being extremely kind and thoughtful. Also too, Nubelia, the agent on the ground in Fuchal could not have been more helpful. I am sure the others in my group had a fantastic time I only wish I could have joined them!.
By Nicholas from Berkhamsted | 12 February 2019

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review Nicholas. We were sorry when you had to leave the group and we hope you have had a speedy recovery.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Invigorating and memorable holiday with outstanding views.
Levada Trails and Peaks of Madeira
My wife and I had a wonderful week. Roberto was a first class guide throughout the week. He guided us safely over some tricky terrain and was very informative. The walks were varied and invigorating with some challenging stretches. Overall a wonderful way to see the island. The hotels were all of a good standard, the food in all was also good and the drivers who moved us and our gear were very friendly and efficient. The group gelled very well in all respects. Thank you KE. Best wishes, Stuart a nd Binny Fraser.
By Stuart from Bristol | 12 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic local support group
Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route

Tremendous experience. The guides, Onyx in particular, but also Richard and Stanley, were incredibly supportive and made success attainable. Loss of appetite can be an issue and so take lots of easy to eat goodies. Make sure you are reasonably fit (eg able to run for an hour,stairmaster/steps training) as first hour of summit night is demanding.

By Philip from Fleet | 11 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A great weekend break
Mount Teide Weekend - Tenerife

A satisfying weekend, well organised and with a knowledgeable, helpful and cheerful guide; it was a great way to "knock off" a national summit. I highly recommend this trip.

By Timothy from Sheringham | 10 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
What this trip lacked in single track it more than made up for in food & culture
Turkish Delight
This was culture filled and scenic trip. By the time the dust settled, we had put on 270 km. Only a few of these were on single-track, but dirt/gravel trails/roads led us to little communities along the way. Unexpected encounters were made, such as having a coffee in a hamlet square with the local men as their grandsons inspected our bikes. Or assisting the local women in a bread kiln as they stoked the fire and baked their bread. Wonderful and friendly people. Certainly the underground churches , pigeon roosts, homes, and the amazing city of "Derinkuyu" kept us riding, as did the wonderful lunches and dinners at the restaurants frequented by the locals - not the tourists. Our guide, "Atil Kamas", was fluent, experienced, capable of answering any historical or cultural questions, and knew the best places to dine, visit, explore, and ride. For reference, I have also done the "High Trails of Macedonia" with KE. "Turkish Delight" was superior.
By Timothy from Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada | 10 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Paolo couldn't have taken any more trouble
El Hierro - The Secret Canaries

We really enjoyed this trip - just as advertised. Paolo took such trouble to ensure everyone had a good time. The food was excellent. The accommodation is basic, as it says in the notes, but clean and adequate. One or two people seemed to think there was excessive downhill but I don't understand this - it's all clear in the notes. Beautiful island, really felt like the 'edge of the world' in Europe.

By Clare from Keswick | 08 February 2019
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