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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well organized, nice hotels, varied activities, excellent guide!
The Ultimate Jordan Adventure

Well organized, nice hotels, varied activities, excellent guide!

By Annelize from Brasschaat | 18 April 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Superb Walking Island
Levada Trails and Peaks of Madeira
What a fabulous way to see and experience the varied scenery of Madeira, and thanks to Roberto for being are superb guide, and such a chatty character. Throughout the trip, he shared his vast knowledge on all things associated with Madeira, ranging from culture, history, and origins of the diverse landscapes. The walks ranged from steep zigzagging cliff paths, gentle meanders along Lavada trails, and steep mountain paths, with the highlight being the ascent of Pico Ruivo (the highest point of Ma deira) and the horseshoe ridge-walk around to Pico do Arieiro. It was also good to stay in a variety of locations on the island, enabling us to enjoy the views whilst being transported to hotels, and seeing the different towns where the hotels were located. The hotels we used were excellent, and although some had swimming pools, we didn't find the time to take advantage of a swim. All in all and excellent trip, and if you love walking and high jagged peaks, this is certainly a place not to be missed!
By Roy from Waterlooville | 17 April 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Walking in beautiful, Turkish countryside
The Lycian Way
The timing of the trip was excellent - the very beginning of the season, so places were very quiet. On some days we only saw 3 or 4 other walkers! Beautiful countryside, many different plants. Cool in the morning and evening, warm during the day. There were many sarcophagi and ruined cities which had been inhabited by Greeks then Romans then Byzantines before being plundered by Arab pirates. Glorious swimming spots - definitely bring water shoes! All the accommodation was great - small, empty ho tels or guest houses and the group ate together every night. During our last day in Antalya we visited a small museum in the Old Town which had wonderful Ottoman costumes and old photographs. We also had a Turkish bath at the 600 year-old Sefi Hammam - that was brilliant. A final note of thanks to Ibrahim our guide, who did a wonderful job of communicating his enthusiasm for the history of Turkey and telling us about his own experiences. He also inspired us with his yoga.
By Caroline from Haddington | 16 April 2019
★ ★ ★
More challenging than expected, not a lot of post-ride free time to explore
Road Cycle Tour of Toubkal
I recommend this trip to anyone looking for a challenging week of riding in an unusual place with ever-changing scenery and often spectacular terrain. This being Morocco, have an open mind and accept the place for what it is: do not expect luxury accommodations and modern touches. The riding was more challenging than we expected and we often arrived at the hotels near dinner time. This left little time to explore each place. Our guide Rashid was great but he spent little time on the bike and was mostly in the support van. All of us expected a guide to be on the bike with us every day for the full duration of each ride, and our understanding was that this was an anomaly and usually there is a guide riding the full route each day.
By Matthew from Chicago | 16 April 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful walking holiday with lots of history
The Lycian Way
A wonderful week. Well organised by our excellent guide Ibrahaim. Nothing was too much trouble and he shared his knowledge and love of his country with us. The walking was hard and rocky underfoot but the views were amazing. Swimming in the sea at the end of a day walking was a highlight. The accommodation was small and friendly and the food delicious. Don’t expect much sleep in Antalya though as the hotel is very near restaurants and bars and is very noisy most of the night. Apart from that t hough, the hotels were really comfortable and we slept well after a day on the trail. A wonderful group of people and some very special memories. Can’t wait to visit Turkey again.
By Christine from Leeds | 15 April 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Superb holiday made even better by our charming guide
The Lycian Way
A fantastic week walking parts of the Lycian Way. Varied and delightful scenery, some long walks (longer than expected/advertised but our guide quickly and correctly assessed the group's abilities and adapted the itinerary to suit us). Every day we made new discoveries about this delightful part of the world. Ibrahim our guide has a a clear and genuine passion for the history and nature of the region which he was keen to share with us. His boundless energy and enthusiasm kept us all going throug h some long days which always finished with a delicious meal of fresh local food. Accommodation was generally very good and quite varied in style. Thank you KE, and particularly Ibrahim for a truly memorable holiday!
By Adam from Peterborough | 15 April 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing service from the Bhutan team
The Druk Path Trek

Camping doesn't feel like quite the right description, carpets in the tent, pillows and hot water bottles, fresh flowers on the dining table and evening entertainment from the trekking crew. When the females on the trip decided to go for a hot stone bath, there was a last minute arrangement for the guys to have a try at archery. Nothing was too much effort for the team and it really added to the enjoyment of the trip.

By Angela from Keighley | 15 April 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
A fantastic trek in the Sahara
Edge of the Sahara Trek
A wonderful experience. A well structured trip. The guide was very knowledgeable and the food was incredible. Amazing views and very helpful crew. I thought this trek would be easy because of the grading - however walking across dunes in 42c is rather challenging and made it harder than I expected. This was a pleasant surprise as I love a good challenge! I wore my usual trekking boots (they have been to Nepal, Scotland ie cold and wet climates) and my feet were fine. Top tips for others: Walking poles are a must for the dunes and to prevent hands swelling (this happened within a couple of hours of not using them due to the heat) Take electrolyte tablets A wind proof lighter is handy (to burn toilet paper on toilet breaks) Carry sandals in day bag for lunch breaks The only which lets this trip down is the 10+ hour drive from Marrakech. However due to the location of the desert, I am not sure there is much of an alternative.
By Siobhan from Woodford Green | 14 April 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
A great trek through some beautiful scenery with a stunning last day in Petra
Jordan's Dana to Petra Trek
Jordan is a welcoming country with some beautiful and varied landscapes. The Dana to Petra trek travels through rocky moonscapes, spectacular mountain passes and gorges and fertile valleys. We encountered few other tourists until we reached Little Petra and Petra, but passed by several Bedoin camps from which curious children emerged to watch us or sometimes young men to practise their English. We didn't get quite so much hot, sunny weather as we expected, apparently Jordan has just experienced the coldest, wettest spring for 50 years and we lay in our beds on the first night in camp experiencing crashing thunder, flashes of lightening and torrential rain, wondering whether the tents would stand up to it all. They did and we all emerged the following morning saying how much we had enjoyed the storm!! The final day in Petra is awe-inspiring and when your guide has finished taking you through all the main buildings I highly recommend making the effort to climb up through the gorge to the High Place of Sacrifice for a stunning view over the whole site and returning via Wadi al Farasa for another amazing descent through much more archeology.
By Katharine from Preston | 10 April 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
Welcoming people & stunning landscapes
Ecuador Walking Highlights
A fascinating country with welcoming people & stunning landscapes where we saw many humming birds, eagles, owls & condors, an arctic fox, glorious orchids & gentians. A full-on holiday, with a friendly & knowledgeable local guide & an excellent driver. I would have found this information useful before I went: 1) Itinerary – there is no apparent logic or flow to the route or overnight stays, other than possibly saving money for the local agent: a) Much more driving than list ed (albeit in a clean very well driven minibus) e.g. drive 3 hours from Machachi to walk & stay at lodge 1 night. Next day, walk near lodge then drive 3-4 hours back to Machachi. Devil’s Nose Train ride; 2 hours drive to train (fun!) then drive from end station back to starting point then 3.5 hours to Banos. Quilota Lagoon; 3 hours drive to walk then 3.5 hours to Riobamba. b) Drove past the same roundabout in Quito about 6 times on a complicated very long figure of eight over a few days that could have been avoided. c) Keep a dry top/socks separately out of your luggage, to change in to in the minibus, or you may be sitting in wet clothes for a 3-4 hour drive after walking (the guide changed). 2) Be warned, ascent of Volcan Imbabura: a) is the hardest steepest walk when people are not acclimatized to the altitude. b) the current description is incomplete; “scrambling along the remains of the crater rim” is before what our guide described as a 100m vertical climb needing helmets (issued). There is no alternative route & returning is the same way but a group is not allowed to wait at the bottom without a guide or return along the previous route without a guide (likewise if anyone is slightly injured or suffering from altitude). Fortunately it was very cloudy & wet so we all agreed not to attempt the scramble along the rim (that looked doable) or the 100m climb afterwards (sounded outside most of our comfort zones & we couldn’t see it). Glad we retreated as we would otherwise have been clinging to the ridge or the climb in a thunder storm. 3) Machachi - Stoves not lit (request by guide refused) even when there was no other heating & we’d been walking for 2 hours in torrential hail & rain & then driving (still soaking wet) for 3-4 hours to return to Machachi . Most of us resorted to wearing duvet jackets for dinner (amount of food inadequate for some & no extra bread provided). - Unable to drink tap water (teeth cleaning & to aid altitude acclimatisation etc). Most places provided a 500ml bottle of drinking water in the room every day. However Machachi did not & despite staying there 3 nights & our group spending an extra $50+/night on wine & beer ($20 for a bottle of wine, $4 for glass of wine & $5 for small bottle of beer) the owner refused my polite request to fill up a half litre bottle of water, even when that request was repeated by our guide. Therefore I recommend keeping your water bottle full using the minibus supply & buying any alcohol for Machachi from supermarkets. 4) Drinks a) Sometimes drinking water or fruit juice (very nice) is provided free in restaurants with meals, but sometimes it costs $2/bottle or $4/glass & you won’t know in advance. You are allowed to take drinking water into restaurants with you. b) The only tea & coffee provided is at breakfast & all other hot drinks will be charged for. Take a travel kettle if you are a tea or coffee addict. 5) Food a) Most people ate everything in sight & apart from d) no one suffered any ill effects. b) Meals were generally hot & fresh (apart from d) but very little choice & repetitive: salad with rice &/or chips with either chicken or fish (beef a couple of times). We did rebel & request pizza for a change after a week. c) Frequently we ate a full lunch at a restaurant which was nice but very time consuming especially when we then had an afternoon walk or when we’d finished our walk & had a 3-4 hour drive before another cooked evening meal. Sandwiches would have been welcome more often & we did request a swap a couple of times. d) Quito - ‘head out for a celebratory final evening meal’ turned out to be eating microwaved frozen fish (the only time a couple were ill) in the moribund, gloomy corporate hotel dining room (where we stayed) & the service was so slow that we decided to have drinks elsewhere. Not a fitting end to a great holiday.
By Claire from Shifnal | 10 April 2019

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. We are aware that yourself and another vegetarian member of your group were unhappy with the food served to you in restaurants and hotels on your trip, and we are looking to change the meal plan to allow greater individual choice when we stay in cities and larger towns. All the driving times are detailed in the daily itinerary and we follow the most logical route to visit the several different highlights of Ecuador, as can be seen from the map accompanying the tour description. 

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An excellent week's walk in Jordan
Jordan's Dana to Petra Trek
Our trek was led by a very friendly and knowledgeable guide Murad. The support team were very efficient in setting up camp and the meals provided by out cook Mohammed were excellent. The walking was taken at a steady pace with plenty of opportunity to soak in the magnificent scenery and take photos. The highlight of the trek was the visit to Petra, a magnificent end to the holiday. I thoroughly recommend this trip. The only problem we had on the trek was a bad forecast for the first day which me ant we may not have been able to walk that day. The tourist police can stop any trekking if the weather forecast is bad. This is due to a number of people who were killed by flash floods in Jordan last year. Fortunately, we were lucky and were able to start the walk, but it is possible a day's trekking may be lost due to bad weather.
By David from Hinckley | 09 April 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Choquequirao, We were the only ones there!
Choquequirao to Machu Picchu
This was an excellent trip. While Machu Picchu was busy the path to get there was virtually empty. When we visited Choquequirao there was only a couple of other people there so you could experience the location. Machu Picchu was busy as you would expect but it was a special ending to a fantastic 9 day walk. The walking was mainly on good paths. There was a lot of steep zig zags coming out of humid valleys so it was a sweaty affair (day 2! in particular). The pace was well set but be prepared for long uphills and some thin air. Even though we were mainly above 2,000m mosquitos lived quite happily everywhere it seemed. Our group of 15 was supported by a fantastic team of 11. Henry was out guide and was very informative and attentive to the groups needs, as was Marcella his assistant. There were 4 kitchen people led by Santiago who miraculously made our meals while doing the walk themselves. Young Alex was a star for generally running around bring water for all, drinking and washing. The gear was shifted by Freulan and his team of 4 horseman and about 20 horses. Since the campsites varied in facilities they carried everything they needed. Each afternoon we arrived with tents erected. I cannot stress enough how well organised this team of 9 was in terms of setting up camp and keeping us fed and watered. There were a few campsites what had cold showers which were welcome, a couple towards the end had warm showers. I went on the late March departure so it was the tail end of rainy season. It rained several nights but not really during the day. Often it was cloudy but added to the mystique, and probably a little cooler. Cusco is a bustling place after relative isolation on the walk. I highly recommend the Rucula restaurant, near Inca Museum. Go with the quinoa risotto with grilled chicken! Also, just below Inca museum on way to Cathedral there is a store selling handmade woven items which had a good and varied selection. And as always, be fit to enjoy it!
By William from Banbury | 09 April 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the best treks we've done!
Choquequirao to Machu Picchu
This is a great trip. There is a good mixture of long days walking, great scenery and historic sights along the way. While Machu Picchu is probably going to be a high light for most, having Choquequirao pretty much to ourselves was amazing. Equally, camping on the Inca terraces a few days later will probably rank amongst my favourite campsites in the world. The longer days walking are hard. lower down the weather was hot and higher up the altitude makes it harder. The trip is well planned with a few easier days thrown in to help. The crew were phenomenal, having a proper lunch each day helped break up the walking and allow for recovery. The food throughout the trek was also some of the best I've had. It felt authentic to the country. While we were given snacks for walking and three meals a day, if you have a big appetite then it may be worth taking some items of your own. Occasionally, events meant we ate very late with a big gap between meals. Henry our main guide was brilliant. Backed up by a superb team we always felt safe, even in some pretty precarious situations created by landslides. His knowledge was second to none explaining the history and talking about the local flaura and fauna. He was also fun, keen to engage with the group, joke and start the celebrations (with Pisco Sours!) once the trek was over. We read the previous reviews and I would emphasise the point about insects. We were surprised to find biting insects at 3000m. Long sleeves for hot weather and good insect repellent are a must. We travelled at the end of March. The back end of the wet season meant there was often cloud cover so we didn't always have the spectacular views. We got plenty of rain but this didn't diminish the trip as the views appeared periodically and we got to see more of the plants in flower. It was surprisingly warm. Normally I would carry a winter down jacket but it never came out of my kit bag.
By Jonathan from Newcastle upon Tyne | 08 April 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A brilliant walking holiday
Jordan's Dana to Petra Trek

A brilliant walking holiday

By William from London | 08 April 2019
★ ★ ★
Good holiday spoilt by a poor itinerary and horrible food
Ecuador Walking Highlights
I travelled on the 1st ‘Walking the volcanoes of Ecuador’ of the season, please note that March is the wet season so be prepared for rain in the afternoons, however, it is a pleasant temperature to walk in. Overall I’ve rated the holiday as 3 out of 5 and have done so for the following reasons: Accommodation: Quito, 2 nights, 4/ 5 but the hotel is noisy so if you can get a room to the back of the hotel, especially if this is a Saturday as the local disco runs until 2 in the morning. Otaval o, 3 nights, 4/5, nice friendly and quiet hotel. Machachi, 1/5, average establishment but poor service and out of the way, for instance the hostess refused us extra water. Cotopaxi National Park, 5/5, why KE can we not stay longer here? Lovely place, wood burners in the room. Riobamba, good hotel with friendly staff, best breakfasts but not much in the town to see, overall 4.5/5 Banos, wield place but perfectly fine, I bit like staying in some health institution from the Soviet Era, 4/5 The Itinerary, overall 2/5: This was supposed to be new and approved so I dread to think how bad it was before! I was told that Ecuador was a small country so journeys were generally short, this is not the case, we spent many, many hours on the mini bus, zig zagging around the country, it didn’t look efficient. Also please note that there is very little acclimatisation time, having a city tour on day 1 would help and having the more difficult walks towards the end of the holiday would also be helpful but the way the trip is managed at the moment is a rude introduction to Ecuador and made me question the grade of the holiday. The food, overall 1/5: If you are veggie then you may want to bring some emergency supplies as you will not be catered for adequately, in fact on several occasions even the meat eaters had no choice. I appreciate that there will be limited veggie options but I would have liked a choice, I am not a pet Labrador who will eat any vile matter put down in front of it, I am an adult human who has paid out a lot of money for this holiday. Some of the meals were just comical, for example in Riobamba we ate at the appalling Hotel Zeus where I was presented with 5 large empanadas containing some yellow substance plus a large plate of chips and a cheese sandwich, death by beige. Also the last night was a huge disappointment as we ate in the hotel restaurant and had a very poor meal, a meal out at the end of the trip would have been nice. Also please be aware that we only had sandwiches at lunchtime on 2 occasions, on every other occasion the group went to a hotel / restaurant for lunch so we were often eating the same substances at lunchtime that we were in the evening. The pizza evenings were nice as were the breakfasts and pack lunches but everything else was vile. The leader and driver, overall 4/5. Our driver Roman was lovely and our guide Stalin did a good job. Would I recommend this trip then the answer is possibly but please ask about the itinerary and the food before you commit yourself.
By Jeanette from Penrith | 01 April 2019

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. We are sorry that you found most of the vegetarian food offered by local restaurants and hotels to be horrible. After discussing your preferences with you, your guide did pass on your requirements to each of the places where the group ate. We have taken on board your comments about the itinerary and are pleased that despite your misgivings, you wish to recommend this holiday to others.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mountain Biking Epic Adventure
Hanoi to Laos Mountain Bike Epic
Well.....this trip was fantastic from beginning to end!!! The places you visit are spectacular, i have never seen views like on this trip. The people are friendly, helpful and welcoming. The itinerary was well thought out and the boat trip really topped off the Laos experience. Make no mistake though this is not a walk in the park, it is a very challenging journey and you need to be quite fit. However the rewards are well worth the difficulty. I really recommend this trip, it is truly epic in ev ery sense of the word!
By Michael from Grantham | 01 April 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
A fab winter walking holiday with day walks in wonderful mountain scenery
Bulgarian Snowshoe Adventure
Overall this was a very good holiday which I thoroughly enjoyed. The two hotels in the mountains were very different - the first a much more basic but charming little ski lodge, the second a modern and fairly luxurious hotel. Bulgaria is a beautiful country and despite walking within winter resorts, we usually had the place to ourselves which was magical. It was also very good value, and with all the meals included I didn't need to spend much there which is always good! Snow shoe walking was may be harder than I expected at times but the views were always worth it, and it was also lovely to walk through snowy forest trails.
By Claire from Oakham | 31 March 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fine mix of hikes, exploring this scenic island .
Levada Trails and Peaks of Madeira

Roberto, our excellent guide, provided us with a wonderful introduction to the hiking possibilities on Madeira. We had two mountain days, a spectacular coastal walk, and, of course, a fine selection of levada trails. Thoroughly recommended!

By Mark from Mold | 29 March 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
Late season snowshoeing
Bulgarian Snowshoe Adventure
Great holiday. As mentioned elsewhere the accommodation is mixed. Sofia so so, first Mountain place ( 3 nights ) basic but fine, second mountain place ( 3 nights ) very good. Ivo, the guide, was great and tweaked our walking routes to match the weather so we got the full itinerary done,albeit not in Trip Notes order. I had never snowshoed before but half of our group had. If you are reasonably fit you will be fine but be aware that this is a genuinely moderate holiday without any easy days, asid e from the first day perhaps. Group size of 8 was perfect. All in all, if in doubt over the technical bits I would go for it & book this holiday. If you are concerned about being happy walking for a full day in the hills/mountains I would steer clear.
By Emlyn from Liverpool | 27 March 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Superb trip through the high mountains
Everest Base Camp Trek
A splendid trip. The Everest Base Camp title rather undersells what is a superb walk up the Khumbu valley, close to most impressive mountains all the way above Namche. Ama Dablam in particular is supremely beautiful. A well-organised trek taken at an appropriate acclimatisation pace so that everyone completed it. It is a good feature that it descends the valley mostly on different trails to the ascent. The belvedere paths on the two days down to Namche are especially fine. Pasang Rinji Sherpa, o ur trek leader gave a masterclass in leadership. Always positive, confident and knowledgeable; superbly supportive of those of us who were weakening, and all done with a light touch. Ably supported by Mingma and Little Pasang he set the tone and made the trip special.
By Andrew from Hope Valley | 25 March 2019
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