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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A great way to see this part of Thailand and its people.
Bangkok to Phuket Road Cycling Tour
The trip was very well organised with outstanding support from the two ride leaders and two drivers. We were taken to places of interest at every opportunity and enjoyed genuine Thai food at lunch stops and in the evenings. Overnight accommodation was always good and sometimes excellent keeping in mind the need for appropriate distances each day in determining the location of hotels. This was a memorable trip and we are especially grateful for the response of the team following an injury to my w ife. They could not have been more helpful.
By John from Carlisle | 08 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Good mix of volcano & crater lake walk and exposure to equatorial culture & land
Ecuador Walking Highlights
In a short span of two weeks, we crossed the Equator Line; circuited a few crater lakes (Cuicocha Crater Lake and Quilotoa Crater Lagoon); ascended to 5,000m+ elevations of several volcanoes like Cotopaxi, Ruminahui Central enjoying the view and the “KE level 6” walk; learned something new about the “Equatorial Bulge” while walking in Chimborazo; and had an unexpected encounter of a wild fox in Cotopaxi National Park. We also visited Saquisili market for a first-hand experience of the in digenous culture, people and a super abundance of resources from the rich soil of the equatorial volcanic land. Spending the New Year’s Eve in Banos was a big plus. An icing on the cake was a day trip to Devil’s Cauldron Waterfalls near Banos and zip lining over Rio Pataza Canyon. While Guamote also has a local market (including a livestock market), it was the community school for kids that left more impression on us. There was lots of driving though, as expected. In summary, this KE program is a good mixture of walk of the volcanoes & crater lakes and exposure to the indigenous culture & equatorial land.
By Jin from Lisle | 06 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A trip that delivered everything promised
Kerala and the Cardamom Hills
This is my first KE trip and I found myself with a great group of returning KE clients. This trip delivered everything but the stand out aspect for me was the tour leader and lead trekking guide (Senthill and Saravan). Totally professional and very caring. Their attention to detail was excellent, particularly around camp and kitchen hygiene whilst on the trek. And perhaps the most humbling moment was when hot 'tiffin' appeared from Saravan's rucksack for the whole party of ten after 4 hours into a trekking day. My fellow traveler Laurence has put some fantastic pictures up of our recent trip - these really capture the essence of Kerala and the Cardamom Hills . I'm certainly looking forward to my next trip with KE.
By Andrew from Minehead | 06 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great scenery and culture and lovely winter sunshine
Walking Holiday on the Captivating Cape Verde Islands
Cape Verde has some fantastic scenery especially on Santo Antao. Probably exceeded my expectations. The whole trip was very well organised and well led by Odair. The walking is usually only about 5 hrs per day but it often involves steep ascents and descents so perhaps more strenuous than expected. The ascent of the active volcano PIco do Fogo was a highlight but was especially steep! I would definitely recommend the trip. I found a walking pole very useful for the descents and would recommend g aiters, only for the PIco descent on soft ash - I didn't have any and I had to empty my boots 4 times!
By Alastair from ABERDEEN | 05 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★
Great Landscapes and Superb Wildlife
The Great Southern African Lodge Safari
On this trip you certainly get to see a great deal in a relatively short space of time, but do be prepared for some long days inside a potentially hot and dusty vehicle over some very rough roads - and some very good roads. The highlights for me were the two nights wild camping in the Okavango Delta away from civilization and modern technology, and the stunning deserts of Namibia. I went in September/October, but I think that somewhat earlier in the year would have provided as many good wildlife opportunities with less heat. The accommodation is very impressive, with a variety of very good quality lodges and cabins and some very good glamping tents - all were very clean and comfortable. Most of the food was prepared by the guides with the assistance of willing volunteers from the group, which made the experience very sociable and a good way to get to know one another. A few meals were taken in restaurants, and gave the opportunity to try some unusual delicacies such as crocodile, kudu, eland and oryx. We managed to see most of the "big five" species (the five most dangerous to Man), especially in the Okavango and Chobe national parks, where there was all sorts of animal and bird life in abundance. It was an amazing experience to be sitting in one of the open-sided vehicles in the Chobe park with a herd of about 40 elephants including babies and juveniles ambling by within about 10 metres of us. The game drive was followed by an evening cruise on the river, which was really excellent and culminated in an awesome sunset. Tracking big game in the Okavango Delta was another truly memorable experience, the native guides giving so much valuable information on animal behaviour and identification by their droppings. By contrast, the deserts were stunning for their landscape qualities, but also produced an unexpected array of wildlife from lizards, snakes and birds to mammals. However, one of the most vivid memories I have taken away was not so much the classic dunes of the Kalahari but seeing the Milky Way again in all its glory - a rare sight in our polluted night skies. The two guides we had - Chris and Zandre - were very informative and worked hard behind the scenes to ensure that we were properly looked after and kept to the busy schedule. Zandre produced some very memorable meals from fresh ingredients, often using rudimentary bush cooking equipment. Aside from the landscape and wildlife interest, this trip provides a great deal of cultural and historic interest, including desert rock carvings and rock paintings, and the remains of a petrified forest. The holiday includes some walking, some of which is optional, but was necessary to see the carvings and paintings. The ascent of Dune 45 in the Kalahari is a "must-do" experience and not as bad as it looks if you take your time, for the rewards are spectacular. The desert landscapes provided a beautiful palette of colours from blacks to reds, browns and yellows, all set against deep blue skies. And, of course, you get to see some fabulous dusks and dawns during the trip, over mountains, plains and rivers. Cultural interest was provided through beautiful naive song and dance routines, the most memorable occasion being an impromptu mini concert in the Okavango Delta around the camp fire after the evening meal. Then there was a short walk with San Bushmen, who showed how it is in fact possible to create fire by rubbing two sticks together. Again, by way of contrast, the ex-colonial German settlements of Swakopmund and Windhoek have a special character to remind you of a bygone era, although hearing German being spoken by schoolchildren in the streets was quite bizarre. Along the way there are several opportunities for excursions including flights by microlight and plane (Victoria Falls) and helicopter or plane (Okavango), as well as several activities at Swakopmund such as dune buggies or a desert wildlife experience where we came across a sidewinder snake, desert jackal, colourful lizards and birds. At the Okavango I chose to take the light aircraft flight (pay by card or cash) but if you want to take photographs you need to take the somewhat pricier helicopter flight for uninterrupted views and a slower ground speed. I can't believe that we packed in so much in such a short space of time. Highly recommended, despite some uncomfortable days on the road, and a long flight from the UK.
By Christopher from Belper | 04 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great experience !
Mount Teide Weekend - Tenerife
Really great trip - we did so much in such a short period of time. Cao was an excellent guide who was clearly passionate about Tenerife - his home - and gave lots of interesting facts. He really looked after us - especially in the refuge at 3260m. Tips : bring ear plugs and eye mask for dorm. Hand warmers for the summit. Travel a day earlier and get up to Mt Teide park, and if possible go up the cable car - this will really help you acclimatise. Tickets can be pre-booked online. I found gaiters helpful to stop the small stones going into my boots.
By Andrew from Esher | 04 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great group, awesome guide.
Bulgarian Snowshoe Adventure
8 people max (constrained by van size) makes this trip close knit and as always the KE contracted guide (Ivo) was terrific. This is quite a civilized trip as hiking type trips go with a typical day consisting of breakfast at 8, out at 9 and back by 4, with enough time and elevation in between to get a decent workout in some spectacular scenery. The weather was relatively warm in Sofia and lower elevations but tons of snow at higher elevations made for great snowshoeing. Ivo did a great job of ad justing our routes and changing up days to ensure we had a decent outing every day. One note for people considering this trip - we were sort of cautioned beforehand that one of the 3 night stays was slightly rougher accommodations. This was true but it was clearly done so that we could start our outings from the front door without having to drive anywhere. furthermore, the staff there was superb, the food and rakia were good, and the room was certainly comfortable enough. highly recommended.
By Jason from WASHINGTON | 03 February 2019
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great holiday with physical challenge, local cultures, religions and history
Sri Lanka End to End Road Cycle Tour

Did need a tourist visa despite information to the contrary from KE. Also kit list from KE not specific to the trip-probably cut and pasted from another biking trip. Local agent ran the trip subcontracted by local agent, very good but communication at the start could have been better. Overall brilliant trip despite the above which could be improved.

By Susan from Oswestry | 01 February 2019

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. We are glad you had such a brilliant trip. We provide visa information for all our trips, which can be found in the 'Holiday Information' section of the individual trip pages. A visa is required for Sri Lanka and can be obtained online. The equipment list is designed for this trip and although we hope you will not require all the items on the list (for example, wet-weather gear), we advise everyone to bring these items. Better to bring them and not have to use them, rather than the other way round!

★ ★ ★
Very well organized, good trip
Guatemala's Magnificent Seven
This trip was fun. There were a lot of logistical challenges and the local guides did a fantastic job of managing all of it. They worked extremely well together, and they were really lovely guys who all worked so hard to make our trip a success. They were a very special trio that I would recommend without hesitation. The only reason this gets 3 stars from me is that I simply didn't find the hiking that good. Most climbs were jungle hikes with limited views until the summit, and a couple had sign ificant trash along the way. The volcanoes were less impressive and volcano-y than the ones in Indonesia, which are quite active and each one quite distinct. Again, this is no fault of KE or the local guides, who both did a great job.
By Leslie from BROOKLINE | 29 December 2018
Sunrise from the highest point in the Indian Ocean
Reunion Island Paradise

By Isaac from Cirencester | 24 September 2018
An Amazing Trek to Machu Pichu
Choquequirao to Machu Picchu

By Gary from Redcar | 07 August 2018
Experience of a Lifetime
Mount Toubkal in Winter

Living the dream. Successfully summited Toubkal last week. Highest peak in North Africa. Thanks to @KEAdventure for pulling this together and helping our group of 10 realise our ambitions. Highly recommended and worth all the effort. In memory of my Dad who passed away in January.

By Neal from Wirral | 13 March 2018
Top tips for Classic Paine Circuit
Patagonia - The Classic Paine Circuit
The Classic Paine Circuit holiday was outstanding.  We were very lucky for 3 reasons, the guide Diego and support Jonas were excellent, the group worked extremely well and we all walked at a similar pace and the weather was kind to us.  I thought a few tips specific to this trip might be welcomed by anyone taking this trip in the future.  Baggage needed some extra planning as the domestic flight was only 15kg vs 23kg on the international and packing for the camping element of the trek was challenging as the baggage space was minimal.  But I assure you it was all fine.  These top tips assume you are familiar with KE’s pack list for the trip.   Walking gear - re-waterproof your jacket, trousers and rucksack cover and make sure your gear (including water gloves and boots) are waterproof.  The weather is varied often very windy, can be wet, sunny and friends had snow in the past. Make sure your rucksack cover is anchored to your bag. Gaiters were useful because it was muddy coming down from John Gardiner pass.  Make sure your cap or hat can be strapped down in case it’s windy. Walking Poles - useful for the river crossings and muddy downhills. One member of our party tripped on a rock and with her hands in the pole straps she couldn’t use her arms to break the fall and fell on her face which was pretty serious.  So make sure you never walk with your hands in the straps. Food & Drink – excellent throughout.  No need to bring snacks.  Only need to bring 1 ltr bottle coz they give you one anyway and you can fill up regularly in the streams (guide will highlight any stream not suitable). Bars available in most refuges… beers and wines were about £8.50. At eco camp wine is included with the dinner and a pre-dinner drink and canapes provided during the briefings.  Cash & Credit cards– you will need Argentinian and Chilean pesos for local expenses.  Most of us had US Dollars which we used for tips but they would have welcomed Chilean pesos.  The ATMs were temperamental so would suggest taking a couple of cards and trying the various ATMs if one doesn’t work. Baggage on the trek – as you will have read two bags are given to you at the Eco camp.  Bag 1 for the first 3 nights camping then on night 3 you get given bag 2.  These are pretty small (see photo below).  I chose to take my size 10 trainers for the evening, which took up 70% of the space.   In hindsight my boots stayed dry (despite several water crossings) and with all the campsites except offering showers and dining I could have managed with flip flops. One pair of spare bottoms for the evening is fine.  I left a clean outfit in El Calafate in the hotel and some clean clothes in the Eco lodge. Showers – I had a shower 4 nights out of 5 whilst camping.  Not always mega clean and had to queue but worth it.  Take some wet wipes for any nights you can’t get into the shower. Eco-camp tour at end – take it if you are offered.  Can be done in 20mins and very interesting.
By Christine from Sunbury-on-Thames | 20 February 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing - a holiday of a lifetime
Walking New Zealand - North to South Island Explorer
The holiday was excellent from start to finish, the guides Chris Cameron and Merisha Moora worked endlessly to ensure we had the best holiday possible, they went out of their way to help whenever anyone had a medical issue to address. The itinery was excellent and we packed a lot into each day. The Guides had to alter the itinerary due to a couple of bad weather days when a cyclone passed through the island, we still made the best of those days with alternative activities/walks. Difficult to pic k out a specific highlight, but from a walking point of view the Tongariro Alpine Crossing was outstanding, especially when our trek up to Mount Roy and the trek to the Mueller hut from Lake Pukaki had to be cancelled due to the weather conditions. The section of the Able Tasman track and the catamaran sailing cruise from Torrent Bay was excellent, lovely views and excellent sailing conditions. Also the Milford Sound cruise was outstanding. Always use factor 50 sun lotion, one of our group didn't on the catamaran cruise and suffered blisters on his feet which put him out of action for several days. Also use a sun lotion with insect repellent or DEET as the sandflies can be quite troublesome. Finally all the accommodation was excellent; (on the Nidia Track at the 'On The Trail Lodge' we slept in a renovated railway carriage complete with ensuite). One of the reasons we chose this particular holiday to NZ over the competition was the fact that ALL MEALS WERE INCLUDED.
By Roy from Lytham St. Annes | 14 February 2018
★ ★ ★ ★
A great winter escape - wild remote daily walks from a comfortable villa base
Hidden Trails of Fuerteventura

A great taste of the different areas Fuerteventura has to offer - from rocky headland to wild sand dunes and spectacular calderas. Small group and flexible travelling open up possibilities for walks in areas few visitors get to. Though the walking is wild and at times exposed, the accommodation in La Oliva villa is very comfortable and evening meals always an enjoyable time to unwind. If lucky with the weather (we were) this makes a perfect winter escape

By Richard from LONDON | 07 February 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brilliant first experience of overseas group walking.
Captivating Cape Verde - Walking Holiday
Any reservations we had about joining a group walking holiday were quickly dispelled. João our Tour Guide was excellent. He was friendly, fun and very knowledgeable about the Islands and the Cape Verdian people. The Island guides on Fogo, Sao Vicente and Santo Antao were also excellent and expanded on John's knowledge. The highlight of the holiday was the climb up Pico do Fogo and the amazing area of Cha das Caldeiras. The accommodation, though simple, was comfortable and clean. As pointed out in the itinerary, hot water was not always available, but this only added to our experience. The food was excellent and in abundance. The hospitality and friendliness of the Islanders could not be faulted. The organisation of flights, bus pick-ups, ferrys and accommodation was smooth and almost without a hitch. A brilliant holiday.
By Anthony from Loughborough | 06 February 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sun, snow and slivovits!
Bulgarian Snowshoe Adventure

This is a great trip - we had an excellent week, blessed with fine, clear weather and good snow conditions. All the walks were different and the scenery is just stunning. Accommodation was comfortable (if sometimes quite basic) and we had a real feeling of getting away from it all. Our guide Ivo was friendly, reliable and considerate and looked after us well. Do heed the advice to improve fitness before you go - I didn't and suffered a little as a result!

By Caroline from Oxford | 06 February 2018
Mount Khuiten Ascent
Mount Khuiten Ascent

By Mark from United Kingdom | 05 February 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A brilliant long weekend with every weather you could imagine been thrown at us
Mount Teide Weekend - Tenerife

This trip should not be underestimated if weather conditions are poor. We had 100 km winds and driving snow at the top Long days but excellent fun I would probably rate the trip at a 7. Remember to take micro spikes just in case as these are not something you would normally associate with Tenerife. The guide, Cao, and the on-site team were excellent. A lot was learnt in such a small period of time.

By Paul from GAMLINGAY | 03 February 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A very tough, but incredible, cycling vacation
Pokhara to Kathmandu Mountain Biking
The trip was well planned by KE. Good hotels and camping spots. Our local guide was fantastic! My husband and I, along with the majority of the group, rented MTBs in Kathmandu. They worked out really well. Some people had brought their own saddles and other equipment for the bikes. We did not, but had no problems at all with the bikes. The group had a chef and his team joining the trip and they prepared excellent breakfast and dinners and sometimes lunches when we were cycling. The cycling were not very technical, but sometimes very tough due to long days with a lot of uphills. I believe quite a good physical condition is needed for this trip, but not too much technical skills. However some days we were offered to take more technical paths where some were cycling and other walking/carrying their bikes. A good mix of trails and concrete. We cycled through areas where I would not have been visiting otherwise and met the local people in all villages we cycled through. A lot of fun and super interesting. I'd recommend this trip to anyone who likes mountain biking and is up for a tough physical challenge and wants to meet great people from around the world. (we were from Sweden, Germany, England in our group)
By Sanna from STOCKHOLM | 02 February 2018
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