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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beautiful, challenging and very remote trekking Kanchenjunga National Park
Sikkim - Beneath Kangchenjunga Trek
This has to be one of the most beautiful treks in the world, with lots of steep ups and downs, through landscapes which change gradually from forests with distant views of the Himalaya, through pine and rhododendron forests, and finally into the sub arctic zone, surrounded by towering peaks such as Goeche Peak, Pandim and Kabru, and the often cloud covered Kanchenjunga. Camping and trekking above 4000m has its trials, but these were more than made up for by the amazing crew and trek leader Uden Sherpa, by the group camaraderie, and the overwhelming scenery. Recommended if you want a real adventure in real wilderness.
By David from Frome | 31 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★
great mountains
Shivling and the Source of the Ganges
This has by it's nature a few days of travel to get to the mountains but it it is split up as well as it could be between road and rail. There are also towns and villages to see with added aarti and other Hindu celebrations. Considering it is a famous pilgrim route it was bare of other trekkers or pilgrims because we went at the end of the season. The first few days are easy trekking but the days to Tapovan and return from Tapovan are on rough tracks and lots of boulder hopping. The effort is wo rth it as the views are great. Surprisingly I was equally as impressed with the Bhagirathi peaks as with Shivling. If you want a short trek with added Hindu culture I would recommend.
By Peter from Scunthorpe | 31 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Simply a gem of a trip.
Walking the Albanian Alps
This was a gem of a holiday. Just 3 hours' flying time from London, Albania offers hints of a country much further away from western Europe than it has any right to. From the traveller's point of view it offers interesting cities and friendly people, with sweeping vistas best taken in from one of the many hilltop forts. The Albanian Alps are utterly spectacular, with the boat trip in to them along Lake Koman being up there with Petra's Siq when it comes to creating a sense of anticipation. The w alking is moderately tough, taking 6-7 hours a day and generally including 800 to 1000m of climbing. But the paths are good. Albania is very forested, so quite a lot of the walks involve atmospheric descents through trees. The walker is very rarely too far from a little shack-style bar-cafe, where reasonable sustenance is to be found at a very reasonable price. The Valbona and Theti valleys have a real sense of inaccessibility. On trek the accommodation is straightforward but comfortable enough. The ancient town of Kruje is a fitting place to end the trip, with wonderful views offered from the very comfortable Panorama Hotel. The local operators are well-organised and our guide - Geri - was first class: knowledgeable, helpful and good at marshalling the group. One word to sum it up: "go"! A tip: if you take the included flights allow for a little time for the connection at Frankfurt Airport. Even with German efficiency, the 45 minutes allowed in the original booking may not be sufficient. We asked KE to book us on a flight an hour earlier out of Heathrow. This meant for an early start but also meant we had an extra hour for the connection. Others who did not have that luxury missed the onward flight to Tirana and ended up reaching the hotel in Skhodra at 2 in the morning. Manageable, were it not for the fact that the bus was due to leave just over 4 hours later.
By Michael from EDINBURGH | 30 October 2017

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. We are glad you think as highly of Albania as we do. We agree that the Lufthansa connection time at Frankfurt looks a little tight and although the airline has assured us it is sufficient, we have erred on the side of caution and will not be using Lufthansa for future groups. 

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing - better than I ever imagined
Trek Malawi's Mount Mulanje & South Luangwa
This trip was simply stunning. We had an excellent local guide, Eddie, who was passionate about his country (Malawi) and incredibly knowledgeable. We learned so much about the history, traditions and general geography of the country as well as just seeing it on the journeys from one location to another. I still can't believe how close we got to the animals on the wildlife drives, again with excellent guides. I don't know how they spot all these creatures that are hiding in the bushes, but they d o - so many animals and birds i could not hope to list them all here. When we moved on to Mulanje the mountain scenery was brilliant - like a big bright Scotland! The local guides, porters and cook were all friendly and efficient. Quite steep paths in the heat but there were lovely swimming spots to cool down in. The summit day was more of a scramble than I had expected but that suited me, i was in my element. To cap it all a lovely beach lodge, with boat trip and snorkeling - how can you get so much variety, scenery and culture in one trip! Some of the drives were quite long but there were always so many interesting things to see. Organisation was excellent throughout - I guess this is because KE seek out superb local guides. I loved every minute and am now scanning the website to find my next destination. (Hints and tips - use the kit list provided, you don't need much more than that. Be prepared for early starts and long drives. Drink lots of water, it's hot!)
By Gillian from Holmfirth | 30 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Land of the Thunder Dragon
The Snowman Trek
I had very high expectations before I left for my trip, but landing at the Paro Airport in Bhutan, flying between the high Himalayan mountain peaks, blew those expectations away. From the first day to the last day, our tour guides were amazing, and our entire staff went above and beyond to ensure that everything that was needed, and wanted, was taken care of. We were incredibly lucky to have had beautiful weather, with only one or two days of rain, and the views of the passes, valleys, rivers, a nd mountains could never be fully captured in a picture. I 100% recommend to anyone willing to sleep in a tent (a very comfortable tent, though) to go on the Snowman Trek with KE. The food was delicious, the staff was so nice and friendly, both our guide and our assistant guide were very knowledgeable and responsible, and I promise that you will not regret going on this trip. One tip would be to bring chocolate with you though, if you, like me, have chocolate cravings, as it is very hard to find in Bhutan. Other than that, bring a camera with a ton of storage, because there are endless amazing photo opportunities.
By Amie from FAIR HAVEN | 30 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A memorable, challenging experience
Bike Jordan Dead 2 Red
Where to start.. This is my fourth cycling touring holiday and I was hoping for something a little more challenging, and this one didn't disappoint From start to finish our guide Anas had everything under control. Not only is he an experienced cyclist, but a passionate Jordanian For those looking for a mix of tarmac and off road, this is the ideal compromise, with a mix of undulating single track, desert sands, demanding uphill hairpins and epic downhill blasts. The holiday is as challenging as you want it to be, if you don't do any training you'll find it tough, if you're a hard-core mountain biker it might be tame, I'm a regular road cyclist and found it to be just challenging enough on all counts. With full vehicle support you'll not be short of drinks and snacks and for anyone who finds it too challenging then the minibus follows behind, so at least you can still view the same scenery Hotel quality varies, this is a cycling holiday after all, so that's where the focus is, but the hotels & homestays are picked for their quality and quantity of food and none of which disappointed Would I go again... definitely.... with a request as Anas for the guide, his enthusiasm is relentless.
By Darren from Chatham | 30 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful Ladakh
The Markha Valley Trek

This was my third trek in Ladakh and it didn't disappoint. It has narrow valleys, wide valleys and high passes with great views of the wonderful landscape. The Buddhist culture is everywhere and we also had a chance to visit several of the locals' houses and watch them herding their sheep and goats. The food was great and the leader, Rigzin, even better with his knowledge of the area. If you want to go to India I would recommend this wholeheartedly.

By Peter from Scunthorpe | 30 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amazing trek
Jordan's Dana to Petra Trek
Our guide Murat was first-class. He was very well-informed, funny, caring, alert to everyone's needs but perhaps best of all really meant it when he welcomed us into our new family and said we should consider Jordan our second home. Somehow he managed to make all 16 of us feel happy, as well as his 4 helpers and Happy the donkey. We all got on and all felt this was such a brilliant trip...'Best ever'. The scenery was jaw-dropping, the food lovely, the organisation superb etc etc. Just remember t o heed Murat when he warns you of slippy slopes at the beginning.
By Janet from Bury | 30 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A gem of a trek
Annapurna Sanctuary and Poon Hill Trek
Easily fitted in to a two week holiday for those who have to work, this trek ticks a lot of boxes. If at all possible arriving a day early was definitely worth it. We got over the flight, had plenty of time to sort out, and time to explore too. The trail was very much busier than we had anticipated.Expect lots of people coming and going, great to have a brief chat if time allows. Every nationality, race, colour and creed are represented. Every age too from a babe in arms to well over 60. All sor ts of gear, from the well kitted out to casual shoes and a handbag. ( Definitely not recommended). The terrain is varied and quite difficult as you get higher, muddy paths, very rocky, tree roots and at one point a landslide to negotiate. And of course.. all those steps. Snow on the descent from Annapurna Base Camp made conditions tricky. However great help was received at all times from our super guide Rabi and his team, Sirdar Bhim and Sherpas Basanta and Mani. Our wonderful porters went on ahead ensuring our bags were delivered safely, and when it rained, dry. Great guide Rabi worked tirelessly from morning till night and beyond making sure we were all safe, healthy, comfortable, well fed and happy. He was in the kitchen at mealtimes checking on hygiene standards, he sorted our wi-fi, took orders for meals when we had a choice and checked on our health as we acclimatised. It was much warmer than anticipated at lower levels, be prepared for a range of temperatures. Layers, layers layers. The lodges become more basic as you get higher, but they are adequate, although struggling under the pressure of so many visitors. Wipes are essential, showers are available for a small cost but they may run out of hot water. The controls can be confusing too. Generally ignore the taps on the wall, they are obsolete, and look for the boiler! The food was good, sometimes even a choice, egg and chips was popular, proper home made chips to die for! And great pizza. Boiled safe water was available at lunch time, dinner and breakfast. Getting a visa at Kathmandu was reasonably painless, print off and fill in the single A4 form in advance, stick your photo on and when you arrive, fill in the immigration form, go to the first desk to pay your £20 and get a receipt, then proceed to the passport desk, hand over the visa form, receipt and immigration slip with your passport and the nice young man will sort it all in a couple of minutes. Your guide will be waiting for you outside to whisk you away to a delightful Hotel. ( We stayed at the Yak and Yeti). Beware prices of drinks and food! What is shown on the menu is not what you pay! Service charge and tax add nearly 25% to that. Wine is prohibitive, but hey ho, what the heck, we are on our holidays! Cheers folks what are you waiting for? Go and enjoy...
By Patricia from Kirkby-in-Furness | 30 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stunning scenery with steps!
Annapurna Sanctuary and Poon Hill Trek
We had a fantastic time the scenery was spectacular and the sun gods on our side. The KE guide Rinji was great from meeting us at the airport to keeping us happy on trek. The assistant guides and porters were excellent. We were not seasoned walkers so did some training beforehand which paid off although you cannot fully prepare for steps and more steps. Yes there is a lot of up and down steps throughout the trip but we all coped and made it to ABC and back. We ate huge amounts of food all good a nd still lost a few pounds. The weather was pretty hot on most days so shirt sleeves quick drying tops recommended and only needed some warm clothes at the top.( If going in October.) We were fortunate with no rain and pretty clear skies most days. The scenery was fantastic from; the rice fields and terraces of the valley, to the rhododendron forests (not in flower till spring), jungle, bamboo, to the open valley by the Modi Khola and the more sparse landscapes of basecamp and the moraine and snowy mountains of the Sanctuary. First trip to Nepal and first with KE I can highly recommend. We also saw monkeys!!
By Isla from Bristol | 30 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A wonderful walking holiday broken up with a very scenic train journey.
Lake Como and St Moritz
Our guide Furio was excellent, very accommodating and was able to change the itinerary when the weather turned poor, even when the group had opposing opinions. The walking days were fairly strenuous and many of the team believed it should be graded as more than a 4 star trip. There was not a lot of downtime. The hotel in Lake Como was small but clean and pleasant and the breakfasts were good. The accommodation in St.Mortiz is more of an upmarket hostel. It appeared very sparse but was roomier th an the Italian offering, clean and warm. The team bought public travel tickets on arriving in St.Mortiz, since we used public transport throughout. This was a cheap way of getting around. It also meant you could use the Funicular and Cable Car free of charge, if you had time on the last day. This was a saving of 70 - 80 Swiss Francs and worth doing. Overall a wonderful holiday with fantastic views.
By Simon from Belfast | 29 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An excellent trip providing wonderful trekking and 2fascinating Tibetan villages
Hidden Valleys of Naar and Phu

This is a great short trip, although the jeep journeys are a bit uncomfortable at times.The view from the Kang La is stunning and the villages of Nar and Phu are beautiful and fascinating. We saw very few other trekkers once we were away from the Annapurna Circuit. It's also great that the trek still uses tents as these are far cosier than lodges!

By Peter from AYR | 29 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So proud & privileged to have done the GR20. Surpassed expectations. Fantastic!
GR20 Corsica - The Complete Route
GR20 is something I've always wanted to do. I have travelled a fair amount but never with a guided group or as a 'single' before. It was a spur of the moment decision to book with KE as I thought this may the only way I would get to go before my knees got past it or waited until friends could join me. I wasn't disappointed. For once, having someone else take care of everything was a real treat. The group of 10, 5 male, 5 female all ages got along very well, no misfits. Paulin our guide was fanta stic, friendly, caring, couldn't do enough to please. He lived locally (French Corsican), spoke excellent English and had great knowledge of flora and fauna in the mountains as well as history of Corsica. The trek was demanding with some longish days and some very early starts but walking under the moon and stars to be greeted by some wonderful dawns and sunrises made it even more special. The scenery was second to none so if used to exposure, walking/scrambling on steep, sometimes rough ground you can't fail to enjoy this trek just to be in such a stunning enviroment. Yes, huts/facilties can be basic and breakfasts simple (often just bread and jam) but as expected when refuges are remote. I guess for people never having done this sort of thing before they could be disappointed. However, food was plentiful along the way and we were never hungry. Regular snack stops to top up the energy. For me the beauty of going on a guided trip was not having to worry about finding/booking accommodation en route, worrying about water supplies (I had heard lack of water could have been a problem). Having all the local knowledge of the guide: where you could get a phone signal for weather forecasts etc. When a storm came in, the guide knew best how to adjust the itinary accordingly to ensure everyone's safety. Our guide was also great at keeping everyone going at a good pace in between breaks to to ensure we all got from place to place in reasonable time. (Some days were long and classed as 'double days' in order to complete the trek in 2 weeks). Apart from the hotel stays, breakfasts and evening meals were taken inside the refuges but sleeping was mainly outside in tents rather than the refuges themselves. I had no problem with this and felt it hugely decreased the likelihood of being bitten by bed bugs. I had got a little phobic about this before the trip as I know bedbugs can be a problem in some places. I did spray a repellent over my sleeping bag, liner as a precaution. I can happily report that none of our group experienced the dreaded critters. Other advice: Good and not too well used boots. 5/10 of the group had problems with their boots beginning to fall apart, (gaffer tape, cable ties, glue all came in handy) as the terrain is rather unforgiving. September was a great time for pleasant temperatures. There was one non pole user in the group, (never used or needed before) but by the end of the trip was having knee/leg problems. Would definitely advise everyone take a pair as a fall back. My biggest dread was not being able to finish because of knee pain....yes, as the days went by they were giving me some stick on the downhills but with poles, strapping and antiinflammatories I made it, loved it, cream crackered by the end but would do it all again. It's a shame Easy Jet only fly once a week to Bastia from UK but if anyone had the time or arrived via France staying on an extra few days for some r and r by the coast, exploring the islands in the south, Cap Corse in the north or a vineyard tour would be the icing on the cake. I'll just have to go back! Thank you KE...what next to top this trip? :)
By Claire from Kendal | 27 October 2017
★ ★ ★
Not What I expected
Bali and Java – Cycle the Islands of the Gods
My wife and I have been on a fair number of group cycling holidays. This was our first with KE and while we enjoyed the holiday generally regrettably I must state that we were disappointed with it in several respects. 1. Before deciding to book we read the trip notes in detail. In particular we noted that “90% of the cycling route is tarmac, although some of this may be in poor condition”. This turned out to be quite misleading. In fact approximately one third of the route, by my calculation was completely off road, a lot of it through paddy fields, narrow tracks, very steep in places and dangerous for anyone, such as ourselves not experienced mountain bikers. This was especially the case on day 10 when we descended 663 metres (200 on the trip notes) down a steep perilous dirt track, all the more so because of recent heavy rain. Frankly my wife and I were scared stiff on this descent and I lost count of the number of times I got/fell off the bike. I was lucky to escape with only minor cuts, bruises and bruised ribs. 2. Your grading for this holiday is 4 out of 12, putting it very much at the lower end of the scale. This is also quite misleading. A more accurate grade would be 7. Indeed the German couple on the trip, told us that their Company graded it as moderate/challenging. 3. While I appreciate that some deviation from the notes is inevitable, the extent of this, on this holiday was annoying to say the least. Indeed our guide seemed to know nothing about the notes and any reference to them drew a totally blank response from him. 4. I would rate the guide/leader as at best average. His communication skills were poor and he seemed to lose interest quite early on, perhaps because, (a) we were a small group of 7 and this was bound to effect the tip he could expect or (b) it was the end of the season and he wanted to get home. In any event, after the first few days he did not really engage with the group in any meaningful way. 5. The Camp Site we stayed on day 8 was not fit for purpose, even by local standards. The toilet and washing facilities were non existent. In addition the tents were much too small. 6. I do not want to be completely negative in my comments. Bali and east Java are great places to visit. The Hotels we stayed in were by and large very satisfactory. The snorkelling off Menjangan Island and the trek up to the Devils Mine were definitely highlights
By John from CRAIGAVON | 26 October 2017

KE Adventure reply

Thank you for your review. We are sorry that the holiday was not what you expected. We had to change some of the itinerary for your trip as a result of the increased seismic activity of Mount Agung, but overall the terrain was the same with possibly less tarmac. Your guide has reported that the unseasonal rains this October meant that the trails required more care than usual and we were sorry to learn of your several slips. We have looked carefully at the grade of this trip and feel it is about right. Although our German partners have a different type of grading system, their technical grade for this holiday is 2 on a scale of 5 which is about the same as our 4 on a scale of 12. In the interest of balance we must point out that your guide, Wayan, received excellent feedback from other members of your group.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent mix of sailing and walking
Greek Island Odyssey
Dimitri, our tour leader was attentive without smothering our adventure. Very knowledgable about all Greek island things and helpful in every way. Organised everything for us so a very relaxed break away. Lucas, our second walking guide was outstanding in all things out doors. Very experienced and professional. Nothing would phase Lucas. Always had a glint in his eye when talking about anything. Quietly enthusiastic which was infectious. He almost made me think I should run a mountain ultra mara thon with him - almost. Alex was our boat skipper and he knew his stuff. Even in a force 7 (our first sailing day!) he calmly went about bringing our magnificent boat to harbour. Finally, our home for the week was very comfortable with ensuite accomodation. Yes, each cabin had a bathroom. Such luxury. We were blessed with wonderful blue skies, literaly empty beaches and the clearest of water. Walks were over the hiills, through whitewashed villages with blue painted doors and windows. Just like the brochure shows. Fantastic break with a fantastic local crew Mike Walker
By Michael from Marlow | 25 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★
Volcano summit! Hot and whiffy
Mount Teide Weekend - Tenerife
Everything happened as it should, more or less, a few circumstantial hiccups, but nothing to do a big bottom lip about. Maybe the cold shower was just refreshing. A path was closed so we couldn't do the exact itinerary, but maybe we got the bettter option - especially with a novice trekker on board (not me, I think). Shame it was a little cloudy as it spoiled our sunrise summit, but at least I didn't burn up. Amazing landscape, being in a volcano. Enjoyed the local food. Our Guide knew his stuff , and even helped me find my end of break accommodation when the long weekend had ended. Brilliant taster for another holiday doing more adventurous things like snorkelling, canyoning, cycling or even more trekking on different parts of the island.
By Robin from DERBY | 24 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An interesting, varied and challenging holiday in a great country
Bali and Java – Cycle the Islands of the Gods
Although primarily a cycling holiday, this trip had plenty of other interesting aspects, such as river rafting, a walk to the rim of mount Ijen in Java, some general sightseeing and nights spent camping and in a homestay. I particularly like off-road cycling (as I feel safer away from cars and trucks), so the itinerary, for example around rice fields and through coffee and cocoa plantations and forests, was often just right for me. I took a week at the end to climb Rinjani and visit the Gili isl ands, which was also very worthwhile.
By Clive from Ashford | 24 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awsome Experiance! Fantastic Guide!
Annapurna Circuit and Annapurna Sanctuary

Raj from KE was the best guide that I have ever had the privilege to Trek with. This was a fantastic trip. If you want to experience trekking in Nepal and can't decide between the Sanctuary and the Circuit, this is the trip for you. Everybody in our group had a wonderful time. 5 starts to Raj and KE.

By Bruce from Colfax | 24 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Exceeded expectations
Balkan Trilogy Road Cycle Tour

A really great week with an unexpected bonus of late October sun. Cycling was perfect and as described with stunning views and locations. Our trusty and informative guides Darko and Ivo were excellent and really looked after us.

By Lester from Chelmsford | 23 October 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fantastic trek with fantastic crew
Annapurna Sanctuary and Poon Hill Trek

We have been very impressed with the professionalism an attention to detail during every aspect of our Annapurna Sanctuary trek. The guide Rinji was very patient and attentive to all members of the group. We had a brilliant time, food was excellent and the trek was good value for money. We would have no hesitation to recommend KE to friends and will look to use them again in the future. Shirley and Steve

By Shirley from Stockton-on-Tees | 23 October 2017
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